What does everyone do for a living?



  • DOROTHY1034
    DOROTHY1034 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a Registered Nurse. I actually started putting on the weight while I was going to nursing school back in the early 90s. Then after I got my license I started working nightshift. Spend more time behing the desk doing paperwork. When I was a nursing assistant I was busy and active pretty much the entire shift and I really feel that helped me from putting on weight. No longer on nights so am really trying to get all this weight off, that I put on.
  • Mizzy91
    Mizzy91 Posts: 63
    I'm a legal secretary...I don't actually enjoy my job and am in ht eprocess of changing my career path down the counselling route :bigsmile:
  • Criminal investigator. I locate people and then sick the dogs on em'
    I love my job :)
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Firefighter, first responder, paramedic, Rescue Specialist
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I'm a personal assistant working with disabled people. I just started the job a few weeks ago. I was a stay at home mom.
  • mrsmcg97
    mrsmcg97 Posts: 53 Member
    Hairstyling instructor...Im on my feet all day but not enough activity to call it active lol
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    I sell vehicles at an 8 acre dealership in which I do a lot of walking around those 8 acres. I don't log that walking cause I have accounted for it in my settings, that I'm generally pretty active.
  • glengiles
    glengiles Posts: 147
    I'm self employed; I own a music store.
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    I am a Team Manager(Digital Marketing for a beeeeeeg US company) so that basically means I sit on a revolving chair for 9 hours and do typing.

    Also I use stairs in office 2 times a day(11th floor) and do walking for about 2+ km total..... and if I am in a mood I touch weights 1-2 times a week. :yawn: :bigsmile:
  • best way to measure that would be buying one of those things that count the steps you take and it'll let you know how much calories you have burn :)
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I'm a registered nurse case manager for a hospice. I haven't decided if it is considered an active job yet because I do a lot of driving and walking to get from my car into the facilities and houses I see my patient in. I started using an activity watch one week ago and found some days i was rated extremely active and other days rated good day. My watch will read in this order 1. lazy day, 2. easy day, 3. good day, 4. active and 5. extremely busy day. I've decided to try to get the watch to read active to extremely active to get my cardio up and calories burned.
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    Registered Nurse working 12 hr nights in the surgical/trauma ICU and i am always on me feet, and I stay very active at work...I only wish for slow nights in the ICU...sometimes but not often!!!

    Hi all...I am starting a Turbo fire Challenge group on Aug 6...if anyone wants to join pls do...If your new to TF, restarting after a failed attempt or a grad of TF and would like to do it again. If you dont have TF and would like to get if for the trial offer of $14.95 pls inbox me or visit...otherwise...come on peeps and lets get it started. I also have a group on FB called Fiya Starters that you can join if you would like...lots of good support, motivation and discussions from people doing TF....
  • Sllandsc
    Sllandsc Posts: 8
    I'm a histotechnologist in a research lab. I sit the majority of the time, so I've been trying to fit in walks during my breaks.
  • dirtydmvkid
    dirtydmvkid Posts: 184
    Uncle Sam has his leash tightly around my neck. Working IT in an office setting so I'm not too active during working hours.
  • Kreacher12
    Kreacher12 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm retired for the moment. Not sure how long that will last in today's economy. Live in the country (read: Between "Where the heck am I?" and "Nottadamnthing"). I also maintain my web site. (countystation.com).
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    Disaster Response. :smokin:
  • 19nelly67
    19nelly67 Posts: 1
    Work for a health insurance company.:smile:
  • AutoCAD + SAP + Piping Design & Drafting + Field hand = Jill of all trades in Engineering Technical Services
  • Lighting Designer/Engineer/Sales Rep.. I design lighting for Retail Chains, Trendy Restraunts, Etc... I created this job myself, with a little bit of art, a little bit science, and a good work ethic.. AND.. I work from HOME..! Dont Hate me for it..lol
  • writergirljodie
    writergirljodie Posts: 19 Member
    I'm a freelance writer so I don't have steady work all the time. My days are determined by how much work I have and what other errands I have to run for the family. I never count anything I do while I'm "working" hoping that whatever I do get in will be a little extra. That's why I usually schedule in some kind of high intensity workout, whether it's cardio or strength training, I want to make sure I'm getting in plenty of real exercise. But if I had your job, I may think differently about the whole thing. Good luck!