The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • mercikaleb
    mercikaleb Posts: 14
    they tell you that it's important to tell people you are losing weight and on a diet/lifestyle change
    but that doesnt always help.

    I find it easier NOT to tell anyone in my life.
    And simply use online resources

    Less pressure.

    People start telling you HOW to eat, HOW much to LOSE and talk waaaaaaay too much about weight and your body once you tell them.

    PLUS when you cheat or go off the wagon they make you feel like the BIGGEST LOSER and not in a good way.
  • angeeishere
    angeeishere Posts: 89 Member
    "I liked you better when you were fatter than me." -very good friend

    Um... Thanks? If our friendship hinges on that, I think we should see other people.

  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I have mostly gotten compliments, but the most popular comment has been, 'What kind of pills are you taking?' 'You can stop losing weight now' and 'What size do you wear?'

    When people just 'out the blue' throw out meant comments to you, it's because they are miserable themselves and they are trying to share that misery. When they look at me, they see what they can do and that will either inspire them or insult them.

    I take the all in stride and smile..
  • Soulflwr
    Soulflwr Posts: 49 Member
    The craziest comment I've gotten is "Oh you're losing weight? I didn't notice...."
    :huh: what?
    You meant to tell me out of the 20lbs I've can't see any difference?
    :grumble: hater.
  • milleyea
    milleyea Posts: 95 Member
    My typical lunch (at work) is vegetable soup (so filling!). When my coworkers (all female) asked why I eat mostly vegetables, I told them that I was trying to lose weight. The oldest one (who is known for making the rudest comments) said to me: "You ain't gonna lose no weight! You gonna DIE FAT!!!"

    WTH?! :noway: I'm gonna die fat?! Who says things like this???

    Oh, wait. She does.

    Meanwhile her belly and butt have gotten noticeably larger over the past year......

    Well, I'll just going to keep at it. I'm already down 10 pounds and she's up about 10. :laugh:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am in the middle of losing a lot of weight that I have carried all my life. It's noticeable. Most people say something along the lines of, "Wow, you look great!" which is a wonderful boost for me. Plus it has the added benefit of allowing me to either say "thank you" and move on, or to open up a discussion about it if I so choose.

    It's amazing to me what some people have said to me though! Many people will come up to me in the hall at work, and instead of saying "hi" will say, "So how much weight have you lost?" I am not comfortable giving my number out to everyone, because I still have a long way to go, and frankly, it's still embarrassing to me that I had so much to lose in the first place. I had one person who could not let it go (and this was someone I can NOT stand under the best of circumstances!). When he asked how much I had lost, I just replied "a lot." He kept on asking "so how much is a lot?" Seriously! Why does it matter!?

    When I first started losing weight, people would ask me if I was losing weight. I learned to answer, "Yes, I am certainly trying to!" because if I just said "yes" it was following with something like "have you been sick?"

    Many people want to know what I am doing. I have started making stuff up, because no one believes that I could just change my eating habits and exercise routine and have any success. I told someone once that I had been hypnotized. Haha!

    My favorite is the woman who said "I didn't know you had weight loss surgery!" Yeah...I didn't. How uncomfortable.

    What is the craziest thing that someone has said to you while you were losing weight?

    I am a goofball so I use humor.

    How much did you lose? "One MILLION pounds" :laugh: with my pinky by my mouth like in Austin Powers.

    I have come to the conclusion, people do not think before they speak. Fortunately, I realize I do the same thing so let it slide:happy:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    I just spread my own rumors and would love to hear them get back to me. I would tell people i had an internal flesh eating disease. That was my favorite. That flesh eating disease was called excercise but non of them knew until I reached my goal that is when I told the truth about how I lost it. When you start rumors like that people were to affraid to ask about it.

    I LOL'd at this. :smile:
  • michellevine1
    michellevine1 Posts: 185 Member
    Whats your secret? Agree - No secret clubs! :)
  • Hi,

    I have to agree with you on this! I, too, am nor comfortable getting attention or being noticed now that I am losing weight. I am ME...always have been always will be...Now that I am getting thinner I am more interesting????
    I have not always been heavy and I lost friends when I gained weight....My true friends are those that have stuck with through thick and thin!
  • Stefxtastic
    Stefxtastic Posts: 17 Member

    I'll tell you the ones that get to me, though:

    (Not a question, but a comment) "I don't see why you think you need to lose so much. You're not fat." Bless your heart...I DO own a mirror. I'm just fat, not blind or stupid.

    My family and husband use this one.. It just makes me so mad. I know I am fat and I am acknowledging it so why do they feel the need to lie about it to our faces? So irritating!!
  • run17
    run17 Posts: 27
    I agree- people should just keep their trap shut sometimes! A compliment is nice but asking for numbers is rude! I usually stay within in a 10 lb. range of my weight but sometime it creeps up a little higher. When it does- i take it off. Once a man at the gym said- you look like you lost 50 lbs. How rude! I only lost about 15. When people lose a lot of weight- I always say- you look great- keep it up! I never ask for numbers on the scale or measurements. it is rude. Everyone's body is different. I think if you are making an effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle. That is all that is important.
  • run17
    run17 Posts: 27
    LOL- That is hysterical and so rude!
  • Cliszew
    Cliszew Posts: 5
    I tell people that its my dream to finish college but I can't afford food and I have to work so hard that I don't have time for a job. Cha-Ching!

    I just joined MFP but went from 212 to 168 lbs. since August 2011.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I get the "you're getting too skinny" comment now. Um...still in the overweight BMI thanks.

    Also I hate when people comment on what I eat. Sometimes its "that's all you're gonna eat?? you eat like bird" Followed by "you can't eat that cake, you're on a diet" the next day. Make up your mind people. It's all about eating filling/healthy foods in abundance and having a something like cake in moderation. Not rocket science.
  • alliewowie
    alliewowie Posts: 31
    A male co-worker looked at me and said "Not that I was looking, but your *kitten* is getting smaller" :P
  • Jalare
    Jalare Posts: 103
    Late last year I had knee surgery and gained back about 20lbs. I was not watching what I ate most of the time and couldn't exercise for a while, except for therapy. No excuses here. It is what it is. The gain of course was noticable. Recently someone approached me and said, "You're losing again. What are you doing? Oh the same thing" all in the same breath. As if they were disappointed. The funny thing is my brother, who heard this person ask, was more offended by the comment than I was. In fact, it kinda went over my head. He was heated. I have asked this person many times to join me when I go walking but no go. As many on here have said, they are waiting to hear about the magic pill or potion. They don't want to hear how hard you work for this.

    The other thing; people are always calling me skinny or slim. STOP THAT!! I'm am nowhere near skinny. I know this, you know this. I'm smaller than before, not skinny. I'm proud of what I've done, but it sometimes makes me very uncomfortable.
  • karolineoberhaus
    karolineoberhaus Posts: 10 Member
    I am in the middle of losing a lot of weight that I have carried all my life. It's noticeable. Most people say something along the lines of, "Wow, you look great!" which is a wonderful boost for me. Plus it has the added benefit of allowing me to either say "thank you" and move on, or to open up a discussion about it if I so choose.

    It's amazing to me what some people have said to me though! Many people will come up to me in the hall at work, and instead of saying "hi" will say, "So how much weight have you lost?" I am not comfortable giving my number out to everyone, because I still have a long way to go, and frankly, it's still embarrassing to me that I had so much to lose in the first place. I had one person who could not let it go (and this was someone I can NOT stand under the best of circumstances!). When he asked how much I had lost, I just replied "a lot." He kept on asking "so how much is a lot?" Seriously! Why does it matter!?

    When I first started losing weight, people would ask me if I was losing weight. I learned to answer, "Yes, I am certainly trying to!" because if I just said "yes" it was following with something like "have you been sick?"

    Many people want to know what I am doing. I have started making stuff up, because no one believes that I could just change my eating habits and exercise routine and have any success. I told someone once that I had been hypnotized. Haha!

    My favorite is the woman who said "I didn't know you had weight loss surgery!" Yeah...I didn't. How uncomfortable.

    What is the craziest thing that someone has said to you while you were losing weight?

    I am a goofball so I use humor.

    How much did you lose? "One MILLION pounds" :laugh: with my pinky by my mouth like in Austin Powers.

    I have come to the conclusion, people do not think before they speak. Fortunately, I realize I do the same thing so let it slide:happy:

    I am SO SO SO gonna use this one!
  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    Dude..okay.. this woman who I know through mutual friends works at Target and I saw her a couple weeks ago.. it had been about a year since I saw her last, and 75 pounds were missing from me.. this was the conversation:

    Her: "Wow, when did you have your baby? You look great!"
    Me: " Huh? I haven't been pregnant in almost 5 years."
    Her: "..oh..last time I saw you, I thought you were preg--um--you look great!"

    lovely. haha
  • I love this one..." You are really pretty...never noticed it before". Of course you didnt notice my beauty because my weight was all you saw!! :noway:
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    I like "dont lose too much!"
    If I EVER have that problem I will take pleasure in putting it back on :) That would be a dream come true, lol!