


  • Lol I am sorry I just had to open this blog because it said beer lol. Well good luck with your journey. Hope you achieve all your goals.
  • helenlp83
    helenlp83 Posts: 67
    I now drink just on the weekend and only have 2-3 bottles of beer. Sometime sI have to do extra exercise for it to fit in my allwoance but it's so worth it. Nothing better than ice cold beer on a hot day :drinker:
  • b1t3m3
    b1t3m3 Posts: 47
    This is my weak spot as well. I love a good, dark beer. Like misskortney we homebrew, so it's always around. So far my compromise has been cutting back, by limiting myself to no more than 12 oz a night (yeah, that sounds bad... I don't drink EVERY night). It will probably slow down my weight loss, but the idea of going alcohol free will probably stop me altogether.
  • ucpg
    ucpg Posts: 158
    yeh i pretty much only 'showed up' to this thread cause it said beer. lol
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I used to have beer binges & drank 12 bottles of beer in one sitting whenever I'm at a gathering but since I got diabetic so I have to stop although I still drink red wine but in moderation as long as it fits in my calorie goals.
  • bozmog
    bozmog Posts: 3
    Ugh! The Bud 55 is like drinking water. Beer is my downfall too. It does just boil down to whether you want to be slim more than you want that beer! It's just so relaxing at the end of a long day!
  • bozmog
    bozmog Posts: 3
    Bud 55 is like drinking water!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I'm in favor of beer, and wine, and tequila, and....everything else too. I will allow myself 1 drink if I budget the calories for it (usually only 100-150 depending on the poison), and limit myself to 1 party night (possible binge) every 2 weeks. During football season, I make sure to run about 5-8 miles pre-game to earn myself 2-3 hours of beer! :drinker: