230lbs - looking for people around the same weight to join s



  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    wtg mande!!

    Bailey - its def not to late to join, glad to have you!!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks, Tara. :smile:

    Today was not good diet-wise. Work was very long, busy and stressful (I work for my in-laws, 'nuff said!) and I had a class tonight and no time to run home between work and said class. Hardly ate today, haven't even gotten half of the water I'd like... just not a good day. It's way late, but I just now finally got home and I'm going to eat something anyway and try and get in some more water and... start again and do better tomorrow!


    At least I got in my exercise this morning... today is the perfect example of why I get my exercise out of the way first thing!

    G'night, all. Catch you on the flip side.
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    today was shot for me exercise wise. i ate great though, lol! i deep cleaned the house, and walked to and from walmart so thats gotta count for something! i tried getting a video in today but the kids just weren't having it. every time i tried to turn it on they'd start getting into things or want me to play lol!

    going to curves tomorrow. and i guess i'm going to have to start getting my *kitten* outta bed in the morning and do my vids then before they get up lol!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    Weigh in tomorrow! i hope that everyones been doing good and gets what their wanting on the scale! :)
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Weighing in -- start weight 204.8 lbs, current weight 199.8!! Woohoo! (And my inner monologue starts chanting, "Please don't go back up, please don't go back up... " I cannot count how many times I've dropped just below 200, then gone up 3 or 4 or 8 lbs and stayed there for months. Arg!)

    I'm sure this nice drop can be attributed mostly to water-weight, as I've not only started a new exercise program but also dramatically changed my diet and upped my water intake, and my body has probably been purging itself of sodium and other nastiness. Still it's nice to see the scale go down so dramatically the first week. It will be interesting to see next week's results, whether there will be another significant drop, or whether the weight is going to start stabilizing down closer to 1-2 lbs. Still, if I could drop another 4-5 lbs by Dec. 23rd that'd put me down an entire pant size for Christmas vacation (going to San Diego with the hubby/in-laws). I would be 15 lbs lighter than the last time I was in SD (a year ago, January).

    Exercised both days over the weekend; ate okay, but had bigger meals spaced farther (mostly due to sleeping late and having less time to eat). Today I'm getting right back to my 5 smaller meals spaced out throughout the day.

    Not exercising this morning -- the knees have been getting progressively more sore each day for the last 3 or 4 days now. I may do 30 day shred tonight after work if my knees are okay, otherwise I'm taking a day off. I've been icing my knees, but it doesn't seem to be doing a lot of good. Hopefully a little rest is all they need.

    Got the hubby to sign up with a MFP account, so small victory there! I don't know how much he'll use it, but now we know what his daily calorie requirements are, and that's enough to help me make sure he's eating right.

    I hope everyone else has happy results! :flowerforyou:

    Happy Monday, all!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Great job, fit_in_2010! Definitely watch those knees! I was running and walking too often a few weeks ago and I ended up having to take an entire week off. Now I run 3x a week and my knees have been fine. Not only did I switch to just running 3x week, but I also had to change what I was doing on the other days to be as low impact as possible. So, now I run 3x week and bike 4x week. along with occasional workout dvds and strength training. My knees started off slightly sore and progressively got so bad I could hardly walk.

    Last Tuesday I was at 236.0 (the scale was being weird last week :laugh:) and today I'm at 232.0! I was at 233.6 last Friday so I'm definitely happy about 232!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    great job guys!!

    Last week didn't go as well as planned. mother nature dropped my lovely gift by and i ended up eating more and having chocolate :( but at least the scale didn't go up.

    Last week: 234
    this week: 233

    only a 1lb loss, but at least its not a gain!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Jib and Tara -- Nice losses, ladies!

    Jib -- I hear ya about the knees. I'm definitely going to take it a little easy. Better to ease up than to sustain and injury and not work out at all!

    Tara -- you had chocolate and STILL lost, that's a win-win in my book. :wink: Way to go!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    lol mande - i was pretty happy about that!

    i'd love to get a treadmill and start the couch to 5k again, but i have horrible knees. i tried it before and did week 1 and 2 and then it got to be too much. my knees were sore all the time and it hurt to walk lol!
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    Weigh in time!

    Last week: 220

    This week: 217

    Keep up the great work everyone! We can get there together!
  • Hey guys everyone is doing great!!!!

    Last week 246 This week 245.5 not a big losss but not gaining so thats good!!!
  • tke1028
    tke1028 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey~I just saw this awesome post.Can I join in also or is it too late?I started working out hard and using my fitness pal for calorie count last March when the scale hit 263...awww!!!!I had just turned 44 and did not want to be this old and out of shape for the rest of my life.I lost 30lbs by July...yay!!!But then I had 2 surgeries in July(bladder) and hyster in Aug.I gained back 15 lbs.Now almost 3 1/2 months since last surgery... I finally feel like I am ready to start back on my journey.I know it can be done but is not easy.I am weighing in today at 249.
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    You are more than welcome to join us! We are glad to have you!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    tke - welcome! its def not to late, we'd be glad to have you!

    i feel like this week is going great already and it just started lol! i didn't get my exercise vid in this morning (i was up forever last night with my son) and then had to clean the house ect today. but i did walk to the grocery store - about a 20 min walk, then walked around there for over 1.5 hours....so that counts right, lol!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    erin - wtg on the 3lbs thats awesome!

    brandy - i'm the same way even if its not a big loss as long as its not a gain i'm happy lol!
  • I hope it is not too late. I am 29 yrs old and I weigh 254 lbs. I would like to lose 2 lbs a week. My birthday is in June and I will turn 30. I want to lose 50 lbs. I am going to try the couch to 5k. I am starting this today. So wish me luck. Has anyone done this before?
  • I hope it is not too late. I am 29 yrs old and I weigh 254 lbs. I would like to lose 2 lbs a week. My birthday is in June and I will turn 30. I want to lose 50 lbs. I am going to try the couch to 5k. I am starting this today. So wish me luck. Has anyone done this before?
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    not to late to join, welcome!!

    i was trying the couch to 5k program, but it got to be to hard on my knees so i had to call it quits. i'm hoping as i lose weight my joints can relax or something and i can take up running. i loved the feeling after i had completed each day! i think if you're really serious and apply yourself you could def lose 50lbs by june. good luck!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i feel like i've been doing great this week! i made it outside to do my walking, i've made it to curves 3x this week like i'm supposed to....and i've even been eating great and getting my water in every day! i hope the scale reflects how i've been doing this week lol!

    today is a challenge day for me though. i'm leaving here in about an hour and having a FULL day of shopping. i have almost NO xmas shopping done and today is my only day to do it without the kids, so i'm in for the long haul lol! i've had breakfast, but lunch (and possibly but i really hope not, dinner) is going to be eating out. there are so many choices at the mall...but thankfully they have a subway there. right now my plan is to have subway (which i LOVE) i only hope i don't made a bad decision and decide on a blizzard or something for dessert lol!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    home from shopping!! i left my house at 9:30 this morning, and didn't get home until 8:30 lol! i did pretty good eating wise, had a banana and icecap for breakfast, subway for lunch....dinner i had mcd's fries though lol! feeling a little tipsy now tho.....cause i had a few drinks after putting the kids to bed lmao!
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