Bikini Babes - December



  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I hit under 160 today! Im at 159.6! I will never be in the 160s again! Hopefully.

    Good for you! I'm glad we've been able to make this our week!
  • porterbaby38
    i feel alittle bit better now since i exercise twice today. earlier i did jillian micheals fat burner. then later i work on the pilates machine, bike. floor exercises and worked on my husbands weight machine. and then did stretches. i'm so determined to get into that size six better. after christmas we're going to texas, so i'll definitely get my walking in. i'll be walking our dog too. plus i'm taking my exercise tapes with me and my accessories i need to help me lose this weight to reach my goal next summer.
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    Wow! thanks you guys!!! I love the support <3
  • stffunny
    stffunny Posts: 22 Member
    SW 190
    LW 178
    CW 178

    I didn't lose any but i did find out i lost a pant size and 2 shirt i may not have lost but i did feel good about myself....Good luck ladies...keep up the great work.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Saturday, December 12th Weigh In

    Starting Weight: 193
    Bikini Babe Start: 179
    Last Week: 171.5
    This Week: 169

    This week loss: -2.5
    Bikini Babe total loss: -10
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Eeeek, CW: 165.2. Gained this week! Damn, all that chocolate caught up :p

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • porterbaby38
    i couldn't weight myself today. that TOM. i'll weight myself when i end. then i'll post it. good luck on who ever win this weeks weigh -in. plus good luck to everyone on their goals.
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    BikiniBabesweightloss-10.8 lbs!!!

    2.9lbs lost this week! and I even gained a bunch overnight, which I dont really understand. Yesterday I went shopping for over 5 hrs straight and hardly ate yesterday, but maybe thats why. Oh well, hopefully this will be the last time weighting in in the 160s! I was in the 150s yesterday...
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Starting Weight: 245
    Bikini Babe Start: 203
    Last Week: 200
    This Week: 199.8

    This week loss: -0.2
    Bikini Babe total loss: 3.2
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    So no challenge this week?
    maybe it should just be to take it easy on the food this week with Christmas coming. Be conscious of what your eating, and if you go over, make up for it!
    Well you know, something like that, lol

    I wonder how much I'll gain by next weigh in?...
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Ok, I know that this may sound awful, but I will be somewhat glad when Christmas is over. The last few weeks I have just been so busy!! I feel like I have been going full tilt with no time to stop. But, I do love the family and friends and visiting of Christmas.

    Anyways..... here are the results for last week:

    Blondie925 - 0.10%
    savvystephy - 1.45%
    Hailey - 1.77%
    sjmay - 0.32%

    Big congratulations to Hailey for winning this week! I feel like there were fewer of us this week, so I apologize if I somehow missed calculating this week's loss.

    I hope everyone has very Happy and Safe Holidays :drinker:
  • porterbaby38
    congradulations hailey. can wait to see what the challenge is.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I hit under 160 today! Im at 159.6! I will never be in the 160s again! Hopefully.

    Hailey! YOu are so awesome!!!! I am so glad that I popped into this thread today.... I needed to hear someone's GREAT NEWS so badly!!! I have been running so CRAZY this whole month that I have just put myself and my goals on the back shelf... So, I have not been eating or exercising like I should have been.... Its crazy!!!! And such a vicisous cycle!! I LOVE the holdays!!! I really do, but I am ready for them to be over so I can feel somewhat normal and get myself back on track! I have just been really disappointed with myself... So, it really did me good to get on here today and see you reaching your goals... Its exciting!! And I want to be there too!!!! THank you!
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    Holy! thats so weird that I won this week! lol I had no idea, and I just thought that this week was sort of a freebie, but overall, since it being Christmas and all, we should make our own to watch what we eat, etc! (you know what i mean, hopefully, lol)

    Well Im supprised I won. I and dont know if I'll win again! lol, jk. I just feel like I'm falling off the wagon a bit lately, with it being the holidays and all. Theres so many cookies and drinks around! lol And I have barely done any exercising.

    Well along with the "sort of challenge thing" I made earlier...I just want to remind everyone to drink at least their 8 glasses of water a day. I think you all should try to mentally put it in your head, to drink all your water, before even thinking of soda, juice, etc. Especially around the holidays.
    It has been the biggest help for me. It was our first challenge and I SO glad that it was. Since Nov 3rd for me, I have drank at least that much water everyday, and I have only had about 3 maybe 4 glasses/cans of pop. It also fills you up when you dont know what to eat.
    A help for me to get it all in is I have a big water bottle, that has just over 6 cups in it, and other water bottles that has over 2 cups in it. So all I have to do is drink the big one and a little one a day, and I know I'm good! Try out something like that!
    If you are still doing this, then good for you!!! :flowerforyou:

    And thanks kandyjo! feels good!

    Well Good luck everyone! And please, dont feel too guilty about overeating during the holidays, all you can do is be aware of what your putting into your mouth. In stead of having 6 cookies, have 3! lol
    Happy Holidays!!!
  • porterbaby38
    i'm upset with myself. since i ended my TOM, i gained some weight back. i gained 8lbs. plus i had to make fudge for him and chili again. i'll just have to work harder and have more willpower.
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    Ok so since my lack of having a computer I haven't checked in like I'm suppose to. But the last time I checked in was 12/16 and I was 191.5pds. Well I'm at work (the YMCA) and I weighed myself and I am in the 180s! I am at 188.5pds! I lost 20pds in about 2 months and I reached my goal that I wanted for New Years!
  • porterbaby38
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Hope everyone has a great Christmas! I'm out of town for the next few days, so I did my weigh in this morning.

    CW: 163.8

    And it's Christmas so enjoy yourselves when it comes to food!! :P
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Ok so since my lack of having a computer I haven't checked in like I'm suppose to. But the last time I checked in was 12/16 and I was 191.5pds. Well I'm at work (the YMCA) and I weighed myself and I am in the 180s! I am at 188.5pds! I lost 20pds in about 2 months and I reached my goal that I wanted for New Years!

    Wow, great job! You lost your weight and the weight I wanted to lose for New Years! I'm so proud of you! I've been eating so bad lately I know I'm back in the 200s... gosh. Oh well. Christmas is over and so is my bad eating. It's getting back under control as of today. Since the number on the scale would probably make me want to throw it off the porch, I'm not going to weigh in this week. I'll give myeslf a week to recover from my enjoyment of Christmas food! lol

    I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and good luck to everyone on the weigh in!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I am avoiding the scale due to the last couple of days, so I will weigh in next week.

    Happy holidays!