Called fat by a stranger.



  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I rejected a guy at a club once, and he randomly called me a fat b*tch. I guess he was mad I refused to dance with him. It really stung and ruined the rest of the night! How was I supposed to shake my stuff if I was feeling that unconfident!?

    People are rude. People are mean. But most people aren't making a positive life change like we are. Just keep pushing forward and keep your head held high!

    Don't you think it's interesting that you were attractive enough to approach, but now you are a fat *****?

    Ha ha, so true! Plus, anyone can be a fat b****. People think thats the worst thing to call a woman so even non-fat people get called that.
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    I kind of feel sorry for the kids :/ Maybe they're just total arseholes and were destined from birth to grow up into sociopathic little beasts. More likely is that they don't have parents who give a toss whether or not they can conduct themselves appropriately in public. There are some social skills that just can't be taught late in life - these children are going to end up adults who are at a huge disadvantage when it comes to education and ultimately career choices.

    Still, I feel so sorry for you. It's happened to me before and you feel absolutely rotten afterward. Can you walk with an mp3 player so you don't have to be exposed to these insults? Nothing stops the arseholes short of a good slap around the head by someone a lot bigger and meaner, but when they don't get a rise from you they're going to get bored and do something else. Well, let's be honest, they're just going to go off and harass someone else. Vile creatures.
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Like many, I agree that it's the parenting that's the problem. It's obvious that his parents didn't teach him how to respect others no matter what! I've personally never been call fat to my face by strangers, but I've had relatives tell me that I'm getting fat or I've gained a lot of weight! That I can deal with, but there was this one occasion when I was at work, sitting at my desk and a gentleman came in and wanted to sell me a photo package! He saw me from the window and thought that I was pretty, photogenic, and that he would love to take professional photos of me! Yeah, right, he'd say anything in order for me to buy his package! Anyway, after I politey declined the purchase anything, he asked, "Is it because you're pregnant? I can show you some great shots of women who were pregnant that did a photo shoot." What the hell!! :angry:

    I looked down and saw my big fat-*kitten* stomach poking out like I was a six month prego! To say I was upset was an understatement, but I graciously said to him that I'm not pregnant! He apologized and turned beet red and thank me for my time and left my the office! Afterwards, I felt awful, wanted to cry and spent most of the day trying to suck in my fat-*kitten* belly! Although I've lost some weight since that happened, I still look down from time to time to see if anyone else walked into the office, would they mistake me for being pregnant!
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    Well, this happened many moons ago when I was in my early 20's. I had fallen down some stairs and shattered my kneecap. My mum took me to the hospital ER and after being examined and x-rayed, I was waiting for a doctor to come in to cast my leg. When he finally made it, he had several interns in tow and as I lay there helpless, he said the following words to his assembled crew:

    "I am going to show you how to apply a cast to a cone shaped leg."

    A CONE SHAPED LEG????? :embarassed:

    My mum actually snorted and the doctor had the decency to turn a bit red in the face. I made up my mind then and there that no one would ever again say I had a cone shaped leg.

    (When the cast came off, I took a good look at it....and sure enough, it was a cone! I took it home, painted it a bright orange, and made a traffic cone out of it. Someone eventually stole it.)

    You have a great attitude ! I loved this story.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    Like many, I agree that it's the parenting that's the problem. It's obvious that his parents didn't teach him how to respect others no matter what! I've personally never been call fat to my face by strangers, but I've had relatives tell me that I'm getting fat or I've gained a lot of weight! That I can deal with, but there was this one occasion when I was at work, sitting at my desk and a gentleman came in and wanted to sell me a photo package! He saw me from the window and thought that I was pretty, photogenic, and that he would love to take professional photos of me! Yeah, right, he'd say anything in order for me to buy his package! Anyway, after I politey declined the purchase anything, he asked, "Is it because you're pregnant? I can show you some great shots of women who were pregnant that did a photo shoot." What the hell!! :angry:

    I looked down and saw my big fat-*kitten* stomach poking out like I was a six month prego! To say I was upset was an understatement, but I graciously said to him that I'm not pregnant! He apologized and turned beet red and thank me for my time and left my the office! Afterwards, I felt awful, wanted to cry and spent most of the day trying to suck in my fat-*kitten* belly! Although I've lost some weight since that happened, I still look down from time to time to see if anyone else walked into the office, would they mistake me for being pregnant!

    That guy should NOT be in sales.
  • Norinella
    Norinella Posts: 31
    OOO, I LOVE this cell phone idea. I am going to remember that.
    since I have 4 kids and 10 grands, smart mouth kids don't bother me at all. However, what I would have done is whip out my cell phone & record him saying that - take his pic and then say 'I want to talk to your mother'
    they hate that - and it's mad fun
    and 9 times out of 10, if you do talk to the mom, that kid will get in trouble cause his mom's prob not thin herself and us moms have to stick together
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I would have turned around and said "Thank you captain obvious. I hadn't noticed."

    On a side note, I am SO very proud of how I've raised my daughter. I tell her all the time that the reason evil is allowed to proliferate is because good people stand by and do nothing.

    Good for you for calling them out! :)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    People are horrible. One time I was walking to work, when a random guy yelled that he'd 'give me a go', if I lost a few kilos -.- .

    Thank goodness for you that you had those extra kilos. Otherwise that same a** would have been trying to "give you a go". *Shudder*
  • dirtydmvkid
    dirtydmvkid Posts: 184
    People stopped spanking their kids. Rude little ****s get away with murder.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Ignoring these kids is the best idea and remember they are kids, cursing back at them only affirms to them that cursing is okay. You're the adult, showing a better example is important, even if you're furious.

    ^^ This.

    I'm truly sorry something like that happened to you and I understand you probably reacted out of anger... but you have to remember that they are children.

    I think this is part of the problem. "They are just kids" or "They are children". No wonder they know they can get away with acting like jerks!!!

    I believe that if they are old enough to talk like adults and act like they are adults, then they are ready to be treated like one!
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    I'm sorry you had to experience that. People are so rude! But screw them, you are awesome!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Ignoring these kids is the best idea and remember they are kids, cursing back at them only affirms to them that cursing is okay. You're the adult, showing a better example is important, even if you're furious.
    I agree.....those children are punks and are the smart and mature adult. Hang in there.

    I don't know, I think they will be cursing anyways, cursing back and giving them a problem tells them that what their mouths do will have consequences, and people won't just put up with it and walk away, which is probably what they were hoping for. The kid backed off after she started giving him some feedback.
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    I completely here you there 'lette. It's a struggle for all of us. I can tell you that the problem is not the kids but their parents. Too many "Best Friends" and not enough discipline at home! Just vent to your MFP "Family" We all understand where you're coming from.

    This is so true. Parents these days don't seem to teach discipline and respect to their children.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Ignoring these kids is the best idea and remember they are kids, cursing back at them only affirms to them that cursing is okay. You're the adult, showing a better example is important, even if you're furious.

    ^^ This.

    I'm truly sorry something like that happened to you and I understand you probably reacted out of anger... but you have to remember that they are children.

    I think this is part of the problem. "They are just kids" or "They are children". No wonder they know they can get away with acting like jerks!!!

    I believe that if they are old enough to talk like adults and act like they are adults, then they are ready to be treated like one!

    I agree with mandy, they are just children is a pretty poor excuse for not disciplining them and they will never learn unless there are consequences, better someone cussing them out than later on them mouthing off to a crazy person and getting their butts kicked................or worse.
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Like many, I agree that it's the parenting that's the problem. It's obvious that his parents didn't teach him how to respect others no matter what! I've personally never been call fat to my face by strangers, but I've had relatives tell me that I'm getting fat or I've gained a lot of weight! That I can deal with, but there was this one occasion when I was at work, sitting at my desk and a gentleman came in and wanted to sell me a photo package! He saw me from the window and thought that I was pretty, photogenic, and that he would love to take professional photos of me! Yeah, right, he'd say anything in order for me to buy his package! Anyway, after I politey declined the purchase anything, he asked, "Is it because you're pregnant? I can show you some great shots of women who were pregnant that did a photo shoot." What the hell!! :angry:

    I looked down and saw my big fat-*kitten* stomach poking out like I was a six month prego! To say I was upset was an understatement, but I graciously said to him that I'm not pregnant! He apologized and turned beet red and thank me for my time and left my the office! Afterwards, I felt awful, wanted to cry and spent most of the day trying to suck in my fat-*kitten* belly! Although I've lost some weight since that happened, I still look down from time to time to see if anyone else walked into the office, would they mistake me for being pregnant!

    That guy should NOT be in sales.

    I couldn't agree more! You don't make assumptions like that!
  • myangel05
    myangel05 Posts: 23 Member
    "This is the reason I don't want kids"

    REALLY? Those children are a product of their awful upbringing not how children should be viewed in general. It was totally wrong and rude for that child/person to call you any name at all but to categorize ALL children as being evil is just wrong in itself.

    Sorry it just bugged me, I have 2 wonderful children 7 and 3 and they would never ever call a stranger fat or any other name for that matter.
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I've had a few nasty comments too (I made a blog post about it here:

    The people who make those comments must have really sad lives if they have to make us feel bad in order to feel better about themselves.
  • A guy from XEROX came to my school once, years ago, to train our staff on proper use of the new copier. When we were all crowded around to see, he looked at me and said, "When are you due?" I turned red and couldn't speak. A friend said, "She's not pregnant." He apologized and I was like, "Whatever. I know I'm fat. I just had a baby 6 months ago." He goes, "Oh then that's why." Dude, shut up, you already effed up. LOL. Another friend who was much older than me and nearly 400 pounds laughed and said, "I'm not pregnant either. This is all fat." It made the guy feel terrible. He goes, "Well it's just that I've seen so many pregnant people here." One of the teachers, who was pregnant, goes, "Really? How many? Because it's just me and the school psych." LOL. Oh my goodness.... SOME PEOPLE.....

    I NEVER forgot how that felt.
    Because of that very moment in my life I will NEVER EVER ask a woman if she is expecting. In fact our preschool teacher was looking kind of big last winter but I kept it to myself. In about April she said something that let me know she was for sure pregnant and I said, "Oh my goodness. I didn't even know!" She looked at me like I was nuts. But really it wasn't for sure. She could have just been gaining weight.

    When I was in college and about 18 years old, I went to the mall with my sister. A boy, maybe about 15 or 16 years old, came up to me, tapped me on the shoulder and said, "You're a fat, ugly B****." I was like WHAT? He repeated it. My sister told him to shut up and that he was a jerk. He ran back to his group of guy friends and a few of them high-fived him. They were all laughing and cheering. I cried and cried.

    People are cruel...
    Not just kids. Some people just have no filters. Others are just so clueless.

    I would have been like "Excuse me?" and when he repeated it, would have said something like "Oh" and punched him in his face. haha Some people....grrr!
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    My daughter was upset the other day because someone made fun of me at the pool for my sun hat. It is totally a crazy old lady hat, but it shields my face from the sun so I don't even care a little bit. LOL She was crying and sad. I told her that there are two things she should know about middle schoolers/high schoolers who make fun of older people: (1) they won't always be that age and someday they will understand why older people did "stupid" things like wear sun hats when they were young and (2) never, ever make fun of a middle-aged woman. We have had significantly more practice being mean and catty. LOL I would never say anything mean to the kids, but it is so funny seeing them thinking how clever they are with their insults.

    Ignore people when they say mean and stupid stuff - they are small and petty and trying to bring you down by making themselves feel better - what a terrible way to exist.

    Oh, or you can always smile brightly and say "I'll be sure to tell your Mom that when I see her next." Sometimes they know you don't really know their parents, but other times they aren't sure and sweat it out. LOL
  • alisha7702
    alisha7702 Posts: 6 Member
    their parents need to beat their behinds .. just sayin. all kids arent like that girl, just sounds like a lack of dicipline .. some people i tell ya.. turn it around and use it for motivation!