What is your favorite motivational/exercise quote?



  • Lennox497
    Lennox497 Posts: 242 Member
  • KaraB1987
    KaraB1987 Posts: 22
    "Nothing Taste's As Good As Skinny Feels" Gets me every time I say this to myself :)
  • hlw5112
    hlw5112 Posts: 33
    I'm gonna get my favourite quote tattooed on my side after I reach my goal weight:

    "I dream, because anything I can Imagine, I can become"
  • dorite7
    dorite7 Posts: 27 Member
    A slipup doesn't have to lead to an entire day of overeating. Resolve to make better choices at your next meal! :)
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    right now my favorite is "a year from now, you will wish you started today"
  • FrostyBev
    FrostyBev Posts: 119 Member
    "I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done."

    "Pain is weakness leaving the body."

    "Are you hurt or are you injured? If you're not injured you better push through it."

    "The more you sweat in peace time the less you bleed in war time."

    I don't know that this is a saying but its something that goes through my mind when I'm tired and I want to give up. "If I give up and I throw in the towel what am I teaching my kids? Be the example they need and deserve."
  • SkinnyBeth4Life
    SkinnyBeth4Life Posts: 116 Member
    If you only walk on sunny days, you'll never reach your destination.
  • MillerCrock
    MillerCrock Posts: 20 Member
    If you can't be a shining example be a HORRIBLE warning!
  • fabandfunat51
    fabandfunat51 Posts: 117 Member
    What you eat in private you wear in public

    LOL That's AWESOME!
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member

    This quote for sure!!!! :)
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    On the turbofire dvds, can't rememeber which, during the cooldown stretch, Chalene says, "Know how blessed you are to be able to work this hard."

    Something about that quote makes me feel like I'm lucky to be able to exercise. It makes me smile and be grateful everytime.
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!"

    It seems that people forget the importance of exercise.... you can't count your daily walk up the stairs to your office, your trip to the grocery store, cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, etc. as "exercise" and expect real results. Challenge yourself. Push the limits. After all, it's about being fit and healthy. Skinny is just a bonus. :happy:
  • jenillawafer
    jenillawafer Posts: 426 Member
    "You're fat. Don't try and sugar coat it 'cus you'll eat that too."
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member

    "Discipline isn't easy. It's when everything screams stop, yet the hunger pushes you to press on.
    It's a mindf*#%.
    It's PAIN. It's SWEAT. It's BLOOD. It's BRUISES. It's SORES. It's TEARS.
    It keeps you going even when no one's looking.
    It keeps you fighting even when your mind says no.
    No one said discipline was easy...
    but it sure as hell is sexy" ♥
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    "Rule number one for surviving Zombieland: Cardio."
  • "Reason to lose weight #1, so that I can feel like a badass."
    Absolute favorite :)
  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    "You can have RESULTS or EXCUSES not BOTH" -Thats my favorite quote
  • amystyran
    amystyran Posts: 84 Member
    "Skinny looks good in clothes, fit looks good naked" :)

    that quote makes me always remember to exercise as well as dieting!
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    It just burns, it won't kill you.
  • KJoy7
    KJoy7 Posts: 246
    If your not living on the edge...your taking up too much room :smile:
  • KJoy7
    KJoy7 Posts: 246
    "You're fat. Don't try and sugar coat it 'cus you'll eat that too."

    I love this!!!
  • Dawnicita0318
    Dawnicita0318 Posts: 12 Member
    "Wow, I really regret that workout" - No One Ever
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 542 Member
    Losing weight is hard. Maintaining weight is hard. Staying fat is hard. Choose your hard.


    Love this thread!!!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    At the moment:

    "You don't get what you want. You get what you work for!!"
  • ttesta20
    ttesta20 Posts: 35 Member
    Six months from now, you won't remember what those cookies tasted like, but you WILL see the results of your hard work!
  • movn4ward
    movn4ward Posts: 69 Member
    keeping this in mind at the gym tonight. LOL. Love It!
  • redder2
    redder2 Posts: 30
    Push yourself because on one else is going to do it for you.
  • jenny_topaz
    jenny_topaz Posts: 3 Member
    "Stronger than yesterday, weaker than tomorrow" - this reminds me it is a journey and each day is a step

    That wasn't your legs that gave out it was your head, you are stronger than you think
  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    "No one ever drowned in sweat"

    "Some quit due to slow progress, never grasping the fact that slow progress...is progress"
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    "If you think you can or you think you can't...you're right!"

    Ohhhh, I like this one!!
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