Up to 8 minutes on elliptical



  • elliottgirl209
    elliottgirl209 Posts: 78 Member
    Problem? What problem? You were at 1, then 3, the 5, now 8. You'll get to 10, 15 and 30 in no time flat. I think you're having great success, not a problem!

    I agree! You're doing great, and you'll meet your goal in no time. I had to gradually work my way up, too, and now I can do an hour at a time. It took awhile to get to that point, but just keep going!
  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    Think of it this way...if you couldn't even do a minute before, and now you're up to eight minutes, than you're over eight times better than you were! That's pretty impressive. Keep at it!
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Way to go! I remember almost bursting into tears within about 3 minutes after I got on an elliptical for the first time. With practice and reminding/allowing myself to start slow, I built up to an hour within a couple months. Just don't expect yourself to go 10 miles an hour when you get on it - that was my problem. I expected it to be easy, and I started to beat myself up when it turned out that it wasn't.
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 193 Member
    I was the same.. your definatly not aone. I'm up to 15 minutes.. then a break, then another 15.. etc.. it's a journey.. lots of breaks for me.
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    Been exactly right there with ya! ^_^

    Great job!
  • jeccaerin
    jeccaerin Posts: 124
    I posted this on my profile four days ago.

    "Oh my goodness! A tiny victory tonight... At the beginning of June, I was proud of being able to do 30 seconds on the elliptical. I absolutely hate that machine. It feels like it is killing me. On June 28th, my trainer made me warm up on it. After two minutes, I wanted to cry. She pushed me for 5 minutes. My legs were shaking violently and I couldn't stay on any longer. I've been trying to push myself, and I've been able to make it to 5 minutes without my legs shaking at all. Well, tonight I went for 15 minutes! I tripled the amount of time I am used to! I cried when I finished because I was so proud of my determination and my body's drive to keep pushing my limits past five and ten minutes until I reached 15! Happy dance for me! "

    I absolutely love how MFP makes it possible for us to find people going through the same things we are going through!!! Congratulations on being able to continually increase your time. You will be able to hit 20 minutes in no time at all. Hopefully I will too. :)
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Crank the tunes and forget about the time...it goes by faster when you have good music to drive you.

    You'll get there, it took me months to get up to 45 minutes!
  • You are doing great. If you read the manual it says to start slow. It's much harder than a regular treadmill. I started at 5 minutes and went to 10, now I'm at 15 minutes. I watch tv while I'm doing it. My 14 yr old does it and he just made it to 5 min and he use to do 30 min on the treadmill in the past. Just work for adding a minute each time you use it and just feel good that you are using it!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    When I first got my elliptical, I could not stay on it for a whole minute! I worked my way up on the elliptical to 3 minutes, then 5 minutes, now I am at 8 minutes. I cannot even imagine staying on it for 30 minutes. Has anyone else had this problem?

    How long has this been? How long to get from < 1 min to 8 min? What happens at 8min? Where is your heart rate? Does your elliptical have arm grips that move as well?
  • teresa052960
    teresa052960 Posts: 3 Member
    I was doing 60 minutes then fell (not off the elliptical, lol) and injured my knee. A year later I had to have knee replacement surgery. I'm now one year post op and I'm back to my 60 minutes. I had to start out at 10 minutes and work up from there. Don't give up!
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    First time I got on it at the gym, I call it the devil. 5 minutes felt like 30! 5 months later I'm doing 30 minutes with ease. Well its not easy - but dang it I'm doing it. You can do it honey... one minute more, then one minute more, then.......... GOOD LUCK!
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Don't get down on yourself. You are doing a great job. I remember the first time I did the elliptical - I was on it for a few minutes and thought I was going to die. Now I use it three days or four days a week and I alternate with the bike, treadmill and cardio classes. It does get easier. Keep up the good work - you are doing great!!
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    I posted this on my profile four days ago.

    "Oh my goodness! A tiny victory tonight... At the beginning of June, I was proud of being able to do 30 seconds on the elliptical. I absolutely hate that machine. It feels like it is killing me. On June 28th, my trainer made me warm up on it. After two minutes, I wanted to cry. She pushed me for 5 minutes. My legs were shaking violently and I couldn't stay on any longer. I've been trying to push myself, and I've been able to make it to 5 minutes without my legs shaking at all. Well, tonight I went for 15 minutes! I tripled the amount of time I am used to! I cried when I finished because I was so proud of my determination and my body's drive to keep pushing my limits past five and ten minutes until I reached 15! Happy dance for me! "

    I absolutely love how MFP makes it possible for us to find people going through the same things we are going through!!! Congratulations on being able to continually increase your time. You will be able to hit 20 minutes in no time at all. Hopefully I will too. :)

    WOOHOO you go girl!
  • stellarcanicula
    stellarcanicula Posts: 50 Member
    One thing that I repeatedly see people doing wrong is NOT setting the resistance to a comfortable level. The first time I got on one, I had the resistance at one, and only lasted five minutes. After my doctor told me to set it to a comfortable level, I set it at 7 and was able to go to 30 minutes. I'm not sure if this will help you or not, but it's worth a try.

    Also, if you are not on a well made machine that will hinder your ability as well. I've seen some really awful home ellipticals, that seem like they were created for failure.

    Hope this helps!
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Problem? What problem? You were at 1, then 3, the 5, now 8. You'll get to 10, 15 and 30 in no time flat. I think you're having great success, not a problem!

    ^^^THIS EXACTLY!!! Fantastic job. Keep it up, you'll be there before you know it.
  • :smile: You can do it. Keep plugging away. I just tried the elliptical for the first time yesterday & loved it. It was so much easier on my knees & back vs. my treadmill. I wish I had bought the elliptical instead. I'm headed back to the Y after work for round 2.
  • eerin2c
    eerin2c Posts: 1
    Yes! I sure have. I started not getting past 10 minutes. But I can tell you that if you keep it up you will be on for 20 - 30 minutes. And it's good to remember any amount of exercise is a benefit. I find that positive words of encouragement from myself to myself really helps. No degrading internal dialogue.
    It is helpful to have an Ipod in your ear! You can download great music or when you feel ready a elliptical work out.
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    first, I LOVE the elliptical, even though its hard and pushes me, the next day, IM SUPER SORE, and I'm weird and love itl haha I love feeling like i pushed myself. but anyways, when I use the ellipitical I can only go for about 20 minutes right now and I put my headphones in, and stare and my feet. I dont know why but this makes me less tired than looking up and staring at the tv or the time, try listening to music and not staring at the clock!