Do you eat the calories suggested or stay under the goal?

Do you eat the calories suggested or stay under the goal set?


  • bamainms
    bamainms Posts: 3
    I can't eat the amount of calories that this site suggest for me.
  • roadrunners83
    I eat way more because I exercise 6 days a week (Insanity)... Try using Harris Benedict's formula to determine your needs good luck!
  • Megd1010
    Megd1010 Posts: 19 Member
    It suggests I eat around 1500 a day but I try to eat between 1200 to 1300 a day plus I exercise - usually around 300 - 500 calories 5 to 6 days a week. I find eating the calories I am eating enough so I am not starving. Of course I have days when I eat the 1500 especially on a social event where I might have a glass of wine or 2. I find I am losing weight around 500 grams a week for me which I am happy with. Its a slow process but my reading tells me slow consistent weight lose is the best way to keep it off.
  • jpatwary
    jpatwary Posts: 2
    I have been trying to stay at 1200, but I was wondering if it was okay to go to the limit they suggest one day a week like friday night when I go out to eat. I have alot to loose so just wondering.
  • SarahElizabeth416
    SarahElizabeth416 Posts: 52 Member
    I eat less than suggested. I stay around 1200 as well but I don't really exercise much
  • SamanthaAnnM
    SamanthaAnnM Posts: 143 Member
    I am usually a little under. I eat when I'm actually hungry and stop when I'm full. I figure listening to my body is probably more wise than listening to an iphone app (this is just my rule for me...everyone is different and has different needs!)