Do you bring your babies to the restaurant?



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It's not even about the rest of the patrons, because frankly I couldn't care less. It's about the fact that clearly your child is unhappy, and you should try to solve the problem, since young babies don't cry unless there's a reason. And sometimes, that reason is simply that they dont' want to be in a busy restaurant because they're feeling stressed and need some quiet time.

    ^^ don't really care how your experience is, but if my baby is screaming I will tend to her and make sure she is ok

    I care how other people's experiences are. To a point. I would hope that someone sitting near me in a restaurant would mind their P's and Q's so as not to disrupt other patrons, and I do the same. It's common courtesy in my opinion.

    My point is though that I'm going to calm my child down in a quiet, private area, not because of the other patrons, but out of concern for my own child. Child trumps other adults. But the result is the same -- no screaming baby in the restaurant.

    Yes of course, child trumps anyone else. :smile:

    The way you describe your experience sounds pretty awful.

    However (and I'm not saying this is the case with you) I hate it when a kid is being a kid, and someone is rolling their eyes or sighing or whatever. My children are BEYOND polite and behaved in public. And I'm not sure I remember anyone doing this to us. But I have witnessed a kid be a kid, not overly obnoxious or anything close to that, and someone having a flipping fit about it.

    As a customer, I must say, I do really appreciate the parents who make an effort to calm their children down, whereas I have been guilty of the eye-rolling when a parent does nothing. BUT I don't think I overreact to normal children things....I just eye-roll or heavy-sigh when the child NEEDS tending to and the parent is oblivious or just doesn't care.

    I was at Babies R Us last week and a woman was shopping with her newborn and her mother. While they were waiting in line, the baby started to cry. He was strapped in his carseat, which was in a shopping cart. all the woman did was push the cart back and forth. I wanted to scream at her to pick her baby up! He was crying ans crying, and it was very distressing to me. I have never, ever let my newborns cry like that. Some parents just don't get it.
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    You just referred to someones child as "it"... :huh:

    I call my kids "it" matter of fact thats my 9 year olds nickname!

    Along with Sponge, Ickybobcrane!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    I would bring my youngest son (4 months) to a restaurant in a heartbeat.. the reason why? because he is a very laid back baby and I know he only fusses if he's hungry, which I would just feed him there if I had to and he'd be fine..

    My 18 month old on the other hand? Oh hell no. LOL.. Why? because I know for a FACT he will scream. He is extremely temperamental. I have tried to bring him to restaurants in the past and all he did was scream and scream as soon as he was out of food... Never again.. I will have to wait until he's old enough to understand I guess. Sucks for me but what can ya do!
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    Admittedly, I do not have children. But when I do, I will not bring my baby to a high class restaurant.

    Just be aware. Most things you say you will never do before kids, end up happening. And, the reverse is usually true.

    I sincerely doubt the parents said to themselves, let's go here and let the baby cry all night to annoy everyone else. Maybe they were on vacation too, and the people giving them rude looks and judging them all night made it a less than pleasant experience for them, too.

    And, I am one of the those parents who take their children to 'non-kid's' meal restaurants on occasion. They don't like the crap on those menus anyway. I think it is great to let them experience different settings. The way they eat at the restaurant is the same way behave/act during meals in any other setting. Ultimately it starts at home.
  • sonyalbruno
    sonyalbruno Posts: 63 Member
    I have 2 children and for people to say only take them where there is a childrens menu is unfair. My children are great in public they are polite and have never had a problem with them out of control crying. I make sure to have a bottle or a drink for my children and a toy or two to keep them occupied to avoid any meltdowns.
    Long story short its the parents decision if they want to sit theri listening to their child cry and make the rest of the customers listen as well. Unfortunatly some parents have the capability to tune out their children.
    I also find it slightly funny how you say when I have children I will not be taking them to that type of restraunt, chances are youll change your opinion on ALOT of things once you have your own child. Trust me I used to say stuff like that too!
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    I have 5 kids between the ages of 2 and 13, and I take then all out to dinner. The problem is not children in a restaurant. The problem is parents who refuse to teach their kids manners, and respect for those around them. In reality the parents are probably lacking in manners and respect too. I have rarely had my kids misbehave when out. When they were babies, if their cry couldn't be tended to, we left and took our food to go. If a kid has a melt down, leave! They will learn if they want to stay they have to behave.

    I have had numerous people comment on how well behaved my kids are in restaurants, and how nice that we are able to take them all out together. One lady even commented how nice it was to see parents who are able to have a conversation while out to dinner with their kids. Someimes people will ask how we do it. Well, they are taught how to behave and they know they are expected to. They know there are consequences to their actions.

    Bottom line for's the parents.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I think it's cute that you think you won't take your baby to place like that one day.

    Everyone makes "rules" for their future babies.

    And then they have a baby.

    This. I used to think that way too. I had children and I know better. I'm supposed to only go to Red Robin because I have kids? Or I should pay a babysitter every time I go out? I don't think so. I take responsibility and teach my kids how to act when they are out. I do not eat at RR if I can help b/c it's too bloody loud without screaming babies. Same with most other "family friendly" places. My kids don't need a kids menu to know what they like to eat. They also don't get the privilege so often that they take it for granted. We go where we like and they act appropriately. If they start to act up, they go outside for a talk with Dad.

    In addition, if I did go to the family friendly places, I hardly think it's ok to let the kids rant in there just because it's cheaper. Please.
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    If you cannot control your own baby in a restaurant, you’ve failed as a parent. When my daughter was a baby, I quickly learnt why she was crying, and solved it, if she was hungry she was fed, if her nappy was dirty it was changed, if she felt lonely or scared she was picked up and cuddled. Babies, contrary to popular belief, do not cry without a reason.

    On the other hand, if the cry of a baby makes you unhappy, get your food to go. You are the adult; you make your own choices.
    I think more people should take their kids to every kind of public spaces including $30- $130 a plate eateries, it teaches them how to behave, and prevents socially backward people from growing up and demanding that their rights be respected more than everyone else’s.
  • pogojr
    pogojr Posts: 83 Member
    We have always taken our children out to eat. Do they go to the high end places, no, those are saved for date night. When they were smaller, it was not unusual for one of us to take the fussy, crying, not behaving child out of the room whether we were at a restaurant, store, church or other event. Now, I bring something to entertain them (they are 6 and 9) and they know what is expected of them in public. Even if its a bag of crayons and a few piece of white paper.
  • melann1974
    melann1974 Posts: 84
    We have also taken our son to plays and other performances and he always knew how to behave. We have taught him that he loses privileges when he misbehaves including leaving a performance/movie, etc. We took him to his first play when he was around 7 (not a "kid's" play) and he behaved appropriately. Afterwards we took him to a nice restaurant. Kids can and will behave properly if taught.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    well I deem myself an advosary for the crying babies parents..............ima start just telling them..look I did not come to this store to hear a crying baby, so please quiet your child or leave the store cause DONT NOBODY WANNA HEAR THAT!

    And they didn't come to hear a whining adult, either, but no one says boo about that.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    We took our daughter to Pappadeaux for the first time when she was around 6 months (In Laws choice)... and the waiter was pleased with how she acted... didn't make a fuss... and she loved gnawing on the green beans...

    A couple of weeks ago my in laws where in town again and wanted to go to Olive Garden... DD is teething and just generally not feeling good, so we ordered it to go.... So yes, we take our child out to restaurants... even upscale ones.... but I know when my child is going to be a pill and hard to handle...
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    feed them monsters at home .......
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Never. Every baby I purchase is cooked right here at home.
  • jran3
    jran3 Posts: 105 Member
    Even if they have a children's menu, that doesn't mean that others in the place should have to tolerate screaming babies or unruly children. Sorry, if you have a baby that's prone to crying fits, and won't stop in the restaurant, my meal shouldn't be ruined, nor should any other patrons. Take the child outside until they stop crying and screaming. If you have kids old enough to be mobile, keep them at your table, and reasonably quiet. Just because you have to put up with these things on a daily basis, doesn't mean others should have to. And yes, babies cry, I know that. A little crying is one thing. A kid that cries none stop for the entire time I'm there, or a kid that has to scream everything he/she says? Either you have to sacrifice going out to eat, or you need to find a way to get it under control, and do so in a reasonable time. This isn't just at eating establishments either. My child is grown, I don't want to listen to babies whaling away anytime. I've been in a grocery store and seen moms with kids screaming at the top of their lungs for the entire time they shopped. Mom simply oblivious, tuning it out. Meanwhile all around her suffer. I'm not beyond saying something to them either.
  • holdondreamaway
    I used to work at the kind of place that has a kid's menu and you would not believe the kinds of things people allow their children to do at restaurants! Throw food all over the floor, run around, make messes at clean tables, run around(!), scream until other patrons yell at the parents, you name it! Let me tell you, parents like this are the bane of any restaurant. I've had to worry about what happens if someone's child trips me while they're running around/out of their seat and I spill hot soup on them. I've had to wonder if they grind Mac n cheese into the carpet at home, or if it's just special for me. Any time a polite child came in it was worthy of comment to the other servers and we lavished those tables. A restaurant is a public space, your child should behave accordingly. Other people manage to teach their children about public and private behavior just fine. In short, I feel for you.
  • scrittenden
    scrittenden Posts: 79 Member
    it would be interesting to see how many of the people who don't like children "spoiling" their meals don't have kids of their own?
  • lucy4747
    lucy4747 Posts: 15
    yes she goes everywhere I go we just pick restaurants that are a louder atmosphere
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    You just referred to someones child as "it"... :huh:

    I call my kids "it" matter of fact thats my 9 year olds nickname!

    Along with Sponge, Ickybobcrane!

    When they are yours you can call them whatever. How about the next time you see another persons child you refer to the child to their parents as "it" and tell me how that works out for you. :)
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    No. (They're grown now, but at the time, No.)

    This is very inconsiderate behavior by the parents. When this happens to me, I ask to speak to the manager. Then I politely let the manager know how disappointed (that is key, you don't want to be "angry", gotta be "disappointed") I am to have my special meal ruined.

    Most of the time, this results in either a discount from my bill, the manager talking to the parents and hushing the kid, or both.

    I actually had to do this because of a loud obnoxious guy at the next table of a fine dining restaurant once. I never ever want a discount- this jerk is not a reason for the restaurant to compensate me, however I want the problem fixed, whether its this loud idiot or some other idiot thinking its cute their child screams through dinner. Speaking up is necessary! Ppl need to learn they are not entitled and parents need to get a grip. Sometimes its not the best time for Jr to be out- accept that, PLEASE. Other diners- speak up! Tell the manager you are not enjoying your meal. The chef amazes you and youd love to be a regular- but if this is how they run their establishment maybe XYZ Restaurant is where you will have to take your business if they cant fix this problem.