Low Carbers - what do you eat for lunch?



    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Bump! Lunch always kills me too.
  • MoveTheMountain
    My favorite: huge salad with tons of lettuce/arugula/spring mix/spinach + grilled chicken (6 oz or so) + a little feta + red wine vinegar.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    I'm not strictly low-carb, but I can't eat anything with gluten, which narrows down my convenience-food choices quite a bit. If I'm hungry and desperate I'll have an Unwich delivered from Jimmy John's. Otherwise I usually eat string cheese, some lunch meat from home or roasted/grilled chicken from the co-op hot bar (if they have it that day), or a Quest bar (3g net carbs). If we had a Chipotle in town I'd probably be in there every ding-dong day for a bowl with 1/2 the normal amount of rice (but it's not mandatory that you take any rice).
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    Make things ahead of time and reheat them.

    Today I had grilled chicken with sauteed peppers and cheese and carrots and dip. I made it over the weekend and divided it up in individual servings to reheat for lunch this week.

    Yesterday I had a huge salad with cheese, bacon, dressing, carrots and sunflower seeds.

    Tomorrow I will have "lasagna" made with zuchinni. I made it 2 weeks ago, divided it up, and put it in the freezer.

    On the weekends I sleep in, so my breakfast is around lunch time. Eggs and bacon don't take long to cook at all.
  • CandeesLand
    CandeesLand Posts: 200
    Today I had two pieces of tilapia that I cooked in a skillet with some pineapple salsa thrown on top. It probably took about 5 minutes to cook. I'm not "low carb" either, I keep mine at about 40%.
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    At my local health food store I pick up low carb bread. It's made by Julian Baker Smart Carb, Hi-protein bread. It's pretty yummy! And only 2 net carbs per slice. It's a bit pricey (around $6 a loaf) You can use it for sandwiches, french toast, etc. Pretty much anything you use regular bread for. I'm so glad I found it because it meets my need to have bread every once in a while. Good luck in your endeavors!! :flowerforyou:
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    Usually Ground turkey(94%) that has been browned, 2-3cups of spinach, and 3tblsp. low sodium salsa, reduced fat chese (1/5 cup). Mix it together and microwave it for a minute or 2 and its like a shell-less taco salad. YUM
  • lniber22
    lniber22 Posts: 29 Member
    I use large romaine leaves as wraps for turkey or tuna "sandwiches". I also try and grill a ton of chicken ahead of time have veggies or salad with it. One of my favs at the momemtn is a can of tuna, a boiled egg white and half an avocado mixed up. I just eat it with a sliced tomato. NOMNOM!
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    Meat and cheese for me. KFC had a funky idea a few years ago that was a sandwhich made by cramming bacon and cheese between two chicken breasts. Something similar should not be too hard to come up with.
    My husband loves those things....gag.
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Grill up a chicken breast on the George Foreman and have it with some broccoli or lettuce. Or I heat up the oven and do a salmon filet with my olive oil seasoning :-) Or some eggs and bacon :-)
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    Green veggies, protien, and healthy fat. For example Green Leaf Lettuce with sliced tomato, grilled chicken or ground turkey, with avocado, and fresh salsa as dressing. Delicious!!!
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Grilled bacon rashers and poached eggs
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I often eat leftovers from dinner for lunch. While that's warming up, you could make her sandwich, then hold it until yours is ready and sit down together when both are ready.
  • NessaTesla
    NessaTesla Posts: 6 Member
    I am very strict low carb (keeping it under 20 carbs per day) and my favorite easy "sandwich" lunch includes raw red bell pepper. Slice the sides off the bell pepper long-ways (a pepper will yield 2, 3, or 4 slabs depending on its size and shape) Once you cut them, pile on with everything you like on a sandwich, I usually have turkey and cheese with some mayo but it's totally up to you. They're sturdy and they never fall apart like other bread subs, and I find the crunch of raw red bell pepper deliciously refreshing. (: The only downside is that most people say red pepper is expensive, usually about a dollar per, but 50 cents or less per slice of "Bread" doesn't seem too bad to me!
  • liss2hu
    liss2hu Posts: 5
    I usually have is other grilled chicken salad, tuna (with a bit of light mayo and celery), tomato and cucumber salad with balsamic vinigrette, or boccinni salad! If you google the South Beach Diet they have tons of great recipes and ideas for low-carb fans!
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I always cook chicken ahead of time, freeze it, then when I'm ready to have a salad with chicken I re-heat it. Its fast and healthy. I think it's a waste of time to cook chicken EACH time you need to eat it when it stays fine frozen.
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    Today I had 4 slices of low sodium turkey breast stuffed with spinach leaves and two tablespoons of edamame hummus with low fat string cheese and a boiled egg
  • jesss5885
    jesss5885 Posts: 187 Member
    4 oz of grilled chicken marinated w FF italian dressing
    12 brussel sprouts sauteed (pam spray - no oil) with black pepper and mccormics lemon herb seasoning

  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    One word - SUSHI