Hi all!!

I've just started MFP as I've hit a bit of a plateau & need to take things to the next level.

Part of my plan is to cut down on the red wine. :sad:

I'll be honest, I'm a glass a night kind of girl. As soon as my children have gone to bed & I start cooking dinner - I've got a glass in my hand. & if hubby is late getting home I might even go two!!

So, starting this week - it's no red wine on weekdays for me.

If there's anyone else out there who's keen to cut out the wine on weeknights, add me as a friend & we can help keep eachother honest!!



  • mtgonis
    mtgonis Posts: 5 Member
    I have a glass of wine every night pour it after 8pm when all is quiet in the house helps relax me before I go to sleep. I count it in as a snack and make sure its only one glass.
  • raemckee
    raemckee Posts: 7 Member
    Me too. I need to limit mine because of intestinal illnesses.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I tried. I made it one entire week in the month of June. But, I've given up.
  • annbanan85
    annbanan85 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree 100%! I myself am also a glass per night kind of girl, however, lately, whether it be due to stress/social situations, etc I find that the "one glass" usually becomes 2 or 3 -- I was baffled as to the slow creep on my scale until I realized the 300+ liquid calories that I was absorbing right before bed was probably the culprit!

    I am brand new to MFP as well -- if you want to add me perhaps we can keep our fitness/diet *and wine consumption* on the right path!
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    Omg I just came across this thread, and I, myself, am a wine-o!! Lol I have found it harder to give up than coke! So glad I found this site! Good luck guys
  • chojolitos
    chojolitos Posts: 100
    OMG no please no the red wine Dr. Oz said is good for you :drinker:
  • BrianCrum
    BrianCrum Posts: 6 Member
    The one thing about losing weight and keeping the stomach light is the vino is more potent! I like having just 1 glass and counting it in my calorie count a few times a week. It may be tough to stop at 1... but you won't regret it the next day and it sure makes me feel like this is more of a lifestyle adjustment than depriving myself.

    To each his own though- good luck!
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    This thread title SPOKE to me!! :) I also LOVE me some Merlot. I was having some every night and the weight has been creeping up. Since I found MFP, I've found that I haven't really wanted it as much. I work out and eat right and I don't want to "ruin" all of my hard work for a few glasses of extra calories that I don't need. That being said, I'll cut myself a little slack on the weekends. :)
  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    OMG, totally relate!!! I love my red wine and I had to face the facts recently that I was sabotaging my weight loss efforts by not letting it go for a little while. I average about 1 1/2 bottles of wine a week. That's got to be an extra 1000 calories I don't need. I end to have 1-2 glasses 3x week. It is hard to give up but I know it's the reason why I have plateaued.

    My goal is to give it up for a month or as long as it takes me to reach my goal, then have one every once in awhile. I can't give it up forever, but when I'm trying to get rid of that last 10-15 pounds, red wine is a killer. There are worse things, but this is definitely my poison!
  • If it's really one glass a night, you're fine. There are probably other things you can cut back on.
  • hostage46
    hostage46 Posts: 5
    Daddy loves his vino! But at 200 calories per glass ... well it's an obstacle. I'm off the stuff for the foreseeable future.

    Dan in Dallas...
  • this post is soooooo me :)
    i love my wine and its been really hard stopping duringthe week , havent touched a drop in 3 weeks and have a date night on saturday and i intend to have a glass or 3 it will probably go straight to my head,
    anyone feel free to add me for support/motivation :)
  • smksapper
    smksapper Posts: 6 Member
    Ugh... ok. Even though I hate to admit it, this is a good idea for me at this point.

    I'm new to the message boards so feel free to add me.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    <~~~~~~~~ I think my profile pic explains it all! :drinker:
  • LittleRedBird18
    LittleRedBird18 Posts: 70 Member
    I too, love red wine. Whenever I start tracking my calories, I start trimming back on the wine. I start to think, "Do I want to eat an orange and a glass of almond milk to fill up my belly, or drink a glass of wine?" And sometimes I choose wine, lol. One thing that has helped me cut back is just having half a glass of wine instead of a whole. Maybe instead of cutting it all out during the week, you could just cut back on the serving. But sometimes that is easier said than done :). Good luck!
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    I think it's totally fine to have a glass a night, in fact many sources say that that amount is good for you.

    The things to keep in mind are:

    1) track those calories, and make room for them throughout the day if you know you want a glass of wine later
    2) maybe start actually MEASURING out your glass to make sure you're tracking the correct amount. One time I poured myself a glass of wine and then poured it into a measuring cup to see how much I was really pouring. It was 7 oz, but I had been tracking my wine like it was 4 oz! Definitely can make a difference over time.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I guess I wouldn't be much help. I typically drink 2.5 glasses (1/2 bottle) of wine every week night and often more on the weekends. It may have slowed my weight loss a bit, but it didn't prevent me from losing. I met my goal over a year ago. I don't eat many sweets though so that helps make room for the wine in my daily calories.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I've had to pretty much give up since joining MFP. I've had 2 glasses in the past 2 weeks (sat night) and have felt so much better for stopping that I just don't want to get into the habit of having a glass or two again every night. Alcohol is considered a poison by the body and can hinder weight loss, I remember reading/watching somewhere that when you've been drinking the body's first priority is to break down the alcohol and bring the body back to normal, and it slows down all other body functions (fat burning etc) while it is breaking down the alcohol. Plus obviously the extra calories don't help. Why is it everything lovely to eat and drink in life is so bad for us?!! Not fair!! I'd kill for a massive bar of Dairy Milk and a bottle of red right now as well.....
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    As soon as my children have gone to bed & I start cooking dinner - I've got a glass in my hand. & if hubby is late getting home I might even go two!!

    This caught my attention....are they infants?
    Why don't you cook dinner for them?
    Just asking....
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I agree 100%! I myself am also a glass per night kind of girl, however, lately, whether it be due to stress/social situations, etc I find that the "one glass" usually becomes 2 or 3 -- I was baffled as to the slow creep on my scale until I realized the 300+ liquid calories that I was absorbing right before bed was probably the culprit!

    I am brand new to MFP as well -- if you want to add me perhaps we can keep our fitness/diet *and wine consumption* on the right path!

    Thats me! I made it Monday and Tuesday with nothing. Had 1 glass last night....And 1 glass of red (8 oz) is almost 200 calories, so I'm thinking in the 4-600 range. Adding an extra meal, no wonder I've gained so much..