do you weigh yourself EVERY DAY?



  • I weigh almost everyday. It can become a bit obsessive, but as someone said in an earlier post, I would rather find out I'm doing something wrong after a couple of days and not a full week.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    yep, pretty much every day--it's a habit:blushing:
  • I do weigh myself everyday. It helps me to stay accountable. I only count Fridays as my official weight though. And to be honest I will weigh myself at night too. Though I know this number is going to be higher than it will be in the morning.

    I do have a scale that has ounces and I like that because some weeks I don't loose a full pound (or gain a full pound) and this helps with small victories.
  • hasturm
    hasturm Posts: 10 Member
    I think it all depends on how you feel before/when you get on that scale. I weigh myself every day, and I know it is healthy because I don't feel anxiety attached to it. I don't feel shame if I didn't lose a pound, but I do a little dance and update on here every time I lose a pound. So I don't know what is UNhealthy, but I know the way I am doing it is healthy. I hope you, too, don't feel shame when you don't lose :)
  • paulkucz
    paulkucz Posts: 10 Member
    I weight in multiple times a day, but don't record all of them. I find it interesting to watch the fluctuations with what I've eaten, done (or not done) for the day, etc. I'm not obsessed with it, just basically use it as a small source of entertainment, and it's right in my bathroom.
  • Stary714
    Stary714 Posts: 110 Member
    Yes, but I don't log it until 3-4 days after. That way I know the weight loss is real and not just a water flux. And I don't count ounces, that would drive me crazy lol

    Also, it helps to know that when I splurge on food one day that it will come back to haunt me the next :P
  • sheleen302
    sheleen302 Posts: 266 Member
    Yes, my scale has ounces in .2 increments, I love it, it keeps me motivated to weigh every day.

    I weigh every morning after using the bathroom and naked and I also weigh at night before bed naked. It keeps me accountable and I can judge how I did for the day. I don't obsess over it, I am the kind of person who will gain weight if I don't keep watch on the numbers.
    I do the same thing!
  • jc501
    jc501 Posts: 129 Member
    Every other day...
  • I used to only weigh myself once a week so I wouldn't obsess over it, but now I try to weigh myself everyday. That way I know if I'm really going up/down in weight, or if there's another reason I happen to have, say, an extra pound in the morning (e.g. from going out to eat the night before).

    I know there might be slight fluctuations from day-to-day, so I want to get a sense of consistency. Plus, my scale only weighs by the half pound, so there's no need for me to worry too much over ounces. Also, I try to only weigh myself in the morning before breakfast. I know if I try to weigh myself at any other point in the day, it won't match up with my morning weight, so if I forget to do it first thing in the morning, I don't bother.

    I'm fine doing it every day, but I have some friends who can't keep a scale at home or they find themselves obsessing over it. Instead, they just weigh in at the gym about every half-week or so.
  • semossmoss
    semossmoss Posts: 14 Member
    I weigh in every single morning currently. It's not obsessive for me and I would hardly consider it sick. It's really just preference.

    I enjoy getting up and going to see if I have lost anything. Too much distance from the scale is not good for me, and I need to be accountable. :)
  • CowgirlKimi
    CowgirlKimi Posts: 107 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning after I use the restroom and then again at night before going to bed. I know your weight can and will go up and down during the day but for me it is a way to stay accountable.

    I do the SAME THING! AND for the SAME reason! I hold myself accountable! I know there are going to be little fluctuations in my weight daily, but let's be real here... the science says if I eat right ( I DON'T do "off" days or "cheat foods") and if I burn cals, I lose weight. period. :) So far, so good.

    Everyone has to do what works for them!
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    I weigh myself every day so that I can compensate if i have any weight gain and get back on track a lot easier.

    same here. I know that its probably not the best idea to weigh myself daily and that I should probably stick to once a week. I do agree with it helping me stay on track. If I see I gained a lot of weight one day then i try to be more careful the next day. I dont go crazy over minor fluctuations though. Also I find that if I eat a very salty dinner the night before which causes me to drink more water than the next day i see my weight goes up. I know its just water retention cuz it goes back down the next day usually.
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    Yup - it's just part of my morning routine - get up, pee, weigh, go downstairs and get coffee.

    I did it even before I was trying to lose weight.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Currently yes.

    I'm doing a study on carb intake and water weight coupled with cyclical dieting.
  • I weigh everday and I need to stop!!! I do it at night and in the morning and it is driving me nuts.....but I can t stop
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    A woman's weight changes too much to weigh-in daily. I would drive myself crazy! Once a week is it for me.
  • fatpanda96
    fatpanda96 Posts: 77
    I'm trying to weigh my self only once a week from now on because when i used to weigh everyday I became kind of obsessed with it.
  • Terryb99
    Terryb99 Posts: 23 Member
    I admit to being a bit obsessed, lol

    I am so close to my goal, I really want to see that number on the scale.
  • AnewTif
    AnewTif Posts: 26
    I weigh myself everyday. Once in the morning after I go to the bathroom and then in the evening before bed. Both times are naked. That being said, I only count what I weigh on Saturday mornings. So I don't count any fluctuation during the week. I just use the weigh ins as a guideline to keep myself on track.
  • jemclean
    jemclean Posts: 10 Member
    Every day is a bit much--it doesn't change much from one day to the next. I weigh myself every 1-2 weeks. That way if there's a change I'm excited, but I'm not obsessing over it.