How do you contol emotional eating?



  • ladyphoebe
    ladyphoebe Posts: 46 Member
    OK so I know the biggest suggestion has been go for a walk or something to get out of the house but I have a 2 yr old and a 2 month old at home and DH is gone for the next month. So I need suggestions for what I can do at home to take mt mind off the symptoms. Its too hot to go outside with the baby.
  • rlcwaterboy
    Sorry to offend but it's true. I don't know any guys that eat because they're depressed but every female member of my family complains that they do it. It's probably hormonal and there's nothing you can do but increase your will power.

    So it's only girls that get depressed, or only girls that suffer from eating disorders, according to your logic?
    Also, I assume you're the perfect weight... because obviously guys aren't overweight because they don't ever overeat...
    It's not an insult and it's not a bogus generalization. Yes some guys have eating disorders. No not all women eat when they are depressed. A lot of women eat when they are depressed, more so than men. That's a fact and it is most likely caused by hormonal or chemical imbalances. Deal with it.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    my answer might sound cheesy but it works for me
    After eating like 3500+ calories after seeing somebody who reminded me of my ex long time ago, I have learned to detach being emotional from eating. So now when I'm stressed I watch TV or do some activity to get my mind off of it or just say "screw it, why do I even care" because most of the time just saying that helps.

    Also, try to be at peace with yourself. Many of us are not at peace with ourselves. Many of us have demons within us that disturb us. Forgive and forget. Once you're at peace in heart, you'll learn to not attack something during stressful times (like attacking food)
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    There is nothing so bad that overeating can't make worse
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Sorry to offend but it's true. I don't know any guys that eat because they're depressed but every female member of my family complains that they do it. It's probably hormonal and there's nothing you can do but increase your will power.

    Actually, just because a person is female does not make them an emotional eater... Seriously? Wow...
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member

    So it's only girls that get depressed, or only girls that suffer from eating disorders, according to your logic?
    Also, I assume you're the perfect weight... because obviously guys aren't overweight because they don't ever overeat...
    It's not an insult and it's not a bogus generalization. Yes some guys have eating disorders. No not all women eat when they are depressed. A lot of women eat when they are depressed, more so than men. That's a fact and it is most likely caused by hormonal or chemical imbalances. Deal with it.

    I went to an inpatient clinic for anorexia when I was 14. There was about 1/3 guys to 2/3 girls in the eating disorder therapy meets, and in the extra meets to deal with the underlying conditions (covering depression, anxiety etc) I was the ONLY girl. Your own experiences do not in any way, shape or form, reflect the truth.

    Why are you overweight anyway? Nothing to do with overeating I imagine?...
    Be rude to people, and expect rude answers. Deal with it.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    When my ex-husband was seriously depressed and the meds weren't working his doctor told him to take long daily walks and it really helped.
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    True! if you must binge then at least it will be healthier foods. I to fall victim to emotional eating and mine goes both way happy and sad. But I have found that its really mind over matter. Think about how , why, and what your eating. drink 20 oz of water wait 15 more minutes doing 5 pushups for example and then see if you still want it.

    Also i use a pic of what i want to look like as a goal.

    Good luck, its harder than quitting smoking
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    And to keep on topic: OP, it's all about distraction- making yourself feel better helps... eg, painting your nails, redoing your hair, watching tv, coming on here and getting inspired!
  • CoachJake83
    CoachJake83 Posts: 108
    Get some new habits that take up your time, first and most important being exercise. Then have a good healthy post workout meal.

    The most important thing you can do also is to stock your cupboards and fridge with healthy things! What you put in your cupboards / fridge is what you will eat! Throw out ALL the junk. Don't even give it away, why give junk to other people to poison their bodies? Toss it!

    Join a community, even if it's online for support and accountability. What you're doing now is reaching out, now you need a support group / system on a regular basis.
  • carpetbagger12000
    carpetbagger12000 Posts: 41 Member
    It sounds like you're tied down with small children and can't do your exercising until after they've been put down for their naps. Instead, when you’re feeling blue, why not put the kids in the stroller and all of you go for a walk? Go to the playground and you join them on the swings and going down the slide. It will not only lift your spirits, but it’s good exercise, too! It also helps if you don’t have anything to binge on in your pantry. Keep the snack foods in the house to a minimum, and make them healthy ones: fruit, carrot sticks, nuts. They’re better for your kids, too.
  • ironicusername
    Not that it always works, but I try to preoccupy myself with doing anything with my hands. I took up crocheting partly to keep myself from eating. It can be really therapeutic. I also play my instruments, paint, make things with beads, play computer games... anything to keep my hands busy. Chewing gum also helps. I like the Desert Delights by Extra.
  • DanielleLarsen1
    rlcwaterboy are you an expert on men and women's eating habits? Dont call it a fact unless you have the research to back it up.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Here's how I avoid it:

    1) Turn off the TV. In general. If it's on, pick up hand weights.
    2) Take a walk. I literally go out the door when I want to go into the kitchen. Even 10 minutes seems to help, longer is better. If it's bad weather, I start a slow stair walk with headphones on and then work up to "boogie" up and down the stairs.
    3) I always have a giant (I mean, GIANT) veggie salad in the fridge. If I have to eat I eat all of that I want, with fat-free dressing. Bowls full, sometimes. Nothing but good, there.
    4) Track your food.
    5) Eat clean - you want to get rid of anything that lends itself to binging - fat, salt.

    Keep trying.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    I try taking a walk with music or dancing to some of my favorite soundtracks. I have found that if I can get out of the moodset I can avoid the eating.

    I also take a long shower and cry...for some reason crying in the shower and letting all the negativity flow down the drain works wonders for me!

    The other thing I do is if I am REALLY in the OMG NEED FOOD TO FEEL BETTER etc stage, I drink water. I will fill up my Camelbak bottle and throw something in it to flavor it and then just drink away. Somehow just the feel of the Camelbak in my mouth helps? I think its like an oral fixation thing, I also chew gum too to get away form the mindless eating.

    I totally agree tho with seeing what the cause of the emo-eating is. I talk to my self in the shower and try to get all the negativity out, and it seems to me anyway just saying the words helps. Like the other day I had a really bad day at boss was being a total godzilla and I was on my last thread.

    I was so angry and sad...and wanted nothing more than to eat. Eat carbs...pasta!! Bread!! Cookies!! But no, I told myself no....I will not let myself sabotauge myself like this. So I came home, took off my scrubs and got in the shower and let it hit me. I started reciting my day..."This happened and this happened and I felt like this and so on and so on..." and the feel of the water as well as verbalizing the issues really helped...well, wash them away lol
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Mine isn't emotional eating, as I actually tend to NOT eat when I'm stressed... But I'm a boredom eater and I appreciate the suggestions as well. I'm going to try to throw in some more walking when I can and check out those hypnosis apps. :smile:

    ETA: I have dumbbells that I will also start picking up and trying to use when the boredom hits. Sometimes it is just *too hot* for me to get out there. The humidity and heat do a nice little number on my asthma.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    I tend to be a boredom eater I try to keep myself busy!!
  • SamanthaAnnM
    SamanthaAnnM Posts: 143 Member
    When I'm seriously depressed, I don't have an appetite for days. I remember when my younger brother passed away and when I broke up with my first boyfriend, I couldn't eat for several days. When I tried, I felt like I was gonna throw up after a few bites. But when I'm only slightly sad or bored a lot of times I'll find myself wanting to drive over to the nearest fast food place and get a huge burger and fries meal. What I do mostly is ride it out. I make myself busy doing other things, I fix myself a healthy meal, and I think about how it's not worth taking the time out of my day to eat such crap. It doesn't always work, but most of the time the thoughts of big macs and sodas pass and I realize I was never all that hungry in the first place! :)
  • Kristan_Forsey
    Kristan_Forsey Posts: 103 Member
    Sometimes I use sheer willpower and other times I chug two big glasses of water really quickly. It fills your stomach to the point where it would cause you pain to put anything else in there.
  • lindsayforlife
    lindsayforlife Posts: 93 Member
    Sorry to offend but it's true. I don't know any guys that eat because they're depressed but every female member of my family complains that they do it. It's probably hormonal and there's nothing you can do but increase your will power.

    My husband is an emotional eater. Just yesterday, he had a terrible day at work. I asked him if there was anything I could do to help. He said, "not really...All I want to do is go home and eat junk." So don't generalize.