Why don't you try eating the amount of food you normally eat and log it all for a week? Then you can see where you are now, and cut 200-300 calories per day from there. Even if you maintain, you will be at a better place in 6 months than if you gain. I think you have to look at the big picture, and I wasn't ready for that…
This one was spelled wrong. Probably happened other times, too.
Agreed. I have a sinus infection, TOM gains, and a food baby. I haven't even gotten on the scale yet. I don't want to do that to myself ;)
I would start by dealing with any underlying issues that caused the weight gain. Psychologist appointments helped me to deal with the emotional aspects. Also, if there is binge eating, that has to be addressed. Then focus on small goals such as limiting fast food to twice a week, or drinking water instead of juice, or…
With ice, milk, spinach, and chocolate protein in a smoothie. Delicioso.
My list for the week: Heavy cream Milk Eggs Turkey Lightly breaded chicken Wheat buns Avocado Asparagus Cuties Bacon Pork loin Cheese block Salad greens Protein bars Green tea Frozen fish But your list will be different depending on what you love. I love fat haha.
Patience, perspective, and pee-pee.
Just think... you could have gained and been 10 lbs heavier today than a year ago. Maintenance is a success. Now just move forward with your goals (today, not January 1).
I'm a dietetic intern and we usually say it reduces sodium by about 40%.
Have you thought about upping the calories or taking a maintenance break? I'm not sure your stats, but I feel like you could eat higher calories and still lose, even if it's not 1-2 # per week. With the exercise, your body might just want more fuel. Just a suggestion ☺️
I hear about Weetabix all the time, but we don't have them in the US. They look large-- do they break up with milk?
You could eat below your BMR, but why would you want to? You could eat at your BMR and still lose weight. Just remember that this is long-term, and you don't want to be miserable.
I work in nutrition with kids under 5, some with issues concerning underweight/ADHD/chronic kidney/CP. Not sure how old he is, so that would make a difference. First off, is he doing any kind of feeding therapy? A lot of therapists recommend pairing a preferred food with a new food. The foods that you are eating that he…
I have tried plenty of dairy free products, and would rather not eat those foods. If you don't want dairy, then don't eat it, but you aren't going to find the same taste that you love. Sorry to burst your bubble :smile:. If you are adamant about eating yogurt, So Delicious is made from coconut milk, and it is okay-- if you…
Just a question, but have you had problems with binge eating? You sound like me. Protein really helps, and waiting longer to eat something sweet during the day. I also try to leave room for a snack later at night. And make sure you aren't being super restrictive during the day.
Bitchy, huh? I can't read humor on here. I just figured it was a real thing.
There is also Medicaid called "Planning for Healthy Babies", and it is available to women aged 25-41. It covers Pap smears, birth control, and annual exams. I would look into that. Also, your local health center/health department should run on a sliding scale.
Where are you from @Noel_57? That meal would definitely make me lose weight :wink: ... but I love hearing how different cultures indulge.
Salads are often not a good option calorically, especially if you decide to add dressing. Just make sure you look up nutrition information. I like Chik-Fil-A side salads. When I wasn't vegetarian I would get the Wendy's chili and dump it on a baked potato or salad. Kiddie finger meals from Zaxby's. Grilled chicken sandwich…
Poor kidneys...
Fairlife milk, Siggi's skyr, beans, tofu, cheese, soy sauce, eggs, f/v, vegetable broth, natural nut butters, fresh bread.
Add seeds, nuts, vegan dairy substitutes, vegan protein shakes, beans, meat analogs, more protein rich veggies. I would honestly say don't worry so much about fat intake if it is unsaturated fat (which it should be if you're vegan).
Yeah. Fiber is healthful, but if your body isn't accustomed to eating a lot of it you may have some side effects for a little while. It should go away soon, and just leave you with nice poops like we are supposed to have. Make sure you drink plenty of water!
I love Siggi's skyr, too, but it is soooo expensive. When I do eat greek yogurt, it's Chobani, or just any plain yogurt with honey.
WTF. If you're really that scared, then go to the hospital. If I had bubbles and mucus coming out of my urethra, I would take anything the doctor gave me. Or be admitted to the hospital. You only get one body. For yeast infections, I shoot some plain greek yogurt into the "area of discomfort". My NP told me to do that, and…
Hey there! I am not sure how much protein you are taking... Or fat. Are you trying to go low carb (which is possible as vegetarians), or do you just want to reduce the carbs a bit? Instead of legumes (pulses), you can try seeds, nuts, meat analogs such as tempeh, seitan, tofu. If you're lactoovo, you can get protein from…
I just ate three. I'm still alive. If you have problems with high cholesterol or diabetes, then you may want to limit. The topic of eggs is about as controversial as diet soda, though. One egg has a little under 200 mg of cholesterol. For a healthy adult, no more than 300 mg of cholesterol should be eaten daily. For one…
Sarcasm? Or wrong title?
Playboy bunny?