aerome Member


  • Every time I've been on the pill it made me really sick. I've tried at least 3 different kinds. I'm on the NuvaRing now and my only side effect so far is that I can feel it every once in a while.
  • Who told you that was your only option??? I'm currently nursing as well and I'm on the NuvaRing. There's also a patch and low estrogen BC pills. And IUDS... Don't let someone corner you into choosing an option that might not be the best choice for YOU and your needs.
  • I don't think eating only 1200 calories is enough food. In my opinion, most people (myself included) are more likely to stick with it if you're eating a bit more and losing the weight slower... Just my two cents. :smile:
  • Thanks! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't hurting myself more than helping. :smile:
  • I'm an H cup and currently breastfeeding my 2 1/2 month old son. The only issue I've ran into with breastfeeding my son is finding a comfortable nursing bra in my size. I can't find any, so I have to wear regular bras, which makes it a little less convenient, but still totally do-able. Personally, I wouldn't risk not being…
  • making these tonight!
  • I don't use any artificial sweeteners at all. I don't think enough research has been done on them. Just because they may or may not cause cancer doesn't mean they won't lead to other problems, whether it's weight gain or otherwise. If I drink soda, which I've significantly cut back on, I drink the regular stuff.
  • Thanks everyone! I think the mindless eating is my worst habit. Or just assuming something can't be THAT bad. Watching the Food Network as often as I do probably isn't the best idea, either, but I really love cooking and experimenting and trying new foods...
    in Woops! Comment by aerome March 2011
  • You could get a couple of workout DVDs to do until you can save up for a new one! Switching it up is always good! Or a gym membership. If you're really set on buying a treadmill, I would agree with the above poster that suggested Craigslist.
  • I use one of Ina Garten's (from the Food Network) recipes. Preheat the oven to 450. Heat a dry frying pan (one that you can put in the oven, I use cast iron). Rub both sides of your salmon with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook on one side in the pan for about 2 minutes, flip and put in the oven until it's…
  • 1 - My gym teaches the Les Mills classes, and I attend the RPM Spin class. The main point is to keep the RPM of your bike the same as the BPM of the music. This is explained at the beginning of every class. And there are still people that attend the class and crank the resistance way up and spin really slowly, or don't put…
  • Hi everyone! I was on MFP before I got pregnant and had a lot of issues eating much of anything once I got pregnant, so I figured if I was actually able to eat and keep it down, then I wasn't going to worry about how many calories it had. My son was born on January 17th and I had a lot of difficulty with my appetite again,…
  • Bump! I had these as a snack today! :smile:
  • I agree with the poster above. Try upping your calories and see if that makes the difference.
  • That sucks that you have the gluten intolerance, but at least you know about it! You should be very proud that you're sticking with it! Props to you!:drinker:
  • Every artificial sweetener I've tried has messed with my blood sugar. I think it causes me to release insulin, but since the fake stuff doesn't counteract insulin, the insulin stays in my system and my blood sugar gets too low and I get the shakes. I just stick with the real stuff. I don't really add it to anything anyway,…
  • I'm around your size (5'6" and 154 lbs) and I know that 1200 calories is too low for me. My blood sugar gets too low and I get the shakes, and I don't normally have blood sugar problems. I'm currently eating around 1500 calories and I do just fine. (It's amazing how much of a difference 300 calories can make!) Personally,…
  • Dried fruit has more calories BY WEIGHT than fresh (because if you eat 1 pound of fresh apples vs 1 pound of dried apples, you're going to eat a lot more apples if they're dried because each individual apple weighs less). All you're doing when you dry it is removing water. (Unless of course you're adding sugar or some…
  • Do some upper body weight-lifting work where you can stay seated or lie down (triceps, chest, shoulders, back, biceps) and some abdominal work. Split that up into two days (triceps, chest, and shoulders one day; back and biceps the next) until you heal up. You won't burn as many calories, but you definitely won't be lazy…
    in :( Comment by aerome March 2010
  • I've made this quite a few times with chicken and it's wonderful! Last night my husband and I used the same recipe but with pork instead. We upped the garlic (because we LOVE garlic) and it was totally awesome!!! Love it! :heart:
  • Try eating naturally sweet foods, like fruit. I think it's something you have to gradually ween yourself off of. Same with salt. Just start reducing a little each day until you reach your goal. If you add 2 spoons of sugar to your coffee, today add 1 3/4 or 1 1/2 spoons, tomorrow or the day after reduce that by a little…
    in SUGAR Comment by aerome March 2010
  • I like to saute mine with olive oil, garlic, and a little bit of lemon juice. YUM
  • I'd say it would be okay as long as you don't go under 1200 calories. Maybe you could workout a little harder the next day and not eat all of the calories back? I try to treat each day individually, though. :)
  • Broiling is when you cook at a high heat from above. Your regular oven should have a broil setting where you normally adjust the temperature. Make sure you put the pan a little lower in the oven or you'll char it!
  • Chances are, you're going to eat another piece of cake in your life. So every time you eat a piece of cake are you going to just go crazy and binge for the rest of the day? Does that sound like a life style change? Get your booty to the gym, work off that cake and then some!!!
    in HELP Comment by aerome February 2010
  • [/quote] That, and when they assigned my *kitten* a zip code. That didn't help. :laugh: [/quote] Ha! Hilarious. :tongue: Thanks for sharing all of your reasons! Also, I guess I should have mentioned--I still want to look good in my clothes and a bikini. But it's not my main reason for working so hard. It's just a bonus!…
  • I would up the calories by 100-200 and see how you feel. 1200 is the minimum MFP will give you. Are you settings at losing 1lb/week? I know I personally can't go below 1400 without getting the shakes and migraines. You could also try eating more fiber and more filling foods to get you through the day.
  • I've also been using the vanilla Jillian Michaels protein powder. I'm pretty new to using protein powder and I chose hers because it came in a smaller container and I didn't want a bunch to go to waste if I didn't like it. I've only mixed it with milk so far and it was okay. A little chunky (but I could have mixed it…
  • I'm planning on doing Level 2 of 30 day shred tonight, this will be day 1 for me. I still haven't picked up the other 2 DVDs, but I think I will tonight or tomorrow.