SAHM 3/14 - 3/20



  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Wow, because I'm on a different time zone I post the opposite part of the day to most of you so I am struggling a bit to keep up but will do my best!!

    shellndub - that is a great start exercise wise, well done!! :drinker:

    ADK ~ Welcome - 57 pounds is an amazing loss, you look great! :drinker:

    Amy! Great picture! :drinker: I cna't imagine anyone can lose lots of weight and not have loose skin, I guess the main challenge then becomes toning it all up. I do track my water but I need to drink absolutely shedloads because of dieting and BFing on top.

    PNC - amazing 4.6 lb loss - hooray!! :bigsmile:

    Welcome Sheri!

    Congrats on your loss AJ! :drinker: I really don't think the BMI ranges are that accurate at all, I remember reading years ago that Brad Pitt was technically overweight according to them :huh:

    Holly I'm glad Nebraska is cold in the winter, as I got it from programme about the States at some point so I'd be very worried that maybe the TV portrayal of the States wasn't 100% accurate otherwise! :noway: :laugh: My general world geography isn't too bad I know roughly where most countries are, but once you get to individual cities/ States its utterly rubbish unless its Western europe!

    Stacey ~ sorry you are still sick and about the weight gain. You will get back on track promise, it is really hard when you are ill though :flowerforyou:

    kat - I'm sorry to hear about your appointment, sounds really stressful. My MIL as diagnosed with thyroid cancer a couple of years ago, they took her thyroid out so she is on medication for that but apparently thyroid cancer has the best survival rate of all of them, and she didn't have to have any radio or chemotherapy or anything. Hopefully you don't have it at all though *hugs*

    Moment of truth for me tomorrow as its weigh-in :noway:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member

    kat - I'm sorry to hear about your appointment, sounds really stressful. My MIL as diagnosed with thyroid cancer a couple of years ago, they took her thyroid out so she is on medication for that but apparently thyroid cancer has the best survival rate of all of them, and she didn't have to have any radio or chemotherapy or anything. Hopefully you don't have it at all though *hugs*

    Hehe, I know! I joked with my hubby that if it were cancer, this is the type to get because typically they cut it out and it won't go into the rest of the body LOL It's just hard moving around all the time and seeing military doctors for everything. I am happy to be in a big enough place to actually see a specialist for something like this, maybe something will finally be solved!
    Good luck on your weigh-in tomorrow!

    Shell ~ Sorry about the migraines, that has to be tough!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    ha ha, they told my MIL that ''if you get cancer this is the one to get' but I didn't personally think that was a hugely helpful thing to say to someone who has been told they might have it!! Just the word cancer is terrifying to most people/ Anyway, glad you have a specialist doc and we're all rooting for you!

    BTW, I have been to the States twice - once to the Western coast we did a fly drive round Nevada/ California erm and a few other states round there :huh: and the other one to the Eastern Coast and did another fly drive during the autumn around Maine/ New England/ New York/ New Jersey. We had a fab time both times and I hope to take our kids to Florida in the future to Disney etc - we have one in Paris, which is good 'n all, but I'm sure its not the same!! I miss travelling...
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome shoppie and others!

    thanks for the encouraging thoughts. you're right. i am making progress--despite the scale. stayed close to my cals today. and have spent 9 weeks getting into regular workouts. so that's something.
    and when this flu/sinus infection passes, it will be easier to go full blast.

    katie--(((HUGS))) i know it's a "good/easily treated" cancer, but still....i hope you get definitive answers this time and a more solid plan of action.

    back to chk on the girls and drink some more water.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Katie, I'm sorry to hear about your doctor's appointment. BUT, I'm so happy to hear that this doctor is trying to get you actual answers instead of just assuming that everything's fine. Keep us posted. Prayers for you.

    I'm exhausted after today. Time to go play Pokemon with the hubby and call it a night. :)
  • Katie~ i am sorry about your doc apt, but I am so glad you got to one who specializes in your situation. I know how its hard to be consistent with military doctors. big hugs. My thoughts are with you!

    Stacey~ wowho! on the new computer! I am sorry your still sick! Don't worry about the pounds they will come off as soon as you are feeling better.

    Shellndub~ Wowhoo sore muscles, i love that pain!

    Shoppie~ I am a disney addict! I would love to go to Disney Paris!

    Well today was a good one, I was able to do D3W3 of C25K. Then we played all day long. My daughter was rather whinny all day though. BUT she finally turned ALL the way over!!! She was just toddling back and forth before. It was really exciting. I hope everyone has a great evening.
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Just wanted to stop by before bed and say that class went very, very, very well,lets just say when it was over and done with, I looked down at my HRM and I burnt just under 900 calories in that 1 hr..!! It Rocked!!.. Will fill you all in, tomorrow morning.........Thanks for all the good thoughts! Talk with you all in the morning

  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: WELCOME ALL NEWCOMERS:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Congrats on all weight losses!

    Haven't been on much this weekend, but did managed to log this weekend and didn't do too bad. Had a very rough Sunday and was just ready to walk out and leave it all. Today was a little better, still a little stressed, but I had such a busy day today, didn't have much time to think about it.

    Took the lil guy to the dr today and found out he just has a head cold, no ear infection (thank goodness) and the dr told me to try some real fruit cut up into tiny pieces, esp prunes instead of the baby food and see if that helps and he said I could keep giving him the stage 3 foods. So, I gave him some prunes cut up this morning, we'll see how he does throughout the night.

    This is it for the night, I'm calling it the night. Hopefully everyone had a good weekend!

  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member

    Took the lil guy to the dr today and found out he just has a head cold, no ear infection (thank goodness) and the dr told me to try some real fruit cut up into tiny pieces, esp prunes instead of the baby food and see if that helps and he said I could keep giving him the stage 3 foods. So, I gave him some prunes cut up this morning, we'll see how he does throughout the night.
    Yay for no ear infection!! In terms of fruit a lot of people recommended pear to me when R was having constipation issues (I think I remember that being the issue you're having??) When ripe they're super soft and seem to help. We try to give her one a day :)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Re: constipation - grapes work wonders!! So do apricots, but don't forget if you up the fibre you must make sure he drinks plenty or it will actually make things worse.

    I need to feed the baby but mainly came by to say I LOST FOUR POUNDS! Hooray, great start and maybe if I stay on track I can lose 2 next week and hit my first goal?!?
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Thanks for all the positive thoughts ladies! Sorry I just laid it all out there. My husband hadn't come home yet and I needed to formulate my words. Thanks for being my sounding board! LOL

    Cat ~ Wow! That sounds like an insane intense class! I'd love to take it! haha! Do you do a lot of other things besides just sprints and climbs and stuff?

    Shoppie ~ 4lbs?! Amazing woman!! Congrats!

    Today is a new day! Off to complete some workouts, clean the house, go to the library, have a playdate/dinner date with a friend tonight....gotta burn some's pizza! LOL I will only eat 1 piece...I will only eat 1 piece...I will only.... LOL
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Cat ~ Wow! That sounds like an insane intense class! I'd love to take it! haha! Do you do a lot of other things besides just sprints and climbs and stuff?

    It was a pretty intense class..Just shy of 900 calories burnt, it was crzy!!!! .When I was making it up over the weekend, I didn't think it was so intense, but man the sweat was rolling off me last I do the regular, sprints,and jogs, I also throw in some standing and seated climbs, and around the worlds too..Split the class up and do boys vs girls, or half and half and have fun with sprints that way..... There is so much to do, and you can take one song and find a few different routines to do to that one song....There were 18 people in class last night, the more eyes, the more nervous I got before Warm up, seemed like ti took But when the music got playing and I got into it, I seemed to settle in ok and enjoy myself....Helps when the class, hoots and hollers..Knowing their enjoying themselves as
    My daughter's pre-k teacher was in my class last night and this morning she told me that the class was great! So that made me feel Now its going to be working on next week's class....I'm going back for class two, so I guess I liked
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Katie - I would send you some cyber will power to take with you tonight but I think mine is still in the fridge eating M&Ms from last night. :( Praying for good results and that your doctor helps you get everything figured out and balanced. BTW, love the idea of just watching my pee to see if I'm drinking enough. I usually have very light pee so I guess I am getting enough for my body.

    AJ - 130's is awesome, congrats!!!!

    Swtchrypie - Yippee, awesome that your daughter rolled over, such a big milestone. Did you get pics or video of it? I always would forget in my moments of excitement. Healthy foods def make my body feel better but last night I saw first hand how strong sugar cravings are after a sugar fest. I just couldn't stop myself from hitting the M&Ms, I had way too many, blah!

    Stacey - Hope you are getting better w/ each day. I bet your ready to feel 100% again. It's good to see you back on here. :)

    Holly - Great workout plan! You are the gym queen, way to go!

    Shoppie - WOW, you lost 4 pounds, WOW, that is awesome, great job!

    Thanks for the kind works about my pic. It was hard to look at and realize that it's the "improved" version. LOL, I hope to get it more toned up soon but I'm glad it's better than it was. Just annoys me that it got so out of control. Ah well, I can't change the past but I can do better today.

    Plan on doing W4D1 of C25K today. Wanted to go last night but it was raining and we had community group so I just couldn't make it work. Wish I could have b/c it would have kept me outta the m&ms. My hubs is driving me crazy, LOL. He ate all the veggie straws that I bought for the boys' lunch. I swear, I'm going to start putting labels on things that are off limits. Hahaha!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Cat - I'm so glad your class went so well, sounds like a great time. I bet you will be comfortable up there in no time. WOW, that's a lot of burned calories, it's crazy how many calories cycling burns. You did awesome and should be very proud of what you accomplished! Way to go!!!!!
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    Hello! I just saw this thread. I'm new here to mfp. My name is Simone and I have been a sahm since 2005. When I got pregnant with my soon to be 5 year old twins. I also was a sahm from 1994 until 1999 when my 2nd son turned 3. I love being home with my kiddos. My youngest is 18 months old.
  • Cat~ AWESOME!!! I am so glad the class went well!!!!

    Barb~ YIppie for no ear infection! I hope his cold gets better soon and the prunes work!

    Shoppie~ Congrats on the loss!!!!!!!!

    Amy~ No i didn't catch it on video, all those days I was watching her like a hawk with it and then she did it when I was in the other room, little booger!!!! Good luck with C25K today!!!! let me know how week 4 is!

    Welcome mom2pne

    Well my husband leaves today to go for training. So I am praying my son doesn't go crazy tonight when he realizes daddy is going to be gone a bit. Thankfully he isn't gone long.

    My friend lent me a p90x video and I haven't had enough courage to start it. Haha, I am super scared and I keep thinking of things to do instead. SO I need to get off my bum and stop procrastinating! My goal for the day, do p90x.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    4loveofkids - I'm exactly the same, once I touch sugar I just can't stop and the cravings get worse and worse, I really don't think I can have it at all :frown:

    swtchrypie - the first time my second rolled over I wasn't even sure it was hi as I had been out of the room and my eldest son was with him so I went all aggressive mummy and asked eldes if he had turned him over!! :blushing: It was only the next day when he rolled again that I knew it was for real. I'm still waiting for my little girl to smile, the very first milestone. She is 5 weeks today, hopefully it won't be much longer!

    welcome mom2pne :drinker:

    clcole - just under 900 cals? WOW!

    Thanks for the congrats, I am very happy but keep getting sidetracked with thoughts of how far there still is to go - I will focus on mini targets, I will!! Oddly today I realised that of the weight I need to shift precisely half i.e. 17 lbs is baby weight, and the other half was what I was over before I got pregnant.
  • Hubby offically left the states this morning, on a plane as I type. I have 3 sick kids now, my 3 year old was up several times last night from coughing so I am lacking sleep this morning, the baby is still coughing and threw up all over me & him last night before bed from coughing, my 1 year old is still fussy but on a up note has stopped whinning nonstop and pulling on his ears so I guess the antibiotics are working. On top of that while I was working out yesterday I guess I twisted my knee or something cause it's hurting bad this morning. I need to go grocery shopping there is nothing but junk left in the house but who wants to take 3 sick kids to Walmart especially on only about 3 hours of sleep. Why is it when hubby leaves for a deployment all the kids get sick? UGH :tongue:
    So all that being said I have no idea if I will even get in a workout today & I probably won't be eatting that great either. Maybe this week isn't going to go as I hoped. Oh well I will do my best and take it a day at a time.
    Sorry I am such a downer this morning everyone. :ohwell:

    Great to on all the weight losses and successes that you are having.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Cat-WTG with the class!!!

    Barb-Hooray for no ear infection! They scare the heck out of me because my brother's ear drum nearly burst from one a few years ago. I was always taking DD in if she even pulled her ear. :laugh:


    Swtchrypie-Good luck with the p90x today! And hopefully your son won't be too upset tonight.

    Shoppie-I had a hard time with min-targets too. I guess right now I'm mainly focusing on each new milestone (i.e: 170's, 160's, etc.) I do weigh myself everyday to make sure I'm staying on track. Terrible habit, but I can't help myself.

    Christi- ((((((((hugs))))))))))) Being sick and having a deployment at the same time are a good reason to be down. I hope the boys feel better soon so you can get out and get the food you need to nourish yourself.

    I did the Wii last night and was pretty suprised at how good I felt running for 20 minutes. I was expecting to be coughing my head off, but I only had to pause twice, briefly, for coughing fits. Today the sun is shining and we're getting up to almost 40, so I'm going to take the kids out for a walk with the double stroller after DS wakes up from his nap, and then tonight I have volleyball for two hours. Hopefully the kids will go to bed without any issues so I can get there on time. :happy:
  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    Hi everyone! I was on MFP before I got pregnant and had a lot of issues eating much of anything once I got pregnant, so I figured if I was actually able to eat and keep it down, then I wasn't going to worry about how many calories it had.

    My son was born on January 17th and I had a lot of difficulty with my appetite again, like I did with the first half and last part of my pregnancy. I'm breastfeeding and loving it, and fortunately, I'm only about 5 pounds heavier than I was when this whole shabang started because of it, along with my initial lack of appetite. But I definitely need to tone up my belly and get back to eating healthily!
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