SAHM 3/14 - 3/20



  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Simone & Aerome - welcome!

    Christi - Do you have someone that can come sit on your couch after the kids go to sleep? You could do your Walmart run and not have to worry about getting the kids out. I hope everyone is on the mend soon. Praying that your husband stays safe and is able to return soon.

    Nicole - Great job running!! Have fun at volleyball tonight.

    swtchrypie - which P90X video did you borrow? There are certain ones I love and some, not so much, LOL. I usually throw in a couple of P90X workouts each week but I don't use it faithfully. I'm sure I'd be a lot further along in this process if I did.

    I'm being so lazy today. I need to get busy b/c it looks wild in here. To top it off my washer is acting ugly. I'm going to search for a place that can get out ASAP to look at it. It gets down to the last two minutes and then shows an error code and stops running. So annoying.
    H2O - 3 down, started glass number 4.
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Seriously, I am a bad poster and not keeping up well!

    I will try to be better about it.

    TOM is suppose to be arriving this week so I AM NOT WEIGHING IN! Between us I did weigh yesterday and hadn't we shall see what happens after this week :)

    I am to a point that I feel like a bum if I don't work out everyday! Tomorrow I have to work so that means I either have to get up an hr early to do it or have an evening workout. I don't like working out at night, but I don't like getting up early either! lol We will see who wins that battle!
  • swtchrypie
    Shoppie~ Don't you love baby weight! I agree with mini goals, I think its great to always have something you can obtain right infront of you.

    Christi~ I am sorry about the boys getting sick. Its always harder the first week let alone when someones not feeling well. I'm glad you said you have a great support system.

    Welcome aerobe!!

    Amy~ The p90x I did today was the ab ripper x. Lets just say um yeah. ouch. I couldn't do it all, I have a previous back injury that was not feeling too hot. But I am going to keep at it. Hopefully in a few months I can do it fully. BUT i did try right! Great job on the water and have fun with the laundry, that is what I am doing today as well.

    Randi~ Good luck with the workout tomorrow, let us know who wins. I think night would win with me. there are some mornings it takes everything I have to roll out of bed.

    i might be mia for a bit will is going to take the laptop with him and my desktop stinks….but i will be back!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    For those of you not on my friends list, I just posted this-

    I borrowed a shirt tonight..from my 15 yr. old daughter and it's a Jr.s medium..I know not all of them will fit me but it's nice that one does. OH, and my size 8 pants and skirt..too big, I even need a belt with my one pair of 6's..feels nice after a day of not killing myself at the gym!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Wild-thanks for the idea, I might try that next.

    Shoppie-He did get some strawberries, a grape, and some melon. Congrats on the 4lb lost!!

    Swtch-Thanks, he seems to be doing better both cold wise and constipation. He went three times today, but it was still a little hard for him to go :frown: Hopefully tomorrow will be better for him.

    PNC-Yikes! I know I was talking to a few people over the weekend, and they were all saying don’t mess around with ear infections, whether you think they have it or not, better to get it checked by the dr then not.

    Simone & Aerome - Welcome to the group!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, everyone. I have the busiest day today--ripping and running from one thing to the next! Busy tomorrow in the morning as well. I have to find 12 hours of time to run my nutrition IV, and I can't! I'm going to have to break the time up.

    I've been doing well on eating, and not well at all in exercising. :tongue:

    To top it off, I need to apply for these teaching jobs online, and get my information for my taxes ASAP. So much for the leisurely stay-at-home-life. :laugh:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    bluerose - how is your little one's tummy?

    holly - nice going with the shirt!

    victorious - not sure who thinks life at home is leisurely unless they haven't ever been at home looking after children

    I'm a bit torn about our dinner tonight, have just entered it all and it puts me a tiny bit over target (only about 30 cals) and is really yummy but the vast majority of the cals (and fat!) are in chorizo so I'm wondering whether to not eat that part or only half of it or something?

    I'm having a really nice day, both small ones behaving well which is really lovely - A didn't cry at all during playgroup so I was able to spend more time with B and he always really flourishes when I can :smile:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    shoppie-Enjoy your dinner it isn't over by that much and sometimes you'll find that when you go over even by a few hundred calories you will actually lose more the next day or so. It keeps your body guessing and not getting totally used to the deficit.

    victorious-I agree there really are no leisurely days at home there is always something to do that needs to get done or some place to go.

    Barb-sorry your little guy is having problems like that. I hope it gets better for him soon.

    I have done 2 days of Jillian Michaels Shred in addition to my regular gym routine (which I am increasing weights in right now). Yesterday I was groggy all day with a sore throat, I still went to the gym but didn't go Jillian last night. I thought it wouldn't be the end of the world to not do it as my arms were sore from lifting. Surely I could make it up the next day..right? WRONG! Julia my youngest decided to wake up at 3:00 am this morning, I brought her to bed where she tossed, turned, flopped and played with my nose for an hour and half before I game up and brought her downstairs. My husband got up around 5-5:30 and I went back to bed. Julia is still up and active. All this because she fell asleep for an hour while picking up my oldest from school. UGH!

    On the upside it's supposed to be 68 and sunny here today so we will totally get outside either to the park or the zoo for a few hours! Maybe the sunshine and warmth will make me feel better..

  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome aerome!

    Holly-Woohoo!! It always feels good when you shrink out of a bigger size! Sorry about your little one. My DD usually tries to fall asleep on the couch around 4pm and I'm in there shaking and tickling her to keep her awake so she will go to bed at 6:30pm! :laugh:

    Shoppie-Glad you had a good playgroup! I would eat the chorizo since it's not putting you over by that many calories. I think we all have days where we're over, but as long as they don't outweigh the days we've met, or are under, we're fine.

    I went to volleyball last night and had a great time. There were so many of us we had to form three teams and rotate in and out. I hate when that happens because then I'm not exercising for the whole two hours, but it's nice that so many people are interested in playing. My upper abdominals are so sore today and I think it's from doing jacknives (SP?) on the Wii Fit two nights ago. They started bothering me a little during our walk yesterday afternoon, but this morning I couldn't even sit right up in bed! We finally sent Inception back to Netflix, so I should be getting Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism tomorrow. Has anyone done Ripped in 30? It sounds better than 30DS, but it's not available on Netflix yet so I'd have to buy it.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome Simone! That is when I became a stay at home mom too :) My oldest will be 5 in July!

    Swtchrypie ~ I'm scared of P90x too! LOL

    Christie ~ When it rains it pours :( Soo so sorry! It seems like anything that can go wrong during deployments, will.

    Welcoem Aerome!

    Randi ~ Just check in when you can! You've probably deleted me from your board by now ;-P I just can't keep up!

    Holly ~ How stinkin exciting!!! :) Hope you get to get outdoors today!

    Shoppie ~ Being a little over isn't going to hurt you, And I wouldn't worry about being over in fat for one day either. My last two days I have been way over in fat LOL But if you want to make yourself feel better, just leave a bite or two on the plate :)

    Another day of rain :( It's supposed to be better tomorrow, through the weekend, so that's good. I'm running in a 5k tomorrow and another one on Saturday! I don't want rain! LOL :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome simone!

    swtchry--p90x is so doable! you may have to work up to it, but you will get there. i remember when the first time i did abripperx--hehehe. i did about 1/4 of each of the exercises and dubbed it abripper.25x. :) plyo and core and yoga (cuz that one's 90 min) are REALLY hard, imho, so start out with something else. and keep pressing play, just like tony says.
    btw, there are LOTS of beachbody coaches up on these boards, so join in a thread or ask your q's. you're sure to get support and encouragement!

    haven't caught up on rdg. but think about you girls all the time! :)

    got in a workout this am--first one in a week. felt good to move and i lasted the 4 miles.
    also, back down those 2 pounds--which must have been water/waste. whatever. i feel better about myself and feel like those 140s are still w/in reach!
    altogether, i'm feeling better. sinus infexn and eye infexn still not gone, but definitely improved. so thanks for your get well wishes. must've worked. :)

    better skedaddle. have a great day everyone!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    That's great Stacey!

    Blahhh. I took the kids outside today, but no hardcore walk because the wind was blowing too much and that bothers my ears. I ran around with them for about an hour though. Then DH suggested we order out for dinner, so DD asked for McDonalds. We don't eat out very often and we obliged. I'll never eat another one. I feel so lethargic and thirsty and just plain awful. I ran for 30 minutes and did a 30 minute routine with the Wii to help make up for some of it. It's so funny because before we had kids we ate at McD's quite a bit and I just didn't enjoy it tonight. I'm considering that good news. :tongue:

    I hope you all have a good night!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Ugh, I feel the same way if I eat McDs. I feel ya. Now I just don't eat there...I really shouldn't let the kids either...but, I give in every once and a while too.

    Getting bloodwork done in the morning, have a yummy breakfast, then I am running in a St Patty's day 5k! And yes, I am pushing my boys in the stroller...I'm going to see if I can do it in under 32. I can easily do that not pushing the stroller... LOL
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    FUNNY--things kids say

    Mommy's exercising.
    DD says: Why do your legs shake?
    Mommy: Well, I'm moving so the fat and the muscle move too.
    DD (matter of factly): My legs don't shake when I move.

    Conversation over.
  • dsolgot
    dsolgot Posts: 86 Member
    Yay for sahm thread! Hi everyone my names Danyelle, I've been using mfp since Jan. I love this site! So far I've lost 27lbs. Anyways I have 2 wonderful kids my boy just turned 4 and my baby girl is 10 weeks! Lately I've been slacking with working out, I honestly gave no energy what so ever. I thought as you lose weight and reat healthier you get more energy but not for me. But I'm keeping my head up and hopefully the rest falls off lol. Good luck to everyone and their journeys!
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    awww thanks all for the warm welcome and the compliments :blushing: Its been a busy week and its my first time getting back to this thread. Had a hellish visit to the allergist with my little guy today. Well, i shouldnt say hellish because it could have been much worse, but still not fun at all.. and long! YAWN! He's still allergic to peanuts, tree nuts and eggs, so life goes on as usual 'round here :ohwell:

    i've had 3 rest days in a row now because i really overdid it on my running this weekend. If i weren't so tired this evening i could have snuck in a bit of time on the treadmill but the house was chaotic and the little guy was still having a tough day, so needless to say, i am sitting on the couch under a pile of blankets, enjoying my "alone time" at midnight, on MFP and watching Biggest Loser lol

    ok moms, 615 comes all too soon! Good night!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Good luck Katie!!

    LOL Stacey! My DD cracks up at my Mii when I measure myself because of how she bloats up.

    Welcome Danyelle!

    adk-I love the Biggest Loser!!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Happy Thursday mom's...........Been a crzy past few days, I did get some great feed back on my spin clas from a few people that took my class on Monday night.....Well, they told the head trainer and she pulled me into her office yesterday morning to share with me....She was really excited !..That made me feel good....But then............ to wake up this morning feeling like a cold is coming on....NOOOOO!! I don't have any time to get sick esp this weekend, this is the big YMCA fundraiser, cocktail attire at the Hyatt here in town..Lots of months of prep'ing for this,,, I just can't get sick....!!
    So, its lots of OJ and Vit C tablets and maybe a nap here to catch up on some sleep that I haven't been getting lately. And it won't hurt my feeling to be couch bound in front of the TV today...I am a HUGE, HUGE college basketball fan played college basketball myself, and to me, this time fo the month is the BEST time of the month....LOVE it!! Basketball all day today, tomorrow and over the weekend...

    Have a great day mom's......
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Stacey - That is hilarious, darn honesty, hahahaha.

    Katie - Good luck!! Hope you have a wonderful run. I tried doing a 5k while pushing my oldest once, LOL, it didn't go so well but, there were some major hills and I just couldn't hang. :sad: That was also when I was trying to run after only training for a month, I was def a mess that day.

    ADK - Sometimes we need to just cuddle up and take some time for ourselves, you can always workout today. Hope your little man feels better today. Does he have severe allergies? Our old church had a boy with a milk allergy and if he was even near another toddler that had recently consumed milk he would break out into hives. It was so scary. I think a milk allergy would be the hardest, he couldn't be around other babies/toddlers w/o breaking out into hives.

    Welcome Danyelle!

    Swtchrypie - Did you start week 4 yet? I love it, lots more jogging and it was easier for me with longer jog times and less stopping and starting. I felt really good when I got done, can't wait for day 2 tonight!

    I've never been a McD fan, always preferred Wendy's or Chick-fil-a but we do go rarely for Noah. Usually I just eat before hand or order something small. I feel like my mouth is coated in grease after eating there. Now, if Wendy's would only put indoor playgrounds in then I wouldn't have to ever enter McDs again. :bigsmile:

    Busy day today so I probably won't be back until tonight. Happy St. Patrick's Day!! My Mama is making corn beef and cabage for dinner, yummo! Good thing it's a C25K night.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Cat - Oh no, hope you are feeling better after resting today. Congrats on the great compliments, that had to feel great. Wish we lived near eachother so I could spin with ya. Enjoy your day of basketball, I swear that's the one sport that I just don't get. I've tried to learn the rules, etc. and it just doesn't click for me. I always pick my MMadness teams off of random things like if I like the town/state or their school colors, etc. LOL, the guys I use to work with would get pissed b/c I would always win at least one round, hahahaha.