SAHM 3/14 - 3/20

katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
Previous Thread:

Welcome!! We are a fabulous group of Stay at Home Moms that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers, join in any time, we would love to get to know you! :flowerforyou:


  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    hit and run, have a busy morning, catch up this afternoon. Have a great Monday!
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    hey there everyone,

    i never knew there was a SAHM thread here on MFP :) I have a 6 yr old who is in 1st grade and a 3yr old who is home with me during the day. He is just starting nursery school after 2 failed attempts earlier in the school year (i am staying this time as a classroom helper until he settles in --- which hopefully, for his sake, doesnt take long) ... Anyways, looking forward to "meeting" you all :)
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I hope that you all had a great weekend!!

    I just heard the first few words from my little one so he will be ready to get out of his crib here pretty soon......

    Had a good weekend, busy running around on Saturday, worked Sunday morning and then hung out with new friends yesterday afternoon. Our weather was beautiful, so we spent as much time as we could outside enjoying it. Didn't follow strict meal plans for the weekend, but watched portion size, and felt pretty good about it--got on the scale this AM and I have lost another pound! I am getting so excited that I am finally having steady loss, even if it is a pound. For the first month or so, I felt stronger and just all-around better after exercising but had no loss. This is making me feel like those weeks of waiting were worth it!

    I have another busy week ahead of me. T's birthday is next monday, so we are celebrating on Saturday and I have a lot to do before his godmother arrives on Wednesday and my MIL comes on Friday. Hopefully all the on-the-go will help me see results again next Monday!

    Have a great day ladies! Check back in later!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    bump for later
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Good Morning Mom's.... Good weekend, had a school friend of my husband come into town, to surprise him....He got here around 6pm Saturday night, he took me to dinner which was very sweet of him, sushi was the order for the and I had a few glasses of wine...After dinner we headed to the bar where my husband does work at,( when he's not, and I walked in with his friend.....It was a good surprise and I think I did pretty well staying within my calories.. I'm always under goal, sometimes to far under, so I didn't think it would of hurt me to bad to have a good night and not worry about my food....It was a good weekend..
    Which I also spent a good part of Saturday working on my Spin class that is tonight....For you mom's that listened to me last week THANK YOU, I have decided to take on this challenge, and teach this spin class, so I spent Saturday putting music together on my ipod along with writing down a whole hour routine.....And the head trainer called me last night, she knows I'm nervous, so this morning after my body pump class, she and I are going to the spin room and we're going to give my music and rountine a test through, see what she thinks?? So tonight at 530 here on the east coast, send good thoughts my way, I may need

    adkwatergal ...........Welcome to the group

    KC1206 ...Glad to hear you had a good weekend as well....And congrats on pound, feels so good I'm sure!! Keep up the good work!

    Have a good Monday mom's..........
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Hello, hope you are all up and at em this morning. After a busy weekend of eating lots of naughty treats, I'm ready to get back on the train today. I worked out every day to "balance" the cake, pasta and ice cream I consumed so I'm happy with a maintain for the week. Funny how icky I felt last night after eating all that stuff. My body is already adjusted to my healthier eating and it let me know that it wasn't happy about my sugar fest. Ugh! Glad to be getting back on board today. Was hoping to start week 4 of C25K tonight but it's raining and cold (after a beautiful day yesterday) so I might have to wait, we'll see what it does as the day progresses.

    I added my 10 pound loss tummy pic to my profile and it's funny how much of an improvement that is over when I started. I can see a little definition on the sides but I also still see a lot of area to work on. The loose skin drives me crazy, two kids (well, three pregnancies total) sure did a number on the skin.

    Cat - Good luck tonight!! Can't wait to hear how it goes, I'm sure you'll rock it. :bigsmile:

    ADK - Welcome!

    KC - Congrats on losing another pound, you are doing great!

    Anyone else having trouble with drinking enough water consistantly? I do good about every other day. I'm going to start tracking on here how much water I've had to help me remember to drink.
    1/8 H2O Today

    Have a wonderful morning ladies!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Katie-Congrats on the "official" 130's!! And thanks! That picture was taken a few weeks ago when DS decided the wrap strike was over. :laugh:

    KC- Congrats on the weight loss! Glad you are feeling like you're getting somewhere now.

    ADK-Welcome and congrats on your weight loss!!

    I weighed in this morning and lost 4.6 pounds this week. Thank you flu! I'm now in the 160's, and I haven't been there in a good 6 years. I need to get exercising again this week. We're supposed to have weather in the 40's so I'm hoping to get out walking with the kids. Volleyball starts up again tomorrow night too, so I can't wait to go there.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    WOW Nicole - 4.6 pounds is awesome! Have fun at volleyball tonight. I've always wanted to learn how to play, it looks so fun. Also, love the picture, too cute.
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, I just stumbled upon this thread! I'm a SAHM of 3. I have 2 boys, 12 and 7, and a 17 month old daughter. Hoping to get to know you all better!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello, hope you are all up and at em this morning. After a busy weekend of eating lots of naughty treats, I'm ready to get back on the train today. I worked out every day to "balance" the cake, pasta and ice cream I consumed so I'm happy with a maintain for the week. Funny how icky I felt last night after eating all that stuff. My body is already adjusted to my healthier eating and it let me know that it wasn't happy about my sugar fest. Ugh! Glad to be getting back on board today. Was hoping to start week 4 of C25K tonight but it's raining and cold (after a beautiful day yesterday) so I might have to wait, we'll see what it does as the day progresses.

    I added my 10 pound loss tummy pic to my profile and it's funny how much of an improvement that is over when I started. I can see a little definition on the sides but I also still see a lot of area to work on. The loose skin drives me crazy, two kids (well, three pregnancies total) sure did a number on the skin.

    Cat - Good luck tonight!! Can't wait to hear how it goes, I'm sure you'll rock it. :bigsmile:

    ADK - Welcome!

    KC - Congrats on losing another pound, you are doing great!

    Anyone else having trouble with drinking enough water consistantly? I do good about every other day. I'm going to start tracking on here how much water I've had to help me remember to drink.
    1/8 H2O Today

    Have a wonderful morning ladies!

    Thank you!!! I will make sure before bed I post how my class went!!! Also wanted to note, I have had a hard time with my water, working out, I can drink and drink it, not a problem... But at home, I have to make an effort to do so here...So, I understand where where your coming from......
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Happy Monday Morning Ladies :drinker: ,
    I'm back at it today! My week + off is now offically come to an end! Hubby is gone and I've gotta get my but back in gear so I can get this weight off before he gets back!
    So Inever got around to reading last weeks thread at all and at this point I think it would just be too much to try to catch up so I am just going to go from here.
    Welcome to anyone new that I missed and congrats on any weight losses!

    Cat~good luck with the class tonight, just breath :laugh: I'm sure you'll do great!

    Well I got to get my 3 year old ready for school but I will try to get back on later so I can keep up this week.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Welcome adk!

    KC, great job this weekend! Congrats on the loss. :)

    Cat, how exciting! Good luck with your class!

    Amy, your stomach is looking great!

    PNCTink, WOW, what a loss! Are you feeling better now?

    Welcome sherip!

    Christi, you can do it!

    Ok guys, I don't know how I did it, but I'm down 1.9 lbs this week! I was so lazy all weekend and while I didn't go over my cal goal, I wasn't that far under it either, and I still managed to lose that much. I'm so excited! I'm officially in the 130's now... 139.6 to be exact. :) Woot! The Wii says I'm no longer overweight, but MFP says I am. Whatever. I'm getting in range! :)
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    Hello all!!

    This is spring break, and I am struggling to find ideas for healthy meals 3 times a day. I am not liking the time change, and I am a little grouchy today.......

    But other than that the past week was great. Friday was our 11th anniversary we went out and had a great meal. I was over my calorie goal, but I am not worried about it that much.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    So despite posting in the SAHM thread, I do work every other weekend and this past one was it for me. My husband was sick with what I had last week (even though he kept telling me I didn't seem sick) and therefore claimed he couldn't do baby duty (which I did the whole time I was sick!) so it wasn't a great weekend for me. I didn't get in any workouts between night wakings, baby wrangling, and having to be to work at 2, but I'm staying in my calorie goals! I'm hoping to do my C25K workouts Tues, Weds, Thurs and be able to join Stroller Strides on Friday. I'm still sore from last week!

    Welcome to the new girls and congrats on the losses! The scale just doesn't seem to be moving for me lately.
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    So despite posting in the SAHM thread, I do work every other weekend and this past one was it for me. My husband was sick with what I had last week (even though he kept telling me I didn't seem sick) and therefore claimed he couldn't do baby duty (which I did the whole time I was sick!) so it wasn't a great weekend for me. I didn't get in any workouts between night wakings, baby wrangling, and having to be to work at 2, but I'm staying in my calorie goals! I'm hoping to do my C25K workouts Tues, Weds, Thurs and be able to join Stroller Strides on Friday. I'm still sore from last week!

    Welcome to the new girls and congrats on the losses! The scale just doesn't seem to be moving for me lately.

    My husband does this to me all the time! He is always too sick to do anything for the kids, but when I'm sick, I somehow manage to get it done!
  • swtchrypie
    Welcome adkwatergal, sherip22!

    KC~ Congrats on the pound and good weekend!! I feel you about busy my sons party is saturday too. And my husband leaves tomorrow (a day early). So this whole week is its up to me to get the house in order and keep the kids happy!

    Aj~ THANKS SO MUCH for that site!!!!!! I FREAKING LOVE IT! COngrats on the loss as well!!!

    Cat~ my thoughts will def be with you but I doubt you'll need em cause you will rock this class!!!! :) I cant wait to hear about how great it was tomorrow!!!!!

    Amy~ Isn't it crazy how quickly it takes for you to get used to healthy eating! I swear I never thought that eating sugar would make me feel as bad as it does now. Nuts.

    Nicole~ Great loss!!!

    Wildcat~ Amazing how husbands do that. Mine does the same thing too. arch!

    Happy monday ladies!!! I didn't get to workout as much as I would have liked to this weekend but I stayed under my calorie goal. Which is good. This week is planning for my parents to come in for Tj's birthday party. really exciting. *random* i just looked outside and it is snowing. My husband was wearing shorts yesterday. not expected. OK well I hope everyone is having a great beginning for the week!!!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girls. still sick--voice trying to make a comeback, body aches gone, but icky eye infection and still sinus infexn. and now dd1 is feeling it. poor girl. i sent her to bed to read and rest. i know i needed a lot of sleep to get to feeling better.

    also, new computer is up and running! woohoo!

    my one disappointment--weighed in this morning and gained 2 pounds. so discouraged. i didn't go nuts with eating this week, but also didn't move. so i don't really get the big gain.
    but i know i can still push thru to get out of 150's this month. i'm going to try to do my exercise this week--repeating what i started last week b4 i got sick.
    and i can log my food again. and up my water to a consistent 40 oz per day.

    so those are my goals--water, exercise, plan dinners

    CONGRATS to those of you who posted losses!!
    WELCOME to the new ladies!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Stacey-Yeah for your new computer and access to the world! Boo to being sick still and especially your DD that's hard.

    Swtchrypie-Yuck to the snow! We are due for 50's and 60's this week thank goodness!

    WildcatMom-Husbands just don't get it do they?! They just don't have the stamina to be sick themselves and take care of others. Keep moving the scale will catch up. Try measuring you may find there's more change than you think.

    cat3nv-Happy Anniversary! It's better to enjoy your meal out then worry about the calories. Sometimes it's good to shake up your routine. I am grumpy about the time change too I think it sucks! I don't see any reason for it anymore such an antiquated idea.

    I know I'm missing some more posts, I'll have to catch up on those.

    I was at the gym this morning (really wanted to just sleep today) and added more weights to my leg workout. I am still planning on doing day 2 of Jillian Michaels Shred a little later. I'm doubling up on workouts to try to get past the 135 mark and get some more of this extra fluffy stuff off my legs and arms.

    KC and NIcole-Congrats on your losses!

    Amy-I can totally see some ab definition in your pic great job!

    Cat-Good luck teaching your class tonight. Remember to relax and have fun with it. If you're having fun so will the class!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    ADK ~ Welcome to our little corner of MFP! LOL Congrats on 57 pounds, that is AWESOME! You look fabulous!

    Cat ~ Awesome! I hope your run through goes well, can't wait to hear!

    Amy!! Love the picture! You look so great!! I have the loose skin too, but at least I'm starting to see some definition on the top/sides! I never track my water, I just make sure my pee is clear. LOL If it's not, I usually go down a glass of water, fill it up and sip on that for the next hour or so. I also try to drink a glass before AND after every meal. Helps keep me full :)

    PNC ~ Thanks! It feels good to be in the 130s finally! Congrats on 4.6lbs! Holy Cow!

    Welcome Sheri!

    Congrats on your loss AJ! Hey, we weigh the same now!! LOL screw MFP, you are not overweight! I got out of that BMI category at 140 :)

    Stacey ~ sorry you are still sick :( I'm so sorry about the weight gain!

    Well, it's been an emotional morning to say the least! Went in for my endocrinology appointment and got the C word thrown at me again. A little back story: Discovered a nodule on my thyroid 8 years ago, had a FNA test done came back inconclusive, but levels were normal so I was supposed to have it checked yearly. Fast forward 6 years 3 moves and 2 kids, a doctor finally asked about it (I had completely forgot about it). So I go get another u/s, it's bigger than it was 8 years ago, another FNA and radioactive iodine scan came back with inconclusive results again, so we just monitor with an u/s every 6 months.

    This appt was so different than the rest because I am for the first time EVER seeing someone who specializes in this stuff, rather than a general flight surgeon (military) or general civilian surgeon. She's doing a full work-up on so many different things to see exactly what's going on with my body, plus another FNA this time with the use of the u/s to pinpoint the nodule (why the other ones weren't done this way, I do not know) and she said she's confident that this test will let us know for sure. I just never worried because my levels are always normal and FNA tests always come back inconclusive (or so I was told). Her words "just because your levels are normal doesn't mean you don't have cancer, it's the blood flow in the nodule that worries me". So anyway, it was emotional and I binged on Mexican food with friends....I just need a break today. whew! Sorry about rambling there!
  • Shellndub
    Shellndub Posts: 72
    Good morning Moms! I am new here and to the site. This has been my first few days on here. I am loving all the support, positive thoughts and suggestions that are shared! I feel a little isolated sometimes. This is fabulous!
    I suffer from almost daily sometimes migraines. Yesterday was wonderful. I was able to get up exercise with my 13 yr old daughter with Just Dance2. Then we rode our horses on a great 2 hour ride. :-) Needless to say, I'm pretty sore. It is a good thing though!
    I am just starting my journey seriously.
    Have a fabulous day!!