SAHM 3/14 - 3/20



  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Happy St Patricks day all of you with Irish roots!

    Cat - you must be so chuffed with all the compliments on your class, well done you!! :bigsmile:

    Welcome Danyelle - our children are similar ages - my eldest is also 4 and my baby girl is 5 weeks. I have one in the middle too though who is 2.

    Had an absolutely disastrous fall off the wagon yesterday, it was one of those frustrating completely unplanned things where I went in a shop, bought 6 small choc bars for £1 supposedly for the boys, decided to have one myself and then ate the lot :noway: :sad: About 600 cals and the frustrating thing is that as I'm only 5 weeks post c-section I can't exercise to make up for it which I usually would. I make the same mistake time and again thinking I can have stuff like that in the house and find some willpower, but I just can't.

    Ah well, I'm trying to be super-good today, I should come in a little under cals and have been persuading the 2 year old to go in the buggy more than usual so I can at least walk at a decent speed everywhere and burn a little off like that.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Stacey ~ LOL!

    Welcome Danyelle! Congrats on your loss arleady!! Give yourself some slack, you have a 10 week old! LOL Are you nursing? Nursing sessions always made me feel more exhausted.

    Cat ~ Oh no?! Where the emergeny Vit c?? Hope you feel better soon!

    Well, I won't be beating any PRs today. They took 10 vials of blood this morning, I wasn't expecting that! Going to make it a nice easy jog :) Good thing is, my husband opted to push the kids, yay!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hope you enjoyed your 5k Kat!

    Its 8 pm here which is a real flashpoint, dinner finished and finally sat down and all I want to do is eat! Have decided to turn the laptop off and go upstairs and read a bit to try and take my mind off it. Bah.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Okay, who does cheat days? Realistically I lost 75 lbs in college and I partied 2-3x a week and ate plenty of the greasy foods that go along with that, but for some reason I'm really scared about taking a day off. My sister's birthday is Saturday and it so happens I have the weekend off so we're going up and I know I'm going to drink too much and likely enjoy some after hours McD's. After 70 days I can take one off, right??

    I missed my workout today. R's diaper leaked so her nap this morning only lasted 30 mins. She took an afternoon one, but of course it was during my dentist appoint, so not helpful. We have Stroller Strides tomorrow so I'm hoping the weather will be nice enough I can do my W6D3 C25K workout at my parents' on Saturday before we go out.

    Tomorrow is weigh in! I went to be weighed Wednesday for a Biggest Loser competition I'm in and I lost 2 lbs according to them, so I have high hopes :)
  • RockVixen
    RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
    Hooray a group for me!!!

    Stay at home mom to a 20 month old. Getting healthy before trying for another.

    Has anyone else noticed as you try to eat healthier and exercise more the house and chores suffer? Could just be me I guess hahaha. I'm on week 3 of my lifestyle change and I'm trying to improve all sorts of areas of my life but laundry and general house cleaning is getting farther and farther down the list.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome rockvixen!

    i'm forgetting--who taught the spin class? that is so cool! the calorie burn, the challenge, the positive response! excellent!

    as for a cheat day, wildcat. well, there are mixed opinions on that. you won't undo 70 days worth of hard work, but if you had a weekly cheat day, you could undo your calorie savings from the week. it just depends how many calories below your maintenance you're at and how many you can therefore afford to add to a cheat day and still not gain.
    don't ask me to figure out the math! but do you get what i'm saying?

    speaking for myself, lots of cheat days happened for me over many months which is why i'm back at +0 to lose. i easily let many days be the "exception" and am paying for it now.

    happy news--tomorrow is CLOSING day on our new house! hopefully, it will record that day too so we can start going over there this weekend and planning things out.
    looks like packing day will be april 11 and moving day april 12. yay!

    time to call it a night. :)
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    stacey - congratulations on your new house! How exciting!

    RockVixen - welcome to the SAHM thread :) (i am new too) I *totally* understand what you mean about letting housework and laundry slide down the list of priorities! haha! In my case its not just the time gone exercising (the active portion of it) but the time afterwards where my legs feel like they were bashed in with iron pipes :P and all i want to do is sit with my feet up as much as possible. After running 7.3 miles on Sunday i was grumbling at myself for leaving a component of dinner in the large freezer in our basement because that meant i needed to negotiate the stairs with angry legs ;) I certainly wasn't looking forward to multiple trips up & down while carrying baskets to do laundry. How 'bout i sit on the couch and fold you you nice folks do the rest of the work for me? (they didn't buy that one lol)... So yeah, stuff like that falls behind. Oh well. I'd rather be getting fit and always have a 2-3 load backlog of laundry than be a fat, out-of-shape couch potato who is caught up, but hates the way she looks in all those clothes anyways :)

    Wildcat - I will do cheat meals, cheat snacks/desserts, etc but rarely a full cheat DAY. And when i cheat i rarely go waaaaay overboard. I try to stick to a policy of going 500 - 1000 over is fine (depending on your goal settings ... i am set to 1 lb a week which is a 500 calorie deficit. If i eat 500 over, its basically a wash for that day. No loss. No gain. If you are set to 2lbs/week, you could go over by 1000 and would be the same: no loss, no gain. Gotta watch the sodium though in the cheat meals and drink plenty of water and then don't weigh for at least 3 days after, in my experience :) Have fun w your sister this weekend!!

    shoppie - i hope your plan to go read helped get your mind off your munchies :) Late nights are the hardest. I always make sure i have some room left in my allotment for nibbles :)

    katapple - you ran a 5k after giving 10 vials of blood?!?! wow! Hardcore!! I would have puked by mile 1 lol

    4Loveofkids - thanks for asking about my little guy... yeah, he has egg, peanut and tree nut allergies. Most of his exposures have been due to my husband eating something on his drive home, coming in then getting into silly wrestling matches with the boys... If he kisses or "eats" lil ones face or even really if their two faces rub together, then lil one will start getting red blotchy patches over his face. We have been very fortunate that he has never had a reaction thats produced vomitting, diarhea or difficulty breathing. It seems to be mostly a localized swelling and hives. Its a challenge but in some ways its easier than the challenges my older son has with his Asperger's and stuttering. ... Lets just say i have plenty of reasons to stress eat hhahhaa

    clcole - hope you're feeling better!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    TGIF mom's...........I am haning in there, I am fighting this cold...I am going throug so much Vit C, its not going to take me down this

    staceyw37 ....Thx for the nice words.. I lost alot of my weight due to spin class and I don't want to see the classes end at my gym, so as much as I would rather sit and take the class, it looks like now I will be working towards getting certified and start teahing more classes.... Also, congrats on your closing!!

    RockVixen ...........Welcome

    WildcatMom82 ......Good luck with weigh in :) I said, this what ever is trying to keep me down, isn't...I am headed to Body Pump......And back to wach my baskeball at noon...Lovin March Madness baby!!! lol And too, I need to start working on my Spin Class for Monday night......Need some good song suggestions if any mom's have any :) Good songs with a good beat!??

    Have a great Friday...........!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    creepy--got a msg from random mfp person. commenting that i was a real cutie. and while that is a compliment, this is not the place i expect it. and it creeps me out to have a total stranger send me a msg like that.

    i'd like to report to mike---any suggestions?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    to cat:

    c&c music factory--gonna make you sweat cd
    camp rock--hasta la vista
  • AngelaH10
    AngelaH10 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi ladies!! I'm a SAHM and new to MFP! I'm so thankful to have found this site.. I was using for a week but a friend suggested I look into this site and I love it! I'd love to join your group and share in the support. I've been a yo-yo dieter for YEARS and I have a good 50+ pounds to lose.. I'm setting 10 pound goals for myself and I managed to lose 11 pounds over the last three weeks. Having this forum and the extra support is just what I need..

    Friend me if you'd like! I'd love to get to know all of you! Good luck!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey Ladies! Sorry I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. My run went awesome! I felt so good...maybe it was all that new blood my body was making LOL I ran under 10 minutes miles, and it felt easy?! What??? I was so excited! My 5k tomorrow is going to be much slower paced, I'm running with friends and I am just there to have a good time :)

    Wildcat ~ I don't do cheat days...having food that isn't the greatest for you is just part of life. It's going to happen, just try to make better choices, eat a little bit less, work a bit harder the day of and the day after. Just get back on track, one day is not going to ruin everything you've done!

    Rock ~ Welcome! Hmm, I wasn't good at keep house before, and well, it's probably worse now! ;-P

    Stacey ~ Congrats on closing!!! And creepy on the message! yikes!

    Welcome Angela!!
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Stacey~that IS creepy, I think I would report. Seriously, why do people have to be so LAME?

    I will probably have a cheat day this week when Kaleb is here, we will go out to eat. But I really don't consider it "cheat" because I usually just work out to compensate. I have ate what I wanted at Hooters and Chinese and still stayed under my cals both times.

    It is beautiful weather here so we have been spending most of our time outside :)

    Cat~feel better, I hate a cold! The worst because there is little you can do beside wait it out.
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    staceyw37......Great Suggestions....I have a notepad, I"m writing everything Also sorry to hear about the creep message...IDK what I would do.....Maybe ignore it, and maybe they'd take the hit, but if not and if it happens again, then take action...Tough call......

    katapple ..Awesome Job on the run....I love 5K's I love the way I feel afterwards!! Enjoy tomorrow's run :)

    AngelaH10 ...Welcome to the group!!

    randi50.....thx....not going to let this cold

    Body Pump was a good one...burnt 636 calories...And I"m feeling ok...Told ya this morning, this cold or what ever is starting with me, isn't going to take me I'm going to kick its

    OK, moms, my basketball is on
  • AngelaH10
    AngelaH10 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, Ladies!!! I'm so excited about this! :smile:
  • RockVixen
    RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!

    It's my 5 year anniversary today and I'm going out for sushi! I think it is definitely a cheat day :)
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Happy anniversary!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies!!

    As for the creepy message, I wouldn't report yet, but if it happens again then I would. I'd be creeped out too, but there are trolls on every site. :)

    Cheat days-my verdict is out. I ate some McD's the other day and felt AWFUL all night and the next morning. I'm sure I won't be eating there again, but when we go to England in the fall I'm not going to skip out on meals out either. I'll probably just do more exercise and eat small portions of whatever it is I'm eating.

    I have had a busy morning! The weather here is gorgeous so I took the kids out for a walk around the block, then we played, went to the library, and shoveled the three feet of snow on our back deck. I tested out Banish Fat Boost Metabolism this morning, quickly, before my shower and I'm excited to do more. I'm not sure I'll be able to do all the jumping though because I have a plantar's wart on my right foot that's really starting to bother me. Running aggravated it, so I'm trying out all sorts of home remedies. Vitamin E takes the pain away, until I start doing running or jumping. Hopefully it will go away soon. Anyway, off to watch some Tom and Jerry with the family...
  • Shellndub
    Shellndub Posts: 72
    Checking in- No weight loss this week so far. Still 148

    I am on day 3 of the "5 day inferno" with Turbo Fire. Very excited and it's going great! I seem to be having trouble getting all my calories in. I have to modify the food because of allergies and "pickiness" .lol I am getting better... I am gettting better (talking to myself :0)
  • Shellndub
    Shellndub Posts: 72
    I"m not sure here to Check in ? Just posted on the other thread?
    148 still this week.
    Just started 3rd day of "5 day inferno" from Turbo fire
    Everything going great. The exercie is super fun. :-) I feel so empowered after i finish the classes!!
    I highly recommend!!
    Lets make it a fantastic, self empowering week ladies!!