ab_shutterbug Member


  • Very cool! Used to love that stuff. lol
  • I've traveled to about 24 different countries. Still need to get to So. America though. Anyone want to invite me? !Hablo espanol, tambien!
  • to the doctor
  • I wouldn't take it that way. I think they are happy for your husband that he is maybe getting more action, even though it's really none of their biz! People are certainly strange! lol
  • I'm in OR also. Welcome aboard! This thing has really worked for me. Stick with it and you will see results!
  • I like the idea about giving the workout a break. I am having the same plateau problem! Lost 30 pounds and am happy about that, don't get me wrong, but have flat-lined for months. Maybe I should change it up and go swimming or try something else for a while? I've tried amping up the treadmill / eliptical resistance level…
  • I vote for steamed or broiled fish with rice and veggies. Can't go wrong, and you can save room for a glass of wine! You may need it. :)
  • Kandrews, you look relaxed and like you have a great personality!
  • Earlier this week I had a meeting with a co-worker (male) who works outside of the office. I hadn't seen him for several months. After another person in our meeting left the table, my co-worker leaned over the table and said, "You've lost a lot of weight. I mean, a LOT of weight!" He said I looked really good and that he…
  • I'd distinguish frozen food from frozen processed food. Some of the frozen meats and veggies are okay if they don't have more than several ingredients. That's actually a simple way to evaluate frozen foods - if they have more than a half dozen ingredients stay away!
  • Hi there! I'm a traveler, a dreamer, a reader, a friend, a laugher, an optimist, a pet-lover. I'm a mom, wife, sister, and a lover (of lots of people, places and things). I'm smart, but not too smart. Active but not too active. A believer who doubts. I love music and art, clean air and water, and sand between my toes. I…
  • These stories are fun to read! I'm such a sap for romance. lol I met mine at a wine tasting event. I was working at the event (supplying the appetizers) and my husband was representing a wine distributor. He was the cutest guy in the room, and somehow we caught eyes. Next thing you know he was next to me asking questions.…
  • Five days isn't long enough to plateau. They say here and most doctors that you should weigh-in just once a week. That way you can track progress. Don't worry if a few weeks go by and you are at the same level. However, if it goes on for a month try increasing intensity of workout or length of time exercising. One thing I…
  • That is so true and a great reminder. Thanks for posting!
  • Yes, but you have a better smile!
  • I was told Jane Fonda once, but that was when I was only 18 and not long after her Barbarella movie. ha ha I found this lovely photo of her back in the day. I was flattered by the compliment! http://cache2.allpostersimages.com/p/MED/27/2772/NOKTD00Z/posters/jane-fonda.jpg When I was even younger, like 5-6, people told me I…
  • Definitely! I totally enjoy well prepared food. I just returned from Asia and marvel at the way they prepare food with ultra fresh ingredients. We Americans are so hooked on unhealthy fast food chains and processed foods. I typically prepare my meals from scratch, like I did tonight with homemade beef and bean tacos. I…
  • "When you're wrong admit it wholeheartedly and emphatically," Dale Carnegie. Having said that, I blame it entirely on a crappy former boss who was a complete idiot and made my life miserable, followed by another one just like him. JK
  • Actually, not to be a nerd, but muscle and fat weigh the same pound for pound, but your muscle is more dense. Good job firming up! Enjoy tracking your inches lost as much as pounds lost. Keep on truckin'!
  • Hi folks! A day late, but my weight was the same yesterday, so here goes: CW - 153 Waist = 36 (down 1 inch from last time) Bust - 38 (down 1 inch) Hips - 40 (down .5 in) Neck - 14 ? Who cares, really. lol Seem to be flat lining for a week or two at this level, but holding is not necessarily a bad thing. I skipped two days…
  • Squeeze the water out of it (or rinse then drain). This will help with the bland factor! Then add to beaten eggs & milk, add lean sausage or ham, some cheese, Italian herbs and seasonings. This concoction can be baked atop torn pieces of whole wheat (or other) bread. Good luck!
  • If that happens to me I sometimes grab a piece of fruit or eat a yogurt to get the calories up a tad, but not ruin my progress for the day.
  • What's a DS? Sorry! My knees hurt in the beginning, but as I lost weight and exercised more frequently the pains disappeared. Maybe give it an "every other day" try and let them rest in between - or work on arms, swim, or something else as a break.
  • I've been here for 14 mo. and lost 29 lbs. Can't wait to lose one more and reward myself with a glass of champagne and a massage from my club. Add me as a pal if you need support. I can always use a buddy or two. Good luck to everyone!
  • Keep going! Sometimes people notice and sometimes not. It's amazing sometimes . . 3 colleagues that I work most closely with have not noticed the nearly 30 lb. loss and others - almost strangers - have noticed every inch of weight loss. Never mind! it's about you/us and how we feel and what we have accomplished. PRESS…
  • Probably Barbie. I had a pretty blond one and a mean, *****y brunette. I also had a smiling Ken doll whose arms fell off at the slightest touch. He didn't care, just kept smiling.
  • Good morning, folks! I did pretty well this week and am SO excited to have lost another pound. This range is new to me - it's been YEARS since I have seen these numbers on the scale. I can't wait to see a "4" in the middle of the digital screen one of these days . . soon. Yippee! CW = 154 GW = 130 B = 39 W = 37 H = 40.5…
  • A friend of mine lost a lot of weight on this program, and I figured if he could do it so could I. I tried writing down all the things I was eating (earlier) and estimating calories but it turned out that, without MFP, I was WAY off. No wonder I didn't lose any weight for years! I also had an incentive with a high school…
  • Checking in . . Was on vacation last week but lost a pound CW = 155 W = 38 B = 38 H = 41 N = 14 Goal will be to exercise for 30 minutes 6 - 7 days/week. Need to drink at least glasses of water/day. Lift weights and do sit-ups 2 days/week.