Turn your knowledge into Power Challenge



  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    My mantra for the week:

    This is the week I will not feel sorry for myself. I will not let my situations determine my mindset of healthy eating or exercising.
    I will strive towards my weight loss goals and I will be accountable to myself and my mfp family during this week.
    I will love myself!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I have been missing in action the last 3 days. We had the opportunity to spend the weekend with my father-in-law, whom I adore, at Flaming Gorge. It was a wonderful visit, we went boating, fishing, sight seeing, and animal watching.

    My father-in-law is 72 years old and is amazing and in great health. He is active, and constantly busy with little projects. He takes the boat out several times a week, goes hiking, and 4 wheeling with his friends, and is forever working on home improvements. Ie, laying sod, setting paving stones, paint, stone work, and welding stuff. The man could easily out work me without even trying.

    It made me realize the type of retirement that I long to have. I want to be the same way he is. The grand-kids and kids love to go visit. They beg to spend the summers with him, and he even tires them out! He lives his life, and has a wonderful time doing it. He only has to take a daily vitamin, and an iron supplement. He sleeps well, and wakes up refreshed. This is why I need to get healthy!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Dorothy! That sounds like so much fun, glad you had such a good weekend. Your father-in-law sounds like an amazing inspiration for you. When I grow up, I wanna be just like that (LOL).

    We had a fun weekend too (and my food diary shows it, eeks!). Anyways, it didn't start out very well, as dh got stuck at work and didn't make it home until 8:30. But, we had a nice evening anyways, watched Black Swan (omg, freaky movie, very disturbing, didn't really like it). Then Saturday morning, out to work on the house AGAIN, ugh. Saturday afternoon we went downtown and out to the movies (Cowboys and Aliens, was good, but as good as I was expecting). Shared a nacho with hubby while we were there. We considered going out for dinner, but decided against it and came home to eat.. had more nachos with guacamole, which was delicious, but probably not the healthiest choice I could have come up with, LOL. Sunday was very lazy, slept too late for church, so sat around reading for a few hours. Went and picked up a weight bench set that was on Craigslist, still have to figure out where to put it! This morning, got to sleep in late as hubby didn't have to show up to work until 10am due to his late night on Friday!

    Got my pushups in this morning (25). Still hoping to do some pilates this afternoon, plus a jog and upper body weight work this evening. Will come back and read articles tomorrow. You all have a great day!

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    Your weekend sounds wonderful. Lots of quality time with the hubby and the opportunity to sleep in. The nachos sound so yummy. I love guacamole. I went over on my calories every day this weekend, but the upside is that I logged each and every one of them. Small steps I suppose!
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    Wow! Did I ever have a great weekend. The eating was terrible, but the fitness was pretty good. The sun and friendship was amazing. My kids went with Grandparents for the weekend and my husband and I went to a ball tournament. I played 4 games and danced like crazy at the beer garden on Sunday night. We had crazy water gun fight and water balloon fights. Played hoopla twister and just had a great visit with our ball team. I can't remember the last time I'd had such a good time. Life sure gets busy and stressful dealing with day to day things and well... life. You know what helped my self esteem and ability to interact with other people this weekend? My new lifestyle. I feel so much better about myself since my weight loss and energy gain. In the past I would have been the wallflower that sat back wishing I could join in the fun, and feeling very self conscious. I hope everyone else had a good weekend and is feeling inspired to work hard on their goals.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    Your weekend sounds like fun! I love that you were so active, and doing things that you enjoy. It's important to remember those days, and I was happy to hear what your new healthy lifestyle contributed to it!

    Way to go!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Sounds like everyone had a great weekend. My weekend was full of bad eating also. Saturday My husband and daughter went to the lake for the day. I packed a lunch and we brought chairs and shade. We went swimming with the floaties and hung out in the water for a while. We seen a snake in the water but it was harmless, not like some of the snakes in other areas of the country. It was a nice day.

    Dorothy, It sounds like you had fun! and what a legacy your father in law is! I hope I am that active at that age and beyond.

    Heather, I am glad you had a good time! Dancing sounds like so much fun! I have not been out to do that in so long! I used to love it.

    Veronica, What a busy weekend! I love guccamole. I had some Friday night when I went out with my daughter and a friend to karaoke. It was so fresh and yummy.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    How do you do with minding your portions? Share your tips.

    I use a digital scale and I measure everything out.
    I also will buy convience foods that a preportioned to eliminate the temptation of eating a whole bag of whatever.

    I have also been considering preplanning my meals and trying to be more dilligent in that area. Does anyone do that and what kind of success have you had with it?
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Friday ##
    Saturday Swimming and walking 2 hours
    Sunday Cleaning floors 1 hour
    Monday 30 minutes of abs, thighs and arms.
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    For portions, I measure everything. Measuring spoons and measuring cups are always in use. I'm getting pretty good at eyeballing some stuff, but I do a check every once in a while just to be sure. I like the rule about filling your plate 1/2 with veggies, 1/4 with protein, 1/4 with carb. When I first started it I always snuck some extra carb cause it just didn't look like enough, but I'm now able to stick to just a 1/2 c. of rice or pasta or potato. I've made my veggies so much more tastier, I don't even want the extra carb anymore. On rare occasions I'm even able to skip it altogether at dinner if I feel like I overdid it at lunch or breakfast.
  • Hey all, just popping in to say a quick hello. I had an awful eating weekend and so far this week hasn't been very good. Yesterday I worked 13 hours and it looks like I will be doing that all week. I did not walk yesterday, but maybe tonight I can get a least a walk in.

    Hope everyone is good. I want to catch up with you all, but looks like I may not be able to do that until the weekend. Maybe I'll get lucky and something will give soon.

    FYI - I am awful with portion control and I soooooooooooo need to work on this!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Hey girls! As for portion control, I think I do pretty good. I have a digital scale that lets me put my plate on, zero it out and add on food, I use it a LOT. I also use my measuring spoons/cups for things like cereal/rice/pasta/grains. Hubby and I also usually share entrees when we go out to dinner, so even if we get a treat, we don't go overboard. I also pre-portion out things like nuts so we don't go over. I can keep a bag of nuts in my pocket through out the day and nibble on them as I need to without worrying about overdoing it.

    Progress this week:

    Friday: 2 mile jog (23 min.) Upper body weights workout, 25 pushups, 100 jumping jacks
    Mon: Upper body weight workout (25 min), 25 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, pilates (15 min.) (no jog because my stomach was feeling icky, will do one on wed.)

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Knowledge Challenge: Respond to articles

    How fit are you?
    I have to be honest and say that I did not complete this activity. I think it is great information, and something that I would like to do, but it didn't happen this week. Reading through it though, here are some of my thoughts. 1) I will need to do my one mile walk on the track. If I do it on the treadmill it won't be an accurate measure for me since I can set the speed I am comfortable with. It would be much different that I will do on my own. 2) I have very little arm strength. When I did a work out video for arms yesterday, I had to do standing push-ups against a wall. When I tried even the ones from my knees I was only able to do two. 3) I am not very flexible. For this test especially, I think my belly may impede how far I am able to reach. 4) My hip circumference is 56.25 inches and my BMI is 46.6 (obese).

    Portion Control
    I really struggle with portion control. Some of the tools I use to help me is my food scale, measuring cups and spoons. These help a lot because I always overestimate what a serving is. Some people get better at it with time...I'm not one of them. I also like to buy family sized food options, because individual portions are too expensive, but then I portion them out with baggies. The good part about this is I can always do a portion size that works for me and write the calories and amount on the bag. When we go out to eat, I usually end up bringing home half of what I order. I don't usually eat leftovers, so that helps as well.

    Power Challenge: 2 hours Cardio, 1 hour strength, 1 other.

    Friday: -
    Saturday: -
    Sunday: -
    Monday: 60 minutes of water aerobics, 40 minutes of current walking
    Tuesday: 60 minutes of water aerobics, 27 minutes of Tank Top Arms-Strength
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing! I am doing much better this week, and I have managed to track the entire week so far. (fingers crossed)

    I am logging my food, and while I was over calories every day for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I logged them anyway. I have been under on Monday and Tuesday. We are going camping this weekend, so I am not sure how the meals will go, but I do plan on logging them even if they are over. Hopefully I can get a hike in each day to help.

    Summers are so much more difficult for me than winters. I hate to be hot, it makes me not want to do anything...especially exercise. I also have so many activities going on during the summer, and so many social things that we eat at others homes a lot, go camping, travel and eat out, way more than we do in the winter. I do so much better with a routine that I can stick to.
    I am definitely looking forward to the upcoming seasons. Fall is my favorite!

    Hope you are all doing well.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm glad to hear you are feeling more in control this week Dorothy! I have seen your logs going up each day, so you are doing great following through on that goal. I totally agree that summers are more difficult than winter as well, which is odd, considering exercise is so much more accessible during the summer, but you are right in that a lot of summer socializing is done around a bbq, and it's so hard to go camping without totally blowing the healthy eating. I think a lot of it is being out of the work routine for those of us that get summers off! During work, I do much better drinking my water, and my snack and meal time routines are more "set in stone" which works for me. Plus, I get more natural movement when I'm in the school environment.

    This week has been pretty good for me as well. I've been slightly over cals a few days, but not enough to be an issue. Exercise has been going well, and I've actually made some progress in my goal to increase my weights. Last night I did lunges with 20 pound dumbbells for the first time and got all my reps in, so I've probably been ready to up them for a while and was just psyching myself out. Squats I raised my weight BIG time last night (usually do them with 2 20 pound dumbbells, last night did a barbell with 2 25 pound plates, plus the weight of the barbell (no idea there, maybe about 10 pounds?).

    Friday: 2 mile jog (23 min.) Upper body weights workout, 25 pushups, 100 jumping jacks
    Mon: Upper body weight workout (25 min), 25 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, pilates (15 min.) (no jog because my stomach was feeling icky, will do one on wed.)
    Tues: 25 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, pilates (15 min), Lower body/abs weight workout (30 min.)
    Wed: 30 pushups (so far)

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Week 4 Results: Early do to camping trip with limited cell phone service!

    Weight: 262.4 (-.5)


    Friday: -
    Saturday: -
    Sunday: -
    Monday: Current Walking-40 min., Water aerobics- 60 min.
    Tuesday: Tank Top Arms (strength)- 27 min, Water aerobics-60 min.
    Wednesday: Current walking-75 min.
    Thursday: Current walking- 75 min, Boot Camp Hips and Thighs 27 min.

    Total: Aerobic -5 hours 10 minutes. Strength training- 54 minutes.

    NSV: I did my very first strength training activity this week. It was Tank Top Arms. I had difficulty with it and had to modify and not use weights, kettlebells, or resistance bands because the weight of my arm alone was more than enough, but it was a start! I am also doing Boot Camp Hips and Thighs today.

    I did manage to log everyday this week, and I did it even with being over on calories for 4 of the 7 days. Still struggle with water intake, but I will continue to work on that one. I think it will come with time. I met my goal in time for activity, but it was not as spread out as I would like. I need to work on not going for 3 days with no activity.

    Here's to a successful week, and the start of the next success!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    I was so excited to hear about you meeting your goal to increase your weights for strength training. I think that is wonderful and goes to show how dedicated to this process you are. I can't imagine doing strength training with any weight besides what I have on my body at this point! :laugh:
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member

    I was really excited I was able to do that too! It's amazing how much our bodies are capable of, if we just try! And, as for body weight, those extra pounds definitely count! I picked up 65 pounds (equal to what I've lost so far) last night and I could hardly lift it! It's amazing to me that I was carting that around all day everyday! I started doing strength training with just body weight as well (pushups, squats, lunges), so overtime, you'll get there, just keep at it.

    I'm doing well so far this week! Looking forward to a (little) splurge this afternoon- going downtown to have lunch with hubby. I love having dates in the middle of the day! Then, Saturday it's FAIR TIME, so I'll go off plan a little for that too (don't tell the diet police, but I might even share a funnel cake with someone!) but it should be a fun family time!

    REALLY sore this a.m., so looking forward to a couple day's rest this weekend. The new push up in weight is definitely adding to muscle soreness, by next week it should be better. Last night's run was bad, just had no energy. It was really humid, even though it wasn't super hot, it just sucked the life right out of me!

    Friday: 2 mile jog (23 min.) Upper body weights workout, 25 pushups, 100 jumping jacks
    Mon: Upper body weight workout (25 min), 25 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, pilates (15 min.) (no jog because my stomach was feeling icky, will do one on wed.)
    Tues: 25 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, pilates (15 min), Lower body/abs weight workout (30 min.)
    Wed: 30 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, 2.1 mile jog (22 min.)
    Thurs: 30 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, Tonight full body weight workout (45-50 min.)

    Didn't hit the goal of 2 hours of cardio, but over-all I feel satisfied with my exercise for the week.

    Tami, LauraLee- hope you are both doing ok, missing your updates and thinking of you both!

  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    So I was thinking about my NSV this week and the state of mind I have been in the last 4 weeks. I realized that yes I put on those 6lbs but I also have lost 4lbs of it off. I realize that I make my choices and that I dont make good choices when I deal with relational things (husband). I also realize that I need to love me for me, no matter what size I am, so that when I get to the size I want to be I will be healthy in mind too.
    As far as my husband he is still saying he doesnt care to treat me well. He has also said he is not going to leave me, but my thought is if your not "with" me how are you with me?...I really dont know what I am going to do. This messes with my self esteem and sometimes I feel like I break. just a little.
    I dont want to break anymore, I want to win, and be good to myself and have all the things I deserve in this life.
    Alrighty, so that is my update and Nsv for the week.
  • ab_shutterbug
    ab_shutterbug Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning, folks!
    I did pretty well this week and am SO excited to have lost another pound. This range is new to me - it's been YEARS since I have seen these numbers on the scale. I can't wait to see a "4" in the middle of the digital screen one of these days . . soon. Yippee!

    CW = 154
    GW = 130
    B = 39
    W = 37
    H = 40.5

    This week I added more resistance to the Elipital trainer that I use. Ramped it up by 3 points; and burned more calories. I also have included weights every other workout - circuit training.
    Watching calories like a hawk. Need to keep all of these things going. Short term goal is to lose another pound by next Friday so that I can reward myself with a 1-hour massage!
    Good luck to everyone!