Turn your knowledge into Power Challenge



  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Week 2:

    Knowledge Challenge -- I read the article by the Mayo Clinic Staff that was posted for this week, along with several others about diet, nutrition, and exercise that is on the Mayo Clinic site. I was however, unable to locate the metabolism quiz.

    Physical Challenge -- I am in NO way a morning person, but this morning I got up at 6:45am and walked 1.2 miles followed by 8 minutes of step aerobics and 30 jumping jacks (well 1/2 jacks because I am physically unable to do jumping jacks and restricted from doing so by my doctor). I feel great and my hubby thinks I am nuts (which in this case is a good thing...lol).

    NSV -- Getting out of bed early to exercise and following through with it. This was a spur of the moment thing, not pre-planned.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Sorry about that guys!
    Here is the Link for the quiz!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Physical Challenge: Week 2

    Friday: JJ 30, Walking -
    Saturday: JJ 30, Walking .7
  • kimberlyrenee
    Week 2 Challenge

    Friday - 1.25 miles
    Saturday 2.5 miles, 30 jumping jacks.

    I did the jumping jacks today. . . . . thought I was gonna die. I had to break it up and do 2 sets of 15.

    Hope everyone has a good night.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Week 2 Physical Challenge:

    Saturday - walked 1.2 miles, 30 half jacks, other exercise not listed in the challenge - total calorie burn 4,497
    Sunday - 30 half jacks, exercise video not listed in challenge - total calorie burn 135 (day is young so may burn more after work)

    Wishing everyone a Super Slimming Sunday :flowerforyou:

    tami :heart:
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    Fantastic job on the walking!!! I know what you mean about the jumping jacks! I felt the same way. Plus, I struggle, because I have so much that "bounces" when I do them it can be very uncomfortable. The girls bounce, but more than anything, it is my tummy apron.

    I do have a question though, I have never done them before, is it supposed to work the inside thigh muscles??? That is where I felt it the next day!

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Tami (so happy to know your name now!)

    That is a major calorie burn on Saturday! Wow. Keep up the wonderful work!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Physical Challenge: Week 2

    Friday: 30 JJ, Walking -
    Saturday: 30 JJ, Walking .7
    Sunday: 30 JJ, Walking -
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Ok, so the weekend was a bust for me at least as far as exercise goes. We did 5 hours working on c-hinking the house on Saturday (sorry for the hyphen, but it keeps wanting to censor it). Then we headed into town and bought a new lawn mower and went to the new Harry Potter movie with the kids. Sunday, after church, we worked in the yard for a few hours- the hubby and son worked on mowing and daughter and I hauled and stacked fire wood. I think the boys got the easy job, but we girls make neater wood stacks, so it's pretty much something we always do!

    Today was a KILLER day at work, I think the kiddos know it's the last week of summer school. I had two LONG runs at works chasing runners. I'm also a little battered and bruised as we had quite a few aggressive outbursts today, hoping tomorrow is better, LOL.

    Physical challenge: Week 2

    Friday: 100 JJ 20 pushups
    Monday: 130 JJ, 20 pushups

    Kimberly, you were my inspiration for jumping jacks today! I remembered you coming back and doing a second set of jumping jacks even though they kicked your butt, so I pushed through and did more than I had planned, thanks! Tonight was supposed to be a running day, but it's rainy and gross out there, so I think we're gonna do Insanity pure cardio instead, wish me luck!

  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member

    I did receive the email invite to join the group however I don't go into my email at hom because we have a very slow computer and it fustrates me. I only login when I am at work Monday - Friday. Will this work to join the group?

    I took the quiz and scored 55%.

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    I so know those days you are speaking of. I have done my share of chasing, and once I even had to climb a VERY tall pine tree. Imagine that if you will, at 270 pounds. I was scared to death the branches were going to break! Hope tomorrow is much better for you!

    I wouldn't worry to much about your perceived lack of exercise on the weekend. Sounds to me like you were plenty active, and exercising new sets of muscles!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Physical Challenge: Week 2

    Friday: 30 JJ, walking -
    Saturday: 30 JJ, walking .7
    Sunday: 30 JJ, walking -
    Monday: 30 JJ, walking -
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Knowledge Challenge: Week 2

    I took the quiz and had 10/11 correct for a score of 91%. I missed the question about which part of the body burns the most calories. I answered muscle tissue and the correct answer was the brain. This made me realize that there is a science behind why my students do better when I have a scheduled "nutrition break" in my daily routine at work. For my kiddo's they are probably expending so much energy to learn that they need it! I love when I can make real life connections and see how it applies.

    Here are some tips that I have about weight loss.

    * I am a firm believer that there are many opportunities in our day to include what I call "natural exercise", these are things that we do normally. They work the muscles naturally. I make opportunities by parking further away from my stop, Taking stairs instead of elevators, carrying in the groceries one bag at a time (instead of lining my arms up and down with bags, cutting of the circulation, to only make one trip :laugh: ), and in general just being LESS convenient and efficient.

    * I have a list of replacement foods that I wrote up. It has a column for spicy, sweet, salty, sour, crunchy, etc. and foods listed under each heading that works for that kind of craving. It gives me options when I go to graze, and prevents me from falling into the bad habit of trying to replace a sweet craving with a "healthy food", and then still eating the sweet thing, because I want it so bad.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Power Challenge: Week 2

    Friday: 30 JJ, Walking -
    Saturday: 30 JJ, Walking .7
    Sunday: 30 JJ, Walking -
    Monday: 30 JJ, Walking -
    Tuesday: 30 JJ, Walking 1.6

    Total: 150 JJ, Walking 2.3
  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member
    Question....does cleaning house work fit in this challenge? I spend Saturday mornings cleaning my house not only that, I then go to my mom's and help her where she lives. Most of the day I'm cleaning bathroom and moping floors.

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Laura!

    Welcome to the challenge. LauraLLee is the person who set it up. The way it works is each week we have a knowledge challenge (such as taking a quiz and reflecting on it, or reading an article about food or nutrition) and a power challenge. (week one we had to walk a mile, week 2 is walking and added in jumping jacks). This is our goal as far as the challenge. Most people in the group do additional workouts of a wide variety in addition to the power challenge to meet their individual needs and abilities.

    I don't normally count cleaning, and it varies from person to person, but when I am doing something out of the ordinary for me, I will count it. Right now, I am setting up a new classroom. It involves climbing ladders, moving furniture, packing and moving boxes so I am counting that as extra calories burned, but still completing the power challenges set up. So if your cleaning is deep cleaning and out of the ordinary for your day, I would count it.

    One of the things I have found about the power challenge is that for me, it took me out of my comfort zone (a lot!) but it made me see that I am capable of so much more than I think. I have not done jumping jacks since elementary school. At first I could only do 10 and I had to break it up into 3 sets of ten. Now, I can do 15 after just 5 days.

    Glad to have you join us!
  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member
    Thank you for explaining the Power Challenge. I will start today I will start keeping track and reporting the activity. I am a strong believer of joining a group for motivation and support.

    Laura :drinker:
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Just here to check in real quick! Have to go get my hubby in a sec. I have made it 6 months on this journey -- never thought I would make it this far. And in that time I have lost 51.6 pounds. I feel like a completely different person, though I am still fat and have way more to lose than most people start out needing too. But emotionally and physically I am in a place I did not think was possible to get back too!

    tami :heart:
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    Congrats on your success! What an amazing accomplishment! I commend you on your dedication and commitment. That can be a difficult thing to master.

    I have been on this journey for almost 9 months, and I have only lost 10 pounds. It has been a struggle with a lot of ups and downs, gains and losses. You and the others I share my journey with are such a wonderful motivation for me, and I am feeling that this is doable. I may still have gains, but hopefully they will be fewer than the losses.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Tami, 6 months is a huge milestone! You are doing absolutely fabulous work, and you sound absolutely determined to keep it up, way to go!

    Knowledge challenge: So, I took the test and only got 67% correct.. very interesting information!

    Power challenge: Got my run in last night. It was a struggle to get myself moving, I am SO tired these last few days, but once i got moving it wasn't so bad and we ended up doing a person best distance!

    Friday: JJ 100, Pushups 20
    Mon: JJ 130 Pushups 20 Jog: 2.8 miles (plus .4 warm up/cooldown walk)

    Getting ready to do my jumping jacks and pushups and think I'm gonna take the dog for a quick 1 mile walk. We did our arms/back/chest weights last night. I upped most of them to 10 reps per set (from 8 reps). Will do that for a week or so, then add 2 more for a week or so, then I'll try to up the weight. Tonight is legs and abs, I'm gonna take the step to up my weight to the 20 pound dumbells tonight, will see how that goes- really dreading the lunges! I'm sure I'll be fine on the squats/deadlifts, but those darn lunges ALWAYS kill me.
