Turn your knowledge into Power Challenge



  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member

    I went to the gym and did my favorite cardio class. The class is for an hour but he does about 10 minuets of warm ups, about 5 minutes of crunches and about 5 minutes of cool down. So the high/low intensity of the cardio class is about 40 minutes. Within the 40 minutes he does include a lot if jumping jacks.

    Have a good night everyone :yawn:
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    I love reading about your strength training. I want to for so many reasons, ie. build muscle, look better, burn calories more efficiently, etc. but have no idea where to start. Every time I do research, I come away even more confused than before.

    Sounds you you have a great plan in place. Keep up the great work.
  • kimberlyrenee
    Hey Challenge Team - I am trying to get caught up with everyone.

    Tami, congrats on your success! 6 months is a long time to stay committed. You are doing a great job.

    Veronica, you go girl ! ! ! ! Haulin' and stacking wood is exercise in my book. I got tired just reading about it :)

    Dorothy - you are doing awsome this week. Those jumping jacks are killers! EVERYTHING on me moves up and down when I do them, and yes it is uncomfortable. I have a girdle (I don't think they call them girdles anymore) that I wear when I do them, and it helps a lot with belly bounce ;)

    Laura - Welcome aboard.

    Okay, so this week has not been that great. Yesterday I was just down right awful. It was my birthday and when I got to work the guys had muffins and pastries there to celebrate. Of course I didn't want to be rude, so I had a pastry and then later had a muffin. My husband and I met friends for dinner. I did not make healthy choices and then to top it off, our friends had a birthday cake for me. Of course I have to have a piece of cake. On the drive home after dinner I told my husband that the cake was so good and when we got home I was going to put on my PJs and have another piece of cake. When we got home I took the cake out of the bag and turned to put it in the fridge . . . . . . the lid on the cake container was not on tight. The whole cake slide out of the container, hit the kitchen floor frosting side down. My dog looked up at me, then looked at the cake, then back up at me . . . like he was saying thanks for the treat, then he enjoyed a little birthday cake too. I started laughing, because all I kept thinking was I shouldn't have had it anyway, and as always, God was by my side to guide me in the right direction.

    It has been so hot here that it is hard to walk outside. I don't think that I will be able to walk today, because of the heat. Tomorrow is suppose to be hotter, but I might be working out with my friend and she has a tread mill.

    Week 2 Challenge

    Friday - 1.25 miles
    Saturday 2.5 miles, 30 jumping jacks.
    Sunday 1.25 miles, 30 jumping jacks
    Monday 1.5 miles, 30 jumping jacks
    Tuesday - Not a dang thing :(
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Laura- sounds like a really fun class! I'm jealous as I don't really have a gym close by (the closest is in Fairbanks, almost 20 miles away and I KNOW I would never make the habit to go there a few times a week!).

    Dorothy- I really think that if you are interested in starting, just jump in and pick a few exercises and do them. If you see others later, you can add those in addition to, or replace what you were doing. I change up the exercises I do from time to time. I get a lot of them from Oxygen magazine (it's really a great health/fitness resource).

    Kimberly- I think everyone has days like that, but being able to brush them off and get right back on track is what will give you success in the long run. Weight loss/developing a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be done with perfection, just persistence!

    Yesterday's jumping jacks kicked my butt! I only got in 80 before I just had to stop. I've really been struggling with fatigue this week. I'm getting ready for TOM, so maybe it's just PMS, but I usually don't struggle like this! I did get the dog out for her walk and did my pushups. As predicted, going up to the 20 pound dumb bells was a struggle, and I didn't attempt them for the lunges (yes, I was a chicken, LOL). I couldn't believe how much harder squats were with that extra weight! The plan is to go out jogging tonight. Unlike the rest of the country, we have gorgeous weather up here, low 70s with a little breeze, so should be doable! The rest of you stay safe exercising out in that heat!

    Friday: JJ 100, Pushups 20
    Mon: JJ 130 Pushups 20 Jog: 2.8 miles (plus .4 warm up/cooldown walk)
    Tues: JJ 80 Pushups 20 Walk 1.0 miles

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Kimberly- I love the idea about a girdle, I had not thought about that. I did start to wear a regular bra with a sports bra over it and that helped a lot in that area. I loved your story about the leftover cake! Made me laugh out loud, things really do work out the way they are supposed too I guess. Hope your time with friends was enjoyed!

    Veronica- Today I was at the local thrift store, and ran across some Golds Gym DVD's for $3 a piece. They look like they focus on strengthening different areas. I got Boot Camp my hips and thighs, Boot Camp my Abs, Boot Camp my booty, and tank top arms. I also invested in a set of resistance bands from Walmart that I found for $15. Thanks for the great advice of just doing it, the hardest part for me is always getting started. I over analyze and then get intimidated!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Dorothy I too have lots of up and downs weight wise. I was on a 2 month plateau that I fluctuated with 5 pounds. I am 4 pounds from the lowest I have been on this journey, though I think that day was a fluke because I have been back down to that weight since that one day 3 months ago. But I just keep at it. I am not careful every day, but I try to be on most days.

    Update: I have not been real good about doing the jumping jacks each day as I don't burn many calories by only doing half jacks. So I made up for it today. I can do 30 half jacks in 2 minutes and did continuously for 10 minutes doing 150 of them. I like the calorie burn much better that way. And I walked 2 miles this morning before work so my weekly totals so far are:

    Friday: 0
    Saturday: 7 min step aerobics; 1.2 mile walk, 30 half jacks, my personal get up and move challenge
    Sunday: 30 half jacks, 14 min country line dancing exercise video
    Monday: 0
    Tuesday: 0
    Wednesday: 20 min aerobics, 10 min step aerobics, 7 min leg lifts, 150 half jacks, 2 mile walk

    Not sure I'm going to meet my personal goal of burning 32,000 calories this month. I am just over 1/2 way there with only 11 days to go. But this weekend I am taking vacation time from work and will be extremely active. I am going to a Pow Wow Friday from noon to 10pm and will be doing tons of walking. Then Saturday is a family reunion at a water park, followed by going to a bbq and then back to the Pow Wow. Sunday will be another day spent at the Pow Wow. I do not plan on doing much sitting this weekend and hope to reach my 6,500 calorie burn for this week.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    Thanks for the encouragement!

    I love to go to Pow Wow's. We usually try to make it to the big Mountain Man Rendezvous Labor Day weekend in Fort Bridger, WY. There is always lots of walking and sight seeing to do. Unfortunately there is also Indian Tacos, home made root beer, roasted turkey legs, and kettle corn. <sigh> Hopefully, those are not a problem for you, and if they are, plan well!

    Enjoy your time spent with family!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I am planning to have an Indian taco but am limiting myself to only that....none of the other fattening foods. I have been waiting all year for this as I go every year so I will not deprive myself. But I plan to eat it on Friday so that it is not on the same day as the bbq and the family reunion. My hubby says I shouldn't have it because of the calories, but since it is a once a year treat I am going to allow myself to have it.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Friday: 0
    Saturday: 7 min step aerobics; 1.2 mile walk, 30 half jacks, my personal get up and move challenge
    Sunday: 30 half jacks, 14 min country line dancing exercise video
    Monday: 0
    Tuesday: 0
    Wednesday: 20 min aerobics, 10 min step aerobics, 7 min leg lifts, 150 half jacks, 2 mile walk
    Thursday: 1.4 mile walk
  • kimberlyrenee
    ..........so I will not deprive myself.

    and you shouldn't ! ! ! !

    Tami, you rock on those jumping jacks. I'm doing 30 in a row now, but I don't think I could do one more . . . . at least not yet ;)
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Hey I am back! Looks like everyone is doing well, and I really want to know what is in an Indian Taco? Looks like you all have been doing good with getting your exercise in, that is great.
    I have not been doing well and I am not sure what tomorrow will bring. What I do know is That it is time to get back on track and start eating right and moving more.

    Monday 1 mile
    Wednesday 2 miles 160 half jacks abs
    Thursday 3 miles abs 140 half jacks

    My NSV this week would be I did not eat all the chips when we were camping!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful time. You managed to get those JJ in. Way to go on that! An Indian Taco is a scone (frybread) topped with meat, beans, and the other taco toppings such as cheese, lettuce, tomato, ect. It would n't be too bad except for the deep fried bread. Which really is what makes it taste so good. :laugh:

    We have made them at home by baking the scone, and doing healthy toppings. Worked great except just not the same as deep fried! But, what is??
  • kimberlyrenee
    Welcome back, Laural. I was wondering the same thing about indian taco.

    I did meet up with a friend today and was able to get a little work out in the air conditioning. I sure hope it cools off soon, so I can walk outside again.

    My NSV this week - I did awful on Tuesday, but instead of giving up and not caring about the rest of the week, I was back on the program by the next day. The old me would have used a one day screaw up as a license to eat freely until the next Sunday. Sunday was always my day to start a healthy eating program. I am trying to look at things by the meal. If I make bad choices for one meal, I will have the opportunity to make better choices the next meal. This is really hard for me sometimes.

    Week 2 Challenge

    Friday - 1.25 miles
    Saturday 2.5 miles, 30 jumping jacks.
    Sunday 1.25 miles, 30 jumping jacks
    Monday 1.5 miles, 30 jumping jacks
    Tuesday - Not a dang thing :(
    Wednesday - 30 jumping jacks
    Thursday - 1 mile, 30 jumping jacks
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Power Challenge: Week 2

    Friday: 30 JJ, Walking -
    Saturday: 30 JJ, Walking .7
    Sunday: 30 JJ, Walking -
    Monday: 30 JJ, Walking -
    Tuesday: 30 JJ, Walking 1.6
    Wednesday: - JJ, Walking -
    Thursday: - JJ, Walking -

    Total: 150 JJ, Walking 2.3


    This week I made home made cookies. In the past, I always ate all of the broken ones, because, "no one will want them". I ate 2 whole cookies, counted the calories, and left the rest alone. Guess what?? Other people WILL eat the broken cookies!
    Imagine that :laugh:
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    I love your NSV. That is a great one! You also accomplished a lot of walking this week. Congrats on a hob well done.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Well here we are at the end of week 2......and after 6 months on this journey today is the first day I have actually felt like I have lost weight and can see a difference in more than just my face.

    I met with a counselor today to deal with sexual abuse issues from the past. I have gone to counselors over the years, but always when it got to the hard stuff I would not go back. But I am in a place in my life now that I can and will do this. I am a Psychology student and have come to realize the importance of dealing with these issues in order to completely work through them so that I can finally truly leave the past in the past where it belongs. I have a better self esteem now than I ever have in my life and though this was an extremely difficult thing to do I know that this healing will allow me to lose more weight. The emotional connection to food was something I had to break through to begin this journey and now it is time to break the emotional connection to my past. The things we can discover about ourselves when we just take the time to sit and truly look at what is holding us back in this journey is amazing.

    And this my friends....was my 2nd NSV this week! I feel truly blessed to have finally reached this point in my life :flowerforyou:

    tami :heart:
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello all - I'm back from vacation. I've caught up reading all of your posts and am ready to get back to eating well. I found it really hard to eat well - camping and eating at other people's homes. But I've made a personal discovery (perhaps my NSV): I get nervous when I don't know when or what the next meal will be - and it leads me to overeat. One day I went to Stampede - there was tonns of junk around and being eaten all around me - but I knew that I had a reasonable breakfast in the morning and the lunch was packed with lots of good choices. At the time I thought I did so well because we were so busy. But in contrast we had another really busy day, with no meal plan and I consumed everything I could - when I could. I think that is an important discovery for me!

    I took the Metabolism quiz and I also missed the brain being the organ that burns the most calories - amazing! The article has helped to strip yet another excuse off my list...the "It's not fair - it's harder for me - I have a slower metabolism" excuse. Everyone has a metabolism and everyone has to balance their intake and activity to maintain healthy weights.

    My weight loss wisdom:

    Forgo the quick fixes, stop looking for the magic pill/supplement/program, and don't wait for the 'right time' to begin. Today is the day to begin. The day to day choices will add up to amazing progress - in one direction or another and I determine that direction!

    Adding different vegetables and trying new recipes helps me feel full and satisfied, in a way that is more than physical. For instance, when I eat fresh foods, straight out of the garden I have planted and tended to - there is a fullness, a wholeness, - I can't adequately explain it - nor understand it, but I truely feel full. Also, when I make time to plan and make great food, I prove to myself that I am worth the effort and time to nourish.

    Power Challenge Week 2 (well, I did the following - I didn't get a chance to read about the jumping jacks part)
    Fri 15th - none
    Sat 16th - 1.0 miles
    Sun 17th - .3 miles
    Mon 18th - 3 miles
    Tues 19th - 1.5 miles
    Wed 20th - 2.25 miles
    Thur 21st - none

    So are we weighing and measuring tomorrow?
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Hi for those of you who have not weighed in, please do so.
    I am sorry I have been MIA, I have some huge issues in front of me in which I will share soon, but I need to have a clear head when I do that. So needless to say for me weight this week is another gain, BOOO!

  • kristiedavis1
    Hey guys, obviously I haven't been able to keep up with the challenge over the past week due to all my personal stuff going on. But, I did read all the post today and want you all to know that I can see so much success in all of your stories and posts. Keep up the great work.
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    I just got a chance to read everyone's great encouragements and comments. I think this challenge is fabulous! Well, I haven't really done my part in the challenge. I've had a hard time getting into the healthy eating and exercising and logging in food since I got back last Sunday. I failed to weigh in today, so I'll try tomorrow, but I'm sure there was a gain rather than loss. I didn't do the jumping jacks or walking - many excuses - too busy unpacking, getting back to work, babysitting a 3 year old from 7am til 5, I just wanted some 'me' time. (although I chose the wrong kind) I have overcome all these excuses before, and I will again. I did the quiz and was surprised I only got 55%. I didn't do any of the reading required though so maybe that's why. I've had a hard time having solid time with computer as well- too many distractions with kids and husband being home.
    OH yeah! I had a NSV last Saturday in Nanaimo. I went to Winners and tried on this really pretty outfit, a loosefitting ruffly sleeveless top and a skirt to go with it. I was by myself and needed an opinion so asked another woman in the change room what she thought and she said I had such a cute figure the outfit didn't show it off well enough. That was awesome to hear! So as much as I could be happy at 160-165 - I so do still want to to get down to 150-155 and really show off my figure. Wow it's amazing how motivating it is to tell someone about my issues. Just putting it down here makes me want it so much more and I really have a renewed energy to make today and tomorrow better. I'm sure I'll have more positive comments about myself and my accomplishments tomorrow!

    Thanks team! Heather