Turn your knowledge into Power Challenge



  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    1.Are you motivated to make long-term lifestyle changes?
    Yes, I am most days and then there are days that I just feel like I want to eat everything and other days I dont want to eat anything because I am so disqusted with my body I just want to cut it off...

    2.Have you addressed the big distractions in your life?
    Aw Yes, I have a husband, children, a grandson, friends. Stresses, people to minister to. They are everywhere.

    3. Do you have a realistic picture of how much weight you'll lose and how quickly?
    I think I have a realistic picture. I try not to be too hard on my self when I dont do what I need to do...Anyway I know it will take me a while to get to my goal at least a year or more but the I want it now in me says I should be able to lose the weight in a month or so. : )

    4. Have you resolved any emotional issues connected to your weight?
    Honestly probibly not... I can recognize now when I get upset that I want to eat. I have sabotaged myself all my life, it is almost as if I did not feel I was worthy enough to love myself. So at this point I am learning to make myself a priortiy and to be confindent that I am worthy of love and to love myself.

    5. Do you have support and accountability?
    My support and accountabilty is ME AND MY MFP family. I have some people who care in my life but they are not actively involved with me in this journey.

    6. Have you embraced the weight-loss challenge?
    I have embraced and accepted this challenge in my life. Im tired of being fat, and tired and wearing and shopping in fat womens clothing. I want to wear pretty things and feel like I am pretty for myself. I also want to feel like my husband finds me attractive. But that is another story and definately goes with the emotional eating.

    So Are you Ready?
    YES! I am ready and excited! Truly I find my motovation knowing I have you all here on MFP. And doing these challenges with you all moves me! In all kinds of ways!
  • kristiedavis1
    Walking Challenge:
    Friday - .5 miles
    Saturday - .5 miles
    Monday - .5 miles

    Love reading everybody's responses. It's always good to know that you aren't alone in the journey. So many of us face the same obstacles. Thanks for the support and motivation. Hang in there.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Just wanted to stop in and see how everyone was doing this morning, to say hi, and to read the posts. Wishing you all a Motivational Monday.......have a great day all.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi ya'll! So excited to see so many participating! Here's my update-

    Power Challenge- so I didn't end up getting my planned jog in on Friday. By the time hubby got home from work it was pouring down rain (and he was riding his motorcycle, so he was soaked, poor thing) so we didn't run Friday night, and we had planned on doing it sometime on Saturday, but we got an early start putting on our "Log Jam", so all day Sat. ended up being up and down the ladder, on scaffolding. It wasn't super intense exercise, but my shoulders and especially hands were not happy with me by the end of the day. We also got the floor laid down on the second half of our wood shed, so now I can get started on splitting the rest of the wood and stacking it up there, which is a HUGE job that has to be done by the time the snow starts to fall.

    So, I needed that whole novel to tell you all that I am planning on doing my run tonight, hot weather and all (it's about 75, so not horribly hot, but we have thick blood, anything over 70 feels really warm).

    Weekly Question- I don't really have any of those excuses for not exercising, I just don't like to do it so much, at least cardio exercise. I LOVE to lift weights! I do, however, love the feeling when I'm done exercising.. maybe I need to set myself up a "First exercise, then feel great" chart as a visual reminder (Do you think that's too much "taking my work home with me" Dorothy? hehe). I guess I'm in a minority in that I actually don't like exercising alone, I love having hubby go with me, and son, and daughter, the more the merrier!

    The post that LauraLee made really resonated with me, especially the part about "learning to make myself a priority". That's a tough one for me. I'm a caregiver by nature and generally put myself last, so it is hard to start doing things just for me. Maybe that's why I always want the family to come with me exercising, cause then I'm still taking care of them too, LOL. Even little things like getting regular check-ups, regular hair appointments, etc. I usually make excuses to put them off. It's definitely something I need to work on.

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    maybe I need to set myself up a "First exercise, then feel great" chart as a visual reminder (Do you think that's too much "taking my work home with me" Dorothy? hehe).

    I am all for positive reinforcement! This one even has a built in contingency with it. ;)
  • kimberlyrenee
    Just checking in with everyone today. Hope everyone's week is off to a great start. I walked a mile today and feeling pretty good about. Tomorrow I plan on working out with a friend. Hopefully I can get another mile in.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Ok so I totally blew it today! TOM showed up and made me lose my mind! and even with working out I am still over by 1500 which is a whole day for me.
    Anyway now I feel sick...I wish I could puke but that is not me...
    So I walked a mile at the track today with the family. My husband and daugher brought thier bikes so I even rode the bike for a 1/4 mile and that made my heart rate explode! It went a little too high but man it was a great workout for those 3 minutes...My husband was like so you should buy a bike like mine and I am like well I think I need to lose a little bit more weight before I purchase a bike. The tires on my daughters bike were screaming help me help me!...
    Any ways I hope everyone else had a great day! You all are awesome!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Power Challenge- Week One

    Friday: -
    Saturday: -
    Sunday: .7
    Monday: 1.0

    Total: 1.7
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    I have a tendency when I overeat, to give up on the exercise as well. It's that "all or nothing" problem I have.

    Thanks for setting such a great example that one does not negate the other.

  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Power Challenge- Week One

    Friday: -
    Saturday: -
    Sunday: .7
    Monday: 1.0

    Total: 1.7

    Your moving Dorothy! That is great!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210

    I have a tendency when I overeat, to give up on the exercise as well. It's that "all or nothing" problem I have.

    Thanks for setting such a great example that one does not negate the other.


    I just wish I would of had the energy to burn all of the extra calories I consumed...it hours latter and I still feel like I want to throw up...(excuse my vulgarity).
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    A quick post before work-

    Power Challenge-

    Monday- 2.6 miles (in 30 minutes of jogging) plus .3 mile walk in warm up and cool down
    Also did about 20 minutes of weights (arms, shoulders and chest)

    Great job LauraLee with the walk and bike ride! And hope you have a better eating day today!

    Dorothy- great job on your mile yesterday!

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Excellent job Veronica!

    I can't imagine jogging at this time, but I hope that eventually it will come like everything else.
  • kristiedavis1
    Just wanted to stop in and catch up on the posts and send everyone some encouragement. The thing about this journey is that each of us faces moments that cause set backs. It is so important to remember that this isn't an "all or nothing" process. It's a "when I fall I must get back up" process. You guys are all doing so well. You have to recognize when you stumble and what causes those before you can figure out how to change. I'm so glad you are here to support and encourage me; I want to give just a little of that back. So yesterday, or the day before, or lunch today weren't so great. The next decision you make can be a great one!!!! Hang in there. Kristie

    Walking Challenge:
    Friday - .5 miles
    Saturday - .5 miles
    Monday - .5 miles
    Tuesday - .6 miles
  • kimberlyrenee
    Ok so I totally blew it today! TOM showed up and made me lose my mind! and even with working out I am still over by 1500 which is a whole day for me.
    Anyway now I feel sick...I wish I could puke but that is not me...
    So I walked a mile at the track today with the family. My husband and daugher brought thier bikes so I even rode the bike for a 1/4 mile and that made my heart rate explode! It went a little too high but man it was a great workout for those 3 minutes...My husband was like so you should buy a bike like mine and I am like well I think I need to lose a little bit more weight before I purchase a bike. The tires on my daughters bike were screaming help me help me!...
    Any ways I hope everyone else had a great day! You all are awesome!

    Today is a new day!

    I have a bike and I used to ride, but I am too afraid to get on it now. Next summer.....is gonna be a whole different story.
  • kimberlyrenee
    Power Challenge- Week One

    Friday: -
    Saturday: -
    Sunday: .7
    Monday: 1.0

    Total: 1.7

    Great job Dorothy!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    I know about two months ago I tried to ride my daughters bike and the tires went flat and the seat went up my butt...I was not liking that at all. That is why I am going to wait for a few before buying myself a bike. I want to make sure It is something I can ride without breaking. : P
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Woot! You go Kristie, great job walking, and a two thumbs up to your post. What an empowering idea that each day we get dozens of opportunities to do great things for our health! And, if we don't make the best choice, the very next choice gives us another shot at choosing to put our health above all else.

    Dorothy, I never thought I could be a person who runs either, but I lost some weight, and found the right program to keep myself motivated (I LOVE the Couch to 5K program!) and now I can actually run (albeit slowly, LOL). My goal is a 10K run that happens here every year called the Midnight Sun Run. It happens at the summer solstice and it is run at midnight. Next year I'm gonna make it happen!

    Kimberly and LauraLee, you are both gonna have so much fun when you get on those bikes. Kudos to you for taking the steps to make it a reality! I'm here rooting you both on!!!

  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member