Turn your knowledge into Power Challenge



  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Knowledge Challenge

    1. Are you motivated to make long-term lifestyle changes?

    I feel that I am motivated to make the necessary changes in order to live the life I was destined to have. I don't expect it to be easy, but I know that I can do it. I also know from past experience that there will be times when I make a choice that is in direct competition with what I want to achieve. I need to learn how to deal with those times and let it be what it is and move on to doing what I should be doing.

    2. Have you addressed the big distractions in your life?

    I am lucky in that I lead a very good life with few distractions. I am a bit nervous about work this year because I was transferred to a new school and I just don't know what to expect. I don't have a support system in place there (yet) and I am a firm believer that life revolves around our relationships with others. It will be difficult at first because I don't have those relationships developed yet. One of the important things that I remind myself is that exercise and taking care of me make the distractions that I have less control over such as finances, easier to handle.

    3. Do you have a realistic picture of how much weight you'll lose and how quickly?

    I have 113 pounds to lose to reach my goal. I hope to reach it in 2 years (by the time I am 40). I am aiming for a weight loss of 1.5 lbs. a week. It is slower that I would like, but I am hoping that it will even out, and that at the beginning, I may average closer to 2lbs. week and on difficult weeks that I can still manage a pound a week. In the past, I have struggled when I have maintained or gained at my weekly weigh-in, and I let it sabotage my efforts, thus causing a bad cycle. I am hoping to be as kind and patient with myself this time as I am with others.

    4. Have you resolved any emotional issues connected to your weight?

    I am very much an emotional eater. I eat for a wide variety of reasons, and most are not because I am physically hungry. I eat when I am bored, sad, happy, nervous, and the list goes on and on. I think for now, I need to start by recognizing what I am feeling when I eat, and explore why. It will be a very difficult habit to break! I think that I will start by acknowledging the emotion, and finding either other activities to fill that need, or healthier options to eat.

    5. Do you have support and accountability?

    I am lucky in that Ray is extremely supportive of me. He also has a lot of weight to lose, and I think that he feels if I am trying, that it makes it easier for him as well. He benefits from the healthier meals. My son CJ is a whole different story. Being 15 and very active in swimming, weight is not a problem for him. I have not set the best example for him, and he is a very picky eater! He rarely eats fruit or veggies, and everything is highly processed. I keep hoping that my changes will make him more aware, but it just causes arguments at this point. I also hope to use the online tools more this time around. It is nice to have a support group online that I can access night or day. I do struggle within social situations because I was always, and still am, the get together place. I hosted game nights, and bar-b-ques, and movie nights. I also made sure that we ate very well, (not healthy) when we did get together. I have friends that have not been as supportive in this area. So that might bring some difficulties to light as I get further along in this journey.

    6. Have you embraced the weight-loss challenge?

    I am excited for the journey! I know it won't be easy, but I am ready for a change and an opportunity to live the life I was meant to live!

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Week One Question:
    What are your challenges to exercise regularly?

    At one time or another, I think I have had all of the challenges listed! But, I know that they were really excuses.

    The only challenge I see now to exercising regularly is that I don't put myself first. I am so busy taking care of everyone else that I come last. I need to remember that I have to take care of myself in order to be able to take care of anyone else. I need to remind myself that 30 minutes a day they can take care of themselves, or someone else can take care of the problem.

    Seems like such an easy solution, now to try to implement it!

  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    Sorry I'm a day late to add my info - we were travelling all day yesterday. I managed to weigh myself before we left (at 5 am=() I was back up to 162. (too much whisky and marshmallows at the McGregor reunion) so I'm still holidaying and determined to not gain while I'm here for the week. My measuements this morning are:

    SW 162
    neck 14
    bust 36 1/2
    hips 38
    waist 34 1/2
    thigh 23
    arm 11

    My goal for the next 8 weeks is to hit 155 - and lose some excess belly fat. I'm pretty happpy with my weight loss and think I could maintain - If I don't go back to my old habits - but I really would like to slim down my waist line some more.
    My answers:
    1.Are you motivated to make long-term lifestyle changes? I am motivated - I've changed my eating to be as healthy as possible - very low on the preservatives - high in power foods. I make smart choices at restaraunts 90% of the time. I still break down and binge more than I'd like but I sure choose the the right foods ALOT more than I ever used to. I'm feeling so good with the changes I've made, I can't imagine giving up and backsliding. Yeaterday we went to a new playground for the kids and I spied an outdoor excersize area for adults and can you imagine - I squealled and and ran for the equipment - I was so excited to see it. (I'd been in the van all day) Three? years ago I would have turned my head away and felt guilty that I really didn't feel like going over there to check it out.
    2.Have you addressed the big distractions in your life? Big distratctions for me are my family - so I'm trying to involve them. My teenage daughter and husband are loving the new foods I'm coming up with. My young boys - not so much - although my six year old ate lots of spinach the other day because we picked out of our garden. when I take them to the park - I play with them to get my heart rate up. I'd love to go biking with them but they have no interest. Another distratction is work related issues- I've decided that I don't want to be a teacher - I need a job that doesn't require homework - so I'm really trying to not let that stress rule my food choices. Prayer is helping me - trying to turn to Jesus for help rather than food.
    3. Do you have a realistic picture of how much weight you'll lose and how quickly? I'm very realistic I think - I've lost my excess wieght very slowly. My son is turning 8 this summer and when I came home from that hospital with him I was 205. since then I went down to 185 for my wedding 7 years ago. then had another boy 6years ago and came home at 205 again. for my friends wedding 2 years ago i got down to 167 - then back up a bit and now since 1 year on my fitnesspal I'm down to around 160. each 5 pound milestone has taken forever, but I'm still at it and just celebrating each loss.
    4. Have you resolved any emotional issues connected to your weight? - I'm a stress/ binge eater. I have depression that I battle with the help of Jesus, cognitive behaviour therapy and my new healthy lifestyle.
    5. Do you have support and accountability? Myfitness pal! My husband, my mom, two reallly good friends and Jesus.
    6. Have you embraced the weight-loss challenge? I'm all for this challenge - It keeps me focussed and makes me think twice before I eat anything that may not fit into my calorie count or my healthy food category.
    So Are you Ready? I am very ready - except I'm on holidays this week. So one goal I will accomplish this week is NO fish and chips. we really like to find good seafood places here in nanaimo and I'll order any seafood but the deepfried kind. As for walking a mile - we do a lot of trails and hikes and seawall meandering. I'll try to get more of a burn and cardio walk in the evenings without the kids.
    I'm so thrilled to be a part of this challenge - thanks Laura.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Yeaterday we went to a new playground for the kids and I spied an outdoor excersize area for adults and can you imagine - I squealled and and ran for the equipment - I was so excited to see it.

    This sounds like so much fun! What a wonderful example you are setting for your children! I remember how much I used to love to play on equipment; playground, trampolines, and kickball. I hope to eventually get to the point where I enjoy those activities and many more again.

  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Dorothy a mile around the track is typically 4 times.
    Heather! I am so glad you made it! It seems like so long since I have heard from you! Welcome!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks Laura, I appreciate you responding! I think I am going to go in the AM.
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Is it too late to join? This sounds just like the challenge I need (and have needed for a long time!) I know a lot! I need to figure out how to put it into practise!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    As of July 8th:

    Sw 325.8
    Neck 15"
    Bust 44"
    Waist 47"
    Hips 69"
    Thighs 31"
    Arms 15"

    My goals during this challenge are to drink a minimum of 98 oz of water daily and to lose 10 pounds.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Friday 1.2 Miles
    Saturday 2 hours of walking! I think we walked about 3 miles but not really sure!

    I have to say I love challenges they really get me to move more!

    How bout you all? Hope your having a great weekend!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    In response to the Mayo Clinic's assessment of willingness to change ~~

    1. Are you motivated to make long-term lifestyle changes?

    Yes - not only am I ready, but I have been working on this for a few months now. I joined MFP on January 19th of this year weighing in at 375 pounds. I had been referred by my doctor last year to a bariatric surgeon for gastric bypass. I was placed on a meal replacement plan (which cost over $6,000 for 3 months) and lost 36 pounds on the program and working out with a personal trainer. After losing the 36 pounds in pre-op prep for surgery I decided I wanted to lose the weight naturally rather than going through with the surgery. Needless to say I regained the 36 plus an additional 12 landing me at 375. A friend told me about MFP so I joined. In the first 3 months I lost 45 pounds and have been maintaining the loss over the last 2 1/2 months. I have been through 4 plateaus in the last 6 months, but have learned to endure them and fight through then rather than giving up as I have always done in the past.

    2. Have you addressed the big distractions in your life?

    Yes -- I got married in December, I work full-time, and am a full-time college student. I had issues with time management so as an elective in my first year of school I took a time-management course which taught me that I can do anything and everything I need to do so long as I prioritize and do not intentionally set myself up for failure. It is easy to use the excuse that I have NO time for exercise, but in reality I have plenty of time for it. It is all about scheduling it in and not letting life get in the way. For me it is making a decision each day before I get out of bed that today life's hurdles are not going to stop me from doing what I want to do and what I need to do in order to become healthy and fit.

    3. Do you have a realistic picture of how much weight you'll lose and how quickly?

    I have to laugh when reading this question. We all tend to want to lose weight rapidly, yet most of know there is no magical fix to weight loss. I used to set myself up for failure expecting too much too fast and then I would sabotage myself even further by falling into depression or beating myself up when I did not meat my astronomical goals. I would binge eat and then get angry with myself about that. It was a vicious cycle! I have now learned to set small, obtainable goals for my weight loss. For instance, I need to lose almost 200 more pounds to be at my goal weight, but instead of focusing on that huge number and getting discouraged, I set small increment goals for myself between 10 and 25 pounds at a time. I give myself 1-3 months for each goal. I did not reach my last goal because of being on a 3 1/2 week plateau so instead of getting upset and finding a fad diet to fix it, I reset my goals again.

    4. Have you resolved any emotional issues connected to your weight?

    I have always struggled with this. When I lose 30-40 pounds I panic and eat everything in site to regain the weight I have lost. I have been doing that since the age of 9 when I was placed on my first diet. I have been to counselors and no one could explain to me what was going on. I decided to do a 12 week 12 step eating program by the MInrith Meyer Clinic called Love Hunger. I did not follow the eating plan per se, but I did the workbook and what a difference it has made. I am able to love myself enough now to no longer hide behind my weight. I am also majoring in Psychology so that I can one day help others who struggle with these issues. I found in working this program that being molested as a child and having a controlling mother were huge factors in my obesity. Once I worked through those issues, I have been able to lose over 40 pounds, keep it off, and not feel like I am losing control.

    5. Do you have support and accountability?

    Yes and Yes!! I have the support of my husband, my friends, my Bible Study group, and my MFP friends and groups. I am in 2 other groups besides this one where I find accountability, love, and support. I am able to confide in the women in those groups of my struggles and battles in this journey. My husband and I are losing weight together so that also holds me accountable to a level that at times I want deep down, but don't want on the surface level.

    6. Have you embraced the weight-loss challenge?

    I absolutely love the challenges I get being in groups on MFP. I find that when I have challenges in this journey I do better. I find myself more motivated to exercise when I am in a challenge for exercise. I love watching the Biggest Loser and have sent in 3 times to try out for the show. The thing that appeals to me the most about it is the weekly challenges. I think being a competitive person, this has been one of the many things in this journey that has consistently pushed me forward and me fight so hard for what I want.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Great job on your long walk Laura!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    I decided I wanted to lose the weight naturally rather than going through with the surgery.

    Good for you! I think that everyone's journey is different and what works for some will not for for others. I think it is important to realize what is going to work for YOU. I am still in the learning process, but I do know that surgery for weight loss is not it for me.

    I have also learned that I need to work with moderation. Nothing is off-limits! If it is, I want it even more, just to prove that I can...they can't tell me no!
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm joining you today and am looking forward to the next 8 weeks with you all. Here are my musings about the 'readiness for change' questions:

    1. Are you motivated to make long-term lifestyle changes?

    My motivation - at risk of diabetes, 4 kids who I want to have the energy to play with and be an example for, tried of feeling old and desire to be truely free.

    2. Have you addressed the big distractions in your life?

    Only dealing with the many minor challenges that come with this mortal life.

    3. Do you have a realistic picture of how much weight you'll lose and how quickly?

    I am not, (and never have been) interested in dieting. The only way for me to do this is through making healthier food choices and developing a consistent, regular habit of physical exercise. I don't expect this path to be short, but I hope that it will be lasting. I don't want to gain, but have a consistent slow downward trend over time. 1-2lbs would make me very happy, but really anything less than the week before will feel like progress.

    4. Have you resolved any emotional issues connected to your weight?

    hummm, well no. I'm working at it but this is my biggest issue. I struggle with all-or-nothing thinking, I fear failure, and have very high expectations of myself. Food has defineitely become an unhealthy crutch, perhpas even an addiction - my sole way of coping with a wide range of emotions. I have found that as I limit sugar, my cravings and energy and moods are significantly improved. I do believe that my success depend a great deal on the enabling power of Grace (because I actually don't have the ability to conquer this on my own), and an understanding the biological effects of sugar in my sugar sensitive body.

    5. Do you have support and accountability?

    Yeah for MFP - all the support I have here, plus the tools to log my choices and track my progress. My husband is kind and non-judgmental for which I am grateful everyday. But he isn't into exercise and has one of those metabolisms that allow him to eat a lot without gaining - so in a lot of ways he just doesn't understand my struggle. I think the more personal challenges here help me to be accountable.

    6. Have you embraced the weight-loss challenge?

    Celebrating successes is one thing I am practising. I only have to go for a jog to remember how great I feel when I move. Funny but the only thing I dread is the comments about my weight - for me whether it is the dreaded, "Are you expecting?" When I'm not question or the "Have you lost weight - you look great." They both feel horrible to me. I don't want people to notice, never mind comment on my weight - that is not who I am and it is really none of their business. Am I crazy? Does anyone else feel like that? My MFP friends are different we are all focusing on our own journey - and trying to encourage others to be more active and make healthy choices - maybe it is just because I'm not standing face to face with everyone here. I'm not really sure what the difference is. I do feel like I am engaged in a process that is bringing me joy and light and a greater abundance of life.
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    As of July 8th:

    Sw 233
    Neck 14"
    Bust 43"
    Waist 41"
    Hips 53"
    Thighs 31.5"
    Arms 13.5"

    My goals during this challenge are to:
    Track my food/water every day,
    Exercise 3-4 times a week
    Lose 8 lbs.
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Week One Question:
    What are your challenges to exercise regularly?

    Barrier No. 1: I don't have enough time to exercise
    Most often it is the end of the day before I manage to fit it in.

    Barrier No. 3: I'm self-conscious about how I look
    So I'm sweating like crazy in my own house instead of a gym or in the neighborhood.
    I've got some cute workout clothes and a well fitting bathing suit and cover-up, so that is helping with the idea of exercising in view of others.

    Barrier No. 4: I'm too tired to exercise after work
    Getting enough sleep is the key for me - I am a night-hawk and love the quiet hours I have solely to myself at night. (don't look at the time I posted this!)

    Barrier No. 8: I can't afford health club fees
    I've got an exercise ball, a $100 tredmill, resistence bands, a bike, Wii dance & Wii fit, stairs, housework, lots of body weight to push-ups and squats, and live in an area with plenty of hills. I realize I don't need a membership and I'm done with finding excuses, I can always use the resources I do have. (I just miss swimming though.)
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    StepbyStep, (Sorry I don't know your name)

    I can so relate to your comment about all or nothing thinking. That is a difficult one for me as well. Hopefully, we will find some great ways to deal with this and turn it into a positive for us instead of a challenge.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Week 1 Updates:

    Power Challenge -- so far I have walked 1/2 mile. I have done a lot of other exercising as well.

    Knowledge Challenge -- The excuses that apply to me are:

    # 3 I'm too tired to exercise -- this one is so easy to use and I tend to do so more often than I should :angry:

    #4 I'm self-conscious about how I look when I exercise -- I am so bad about this that I have a membership at the gym and I rarely use it. I am fine exercising by myself or with other overweight people, but you get skinny people in the gym and it all changes. I also have a hard time working out in front of my husband because I am not real coordinated when it comes to the moves. :grumble:
  • kimberlyrenee
    Hey All....so nice to see everyone here and read your answers to our first 6 questions. I feel the same as many of you. . . . . especially the all or nothing folks out there!

    I'm ready to get started...........

    1. Are you motivated to make long-term lifestyle changes?

    I am motivated today. Now the trick is to stay that way. That is the hard part!

    2. Have you addressed the big distractions in your life?

    Not sure that I have 'big' distractions. I had been laid off work for a year, and just started working again in March. It has been stressful, but hey that is life, right? Distractions will always be part of life. I want to learn to respond to the 'big distractions' and more importantly the little every day stresses in a healthy way.

    3. Do you have a realistic picture of how much weight you'll lose and how quickly?

    I do have a realistic picture, but I do not like.

    4. Have you resolved any emotional issues connected to your weight?

    I am any emotional eater. Happy, sad, tired . . . . ice cream would went welll with all those emotions. As I said in answer #2, I want to learn to deal with things/life/feelings in a new way. I would love to have a stressful day and think I can't wait to get home and exercise, because I know that will make me feel so much better . . . . . instead of thinking I want to get home and sit on the couch with a piece of cake and some ice cream.

    5. Do you have support and accountability?

    My husband is very supportive. Although he is not over weight and he really doesn't understand the struggle. Of course all my pals here!

    6. Have you embraced the weight-loss challenge?

    I've embraced it and I know that I must do this for my health, but it scares me too.

    Week One Question:
    What are your challenges to exercise regularly?

    Of course time is a challenge. My biggest challenge though is that I hate exercising. I will however push through and exercise at least 3 days per week. That brings me to my goals for this 8 week challenge........1. to exercise 3 days per week. 2. to loose 10 lbs. 3. to focus on the positive.
  • kimberlyrenee
    Week 1 Updates:

    Power Challenge -- so far I have walked 1/2 mile. I have done a lot of other exercising as well.

    Knowledge Challenge -- The excuses that apply to me are:

    # 3 I'm too tired to exercise -- this one is so easy to use and I tend to do so more often than I should :angry:

    #4 I'm self-conscious about how I look when I exercise -- I am so bad about this that I have a membership at the gym and I rarely use it. I am fine exercising by myself or with other overweight people, but you get skinny people in the gym and it all changes. I also have a hard time working out in front of my husband because I am not real coordinated when it comes to the moves. :grumble:

    Great job on the 1/2 mile and the exercising!

    I don't like how I look exercising either. I will NOT do an exercise video in front of my husband. Now a nice walk with him is something entirely different :wink:
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Power Challenge-Week One

    Friday: -
    Saturday: -
    Sunday: .7