Nice things people have said about you lately...



  • My husband calls me beautiful or gorgeous daily, even though he doesn't see me right now, lol. Makes me feel good.

    Other than him, my family was in town and it had been about a week since I saw them and they told me "Wow, you have lost some weight, you look great". Made me feel good, cause I had just seen them like a week before that.

    I get told alot that I have very beautiful eyes<3

    That's about it, but they all make me happy=]
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Posted this on my profile, but figured I'd put it here, too:

    I saw my neighbor as I was walking down the street and she asked if I had gone for my run today. I told her yes, and that I had just gotten back from the CVS 2 miles away instead of the one down the street. She said to me, "You know, I can really see you slimming out since you got here. You're a good example for the whole neighborhood" AWWWW! :D
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Can't think of anything. Oh, one of the mothers at school said looking at me she wished she hadn't eaten 3 biscuits at tea time, but that might not have been a compliment.

    In general I don't spend time with complimentary types of people. Most of my friends are either sarcastic or keep themselves to themselves.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    SOMEONE said "You're so pretty!"
    I said "Oh, thank you!"
    Someone: "Oh, I was talking to your dog...but you look nice too."

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Usually it's from people saying I'm crazy for running at 530am, or eating 6 times a day, but I most often get compliments about my dedication to healthy living and what a great influence I am on my family and friends. Feels great!
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I walked into the convenience store down the street from my house, I walk there pretty often ( 3 miles) and the lady at the counter yesterday exclaimed "you look FABULOUS!" to me as I am standing there with my kids in the double stroller, in my sweaty grubby workout clothes with sweat stains on my back and no makeup on lol It gave me a pretty great boost to jog home
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    SOMEONE said "You're so pretty!"
    I said "Oh, thank you!"
    Someone: "Oh, I was talking to your dog...but you look nice too."


    BAHAHAHA!! Something similar happened to me the other day. I was walking my dog and someone we passed at the light said, "Gorgeous!" So of course I smiled and said thanks. Then they said, "What kind of dog is she?" That's when I realized they were referring to my dog... :laugh:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    a couple from the groom's side of the family asked for a copy of the toast i gave at my sisters wedding. extremely flattering. :)
  • ab_shutterbug
    ab_shutterbug Posts: 203 Member
    Earlier this week I had a meeting with a co-worker (male) who works outside of the office. I hadn't seen him for several months. After another person in our meeting left the table, my co-worker leaned over the table and said, "You've lost a lot of weight. I mean, a LOT of weight!" He said I looked really good and that he could tell that I had really worked hard on it. Made me feel great! :)