Turn your knowledge into Power Challenge



  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Gain for me this week 152.2 (up 1.0) but I'm retaining water.. my rings are usually in danger of falling off and are stuck to my finger this morning, so I'm not worried about it. On the other hand, I am doing fabulous on my weight lifting goals.. look at these numbers:

    Exercise/ Start of Challenge/Now

    Bicep Curls/ 30 pounds/35 pounds
    Bench Press/ 30 lbs./55 pounds
    Military Press/30 lbs./40 lbs.
    Triceps Dips/15 pounds/25 lbs.
    Hammer Curls/30 pounds/40 pounds
    Squats/ 30 lbs./ 70 lbs.
    Lunges/ 30 lbs./40 lbs.
    Calf Raises/ 15 lbs./50 lbs.

    Dorothy, I agree as well about always seeming to play around with the same pounds. For me, it tends to be about 3-4 weeks I bounce around, then I'll finally get down to the next low point and then bounce around there for a while as well. I think that it may be because I'm not super strict in my eating, but I figure it does no good to give up things I love for a while, then risk gaining it back when I add those things back into my diet. I prefer to eat the way I like to eat, the way I can continue to eat forever, then let my weight do what it's gonna do and not stress about it (of course, that's easier to do when you are in a healthy BMI, and I wasn't always this relaxed about it.. for a while in the early going I was the weight loss Attila the Hun! I'm sure I'm much easier to live with now, LOL). Anyways, hope ya'll have a great weekend, and talk at ya on Monday!

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    McHeather- Congrats on your loss, I am sure you can get to 150. Look at how far you have come already! It is amazing the things our bodies are capable of in our early days. The schedule I kept then was crazy busy, and I was very unhappy at 130. Now, I have a goal of 150 and that seems so far out of reach.

    Veronica- Your numbers are amazing! I couldn't believe the improvement in all areas, but especially the squats and calf raises! I wouldn't worry too much about the gain, especially if your rings are tight. Could be anything, and I am sure you will see a loss next week. Keep doing what you are doing, it's working!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Good afternoon ladies ~~

    I am at 323.5 today which is 4.7 down from last Friday, but only down 2.3 from when we started this challenge. It is frustrating with the 5-6 pounds I keep fluctuating. I wish Mr. Scale would just keep going downward!

    As for inches I am at:

    neck 14.5 loss of .5
    chest 43 loss of 1
    waist 45.5 loss of 1.5
    hips 67 loss of 2
    right arm 14.5 loss of .5
    thigh 31.5 gain of .5
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member

    What a wonderful weekly loss. You are well on your way to meeting your goal for the challenge. It's starting to sound like we all have a couple of pounds that we tend to work with quite a bit. Your inches lost look really good- 5.5 inches overall is great! It shows that what you are doing is working. Keep up the great work. I don't know how accurate mine are, it's difficult to make sure the tape is in the same place each time!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Hey, I just wanted to pop in. I have been camping this last week. I weighed when I got home, but I had already eaten and drank so I think I am about the same. I will weigh in tomorrow offically.

    I did have a great nsv this last week. I was able to get up and down off the air mattress without pain and with ease. So I am seeing the core strength training pay off and that excites me, since I have felt like I was off the wagon for the last couple weeks.

    I am feeling pretty good now and No matter what my circumstances I am going to continue on with this journey.

    Thanks everyone for the support!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Knowledge challenge is to share or post a topic that you have been thinking about or concerns you.

    Power challenge workout an extra hour this week and share your workout routines and what works for you.

    We are now in our seventh week and Its time to share and pull up our boot straps, and lets make our goals!
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My recipe is for crustless quiche, which I enjoy as a breakfast food more often than not. One of my goals is to get adequate protein and this recipe is really great for that.

    Crustless Quiche
    Number of servings 8
    Per Serving: 159 kcals 18 grams protein


    Generic - Large Egg, 8 large egg
    Cottage cheese - Lowfat, 1% milkfat, 1 cup (not packed)
    Ziggy's - Blackforest Ham - Deli 17% Protein, 10 slices (55g)
    Zuchinni - grated, 1.5 cup
    Red pepper- chopped, 1 large

    Mushrooms - chopped and sauted, 1 cup
    Green onions - chopped, 3 greens and bulb
    Butter - (Salted), 4 tsp. 5mgs

    Just whip up the eggs, stir cottage cheese, ham and really any chopped soft vegetables that you like in a bowl. In the 10 inch pie-like ceramic dish I throw in the butter, mushrooms and onions - and melt and saute at the same time in the microwave for about a minute. Kind of spread the mushrooms around the bottom of the dish, pour the egg mixture on top. Bake at 425 for 15 minutes and 325 for about 30 minutes. I love this one because it is so high in protein and I love it because my kids love it - and don't complain about the vegetables they are eating either! As a variation you can add crushed stone ground crackers to the butter mixture, to form a cracker crust before you pour the eggs in. This is also very tasty and a little bit more filling.

    Weight update: 228.2 today. Which is 4.8 down from the beginning of this challenge. This week I was in excess of my calorie goal by 2576…so I predict next week's weigh-in to be a gain. As well, last week was - not very active and very long! I did try the intervals when I was swimming - it sure tired me out quicker - so I think that means that I was working harder.

    Fri – biking, leisurely pace X 50 min
    Sat – swim, intervals X 40 min
    Sun -0
    Mon - Water Jogging X 15min + Mowing lawn X 3o min + strength training – pushups, sit ups, squats
    Tues – 0
    Wed – 25 JJ
    Thur – walk with infant X 30min, 25 JJ
    Total min = 2 hours 45 min.
    I didn't reach my goal of getting 3 strength sessions in, again I only managed one. However, my NSV for this week is a bit of a funny one. As a motivator for my 3 year old to try new foods and to eat nutritious things at dinner we ask to feel her muscles to see if the foods are making her stronger. So quite often everyone gets in on it and we are feeling each others biceps, mommy's included. So usually my 10 yo son just chuckles and says 'squishy' for mine - which in fairness has been quite accurate. However, this time I flexed my bicept and could actually SEE some definition. Sure enough my son couldn't resist feeling my swishy arm, but instead he said, "getting better mom." Hee hee, what a proud moment for the record books!

    I was browsing the other posts for this challenge and wondered, are the power challenges supposed to be cumulative? I mean are we to be aiming to do the 1 mile walks, the jumping jax, the strength training, the interval training, and the extra hour too?! Are you all doing that? Uhm, I'm not!

    I felt like my week was a blur partly because of lack of sleep. But this is a new week and my goals are to continue to drink my 9 glasses/d, track food, and revise my stregth training to be a more manageable baby step of 2 strength training sessions, and to get to sleep before midnight…wow look at the time, I’m a bit late already…nighty night everyone! Hope you week has started out great!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Laura- So glad to have you back! I hope your camping trip was great. I think that your NSV is an important one, I know how difficult it can be to get off the air mattress. I always have to roll onto my knees and hope that there is something to hold onto to get the rest of the way up! I am sure you are doing great. Keep up the great work, little steps still lead to the same finishing point.

    Stepbystep6- I am buying the ingredients for your recipe today! It is something that I would really enjoy. I agree with the interval training giving you a much more effective workout. I LOVE your NSV this week! I can just imagine it, and the pride you must have felt! Keep up the great work!
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Knowledge Challenge

    The topic that I struggle with is eating vegetables. It seems like it should be an easy thing, there are so many to choose from, there are a wide variety of ways to cook them, and they are very convenient. But, I don't like them. I know they are good for me, I know they are low calorie and very filling, but I can't make myself eat them.

    I do eat a lot of fruit! I eat fruit with 2 out of 3 meals a day, and 1 of my snacks each day includes a fruit. I love them all; fresh, frozen, and canned. I love the versatility of fruit.

    I guess I have a two-part question. The first is if I REALLY need veggies, if I eat a wide variety of fruit, and take a multi-vitamin, and the second part is if I do need veggies, any suggestion on how to learn to like them?
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Power Challenge

    I am really slacking off in the power portion of our challenge, and I owe all of you an apology. I had good intentions, but life got in the way. I have not yet found that balance and desire to make exercise a priority in my day. It is the first thing I let go of if my day is busy, and we all know that potentially that could be every day. I continue to work at improving it, and making the changes that I need to make. This is one I struggle with, but I continue to try.

    Fri: -
    Sat: -
    Sun: -
    Mon: Moving classroom (2 hours)
    Tues: Moving classroom (3hours)
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Dorothy, I know you love fruits (I do too) but they don't give you everything you get from veggies. Not to mention that fruits are much higher in calories, so veggies are a more efficient source of nutrients! I think you really need to find a way to enjoy veggies. Most days, I have a salad with lunch that lets me start getting some veggies in.. I like to do half romaine lettuce and half spinach, then add on any raw veggies I have. For dinner, we mostly have cooked veggies. What I like to do is make the veggies an integral part of the meal (fajitas with lots of peppers/onions, or shrimp ratatouille (mostly veggies, with the shrimp like an accent), or spaghetti squash casserole where the squash takes the place of noodles). Roasted veggies are also high on our list- cauliflower is SO yummy roasted, or roasted cabbage is something we love too. Experiment and play around with your veggies, look for new recipes to try. If you need it, don't be afraid to give them a good drizzle of olive oil, or top them with a little low fat cheese (a lot of veggies have fat soluble vitamins in them, so having them with a little fat actually helps to get more nutrients (I also don't get fat free dressing, I use light versions instead). If you like casseroles, adding spinach to them hardly alters the taste at all, so it's a good way to sneak in some veggies (I chop up fresh spinach and add it into my chili, I also have added it into a saucy chicken enchilada dish I make, and I add it to burrito filling, smoothies (you can add spinach to a smoothy made with berries and you'll only taste the berries, I promise! although it will be green, haha). Hope some of this helps.

    My power challenge:
    Friday- Took 2 minutes off my time on our 2.8 mile jog. I used intervals and even though it didn't feel great, it did REALLY speed me up. I'm gonna be working more with interval training and see if I can pick up the pace even more.
    Sat. we were supposed to go cut wood, but it was pouring rain, so no exercise at all, boo
    Mon: 20 pushups, Hubby didn't feel good today, so we just did a quick 30 minute walk with the dog
    Tues: 20 pushups, 30 min. lower body weight workout- this felt really hard, it had been almost 5 days since our last leg workout and I could tell, ugh.
    Wed: 20 pushups, run planned, we'll see if it happens and we really need to do an upper body weight workout tonight!!

  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    Dorothy you could check out the website about the recipe book THE SNEAKY CHEF. It's about sneaking veggies into other foods so you family doesn't know. You do need the nutrients that veggies provide. The least cooked the better, but these ideas might be a good start. Vegetable are more filling too.

    My Knowledge challenge is a bit of a vent and frustration with food companies. I really watch the ingredients on the foods that I buy. I'm trying to limit the chemicals and preservatives that myself and my family consume. I don't usually worry about salt other than I don't add it to my cooking until after a taste test determines it's needed. One day I was grocery shopping with my 6 year son who is in Kindergarten. He pointed out a character on a soup box. The drawn character looked like a cute friendly salt shaker and the caption said something about him being missing. Blake wanted to buy the product because he'd heard about it at school in a healthy eating program. So I picked up the box and read the label. Yes the salt was missing from it but the ingredients listed Monosodium Glutamate instead. The regular version had salt, the "healthier" version had MSG. There was no way I would buy that product. MSG makes my hands swell up so I can't get my rings off and make my hands, elbows, knee and ankles ache terribly (trans fats do it to me too)

    I found this information on MSG on a website:"Not only is MSG found to induce asthma and migraine attacks, but is also linked to diseases such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Metabolizing glutamate after a MSG-rich meal induces the release of glucose into the blood stream. This in turn triggers the secretion of insulin by the pancreatic islet cells, so that muscle cells can take up glucose. Obesity is characterized, in part, by high levels of plasma glucose and insulin. Studies have shown that mice injected with MSG became obese and eventually lead to insulin-resistance and the onset of Type 2 diabetes. Moreover, MSG has been shown to stimulate appetite in humans. Subjects that had MSG-rich meals exhibited more stimulation to eat and ate more often than control subjects. The elderly are more susceptible to over stimulation of the brain caused by MSG, and risks degeneration of nerve cells in the brain leading to Alzheimers."

    So just because the food company tells you it's taking away something you think is bad for you - check to see if it's being replaced by something even worse. Like low or no sugar cereals and yogurt usually have aspartame or other harmful fake sweeteners. It's better for your body to have the real stuff in moderation than any of chemically engineered stuff.

    Some thing to think about - that's my rant!
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    Weigh in today - 158.7 - a little gain I think, but I had woken up in the night starving and I mindlessly ate a banana. Among other reasons - I'm okay with it though because I've spent this wee impressing myself with my muscles. I can see muscles in my thighs and am so impressed. I've done a few of my older workout videos this week have found them much easier than ever before. They still work me out, but I don't have to modify any moves and I'm able to work hard to get a sweat. I can almost do real push ups too!! I don't know if I met the power challenge of adding another hour. I logged 4 hours. I did some dancing and running with kids that I didn't log in =)
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Week 7 Results-

    Weigh-in 262.0 (+1.6)

    Power Challenge
    Fri: -
    Sat: -
    Sun: -
    Mon: Moving classroom (2 hours)
    Tues: Moving classroom (3hours)
    Wed: -
    Thurs: -

    Not a good week at all for a power challenge.

    Knowledge Challenge:

    Thanks to McHeather and Veronica for responding to my question about the knowledge challenge. You both had some great ideas I am going to try. I made a mini goal to eat a side salad each day with at least 3 different veggies in it with either lunch or dinner. I also do a recipe search for some vegetarian sides and main dishes to try.

    NSV: I actually made a meal out of a salad. I used spinach leaves, radishes, cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli, red onion, and tomatoes. It was pretty good. I also had a chicken breast with it for protein, but on the side. My past experience with salads is that I will fill my plate with sunflower seeds, eggs, cheese, bacon bits, croutons, meat and dressing...with about 1 tong full of lettuce or Romain. Apparently that does not really qualify as a salad :laugh:

    Hope that everyone else is having a healthy week. If not, pull yourself up by the bootstraps and try again. (and again, and again, and again) We can do this!
  • ab_shutterbug
    ab_shutterbug Posts: 203 Member
    Hi folks! A day late, but my weight was the same yesterday, so here goes:

    CW - 153
    Waist = 36 (down 1 inch from last time)
    Bust - 38 (down 1 inch)
    Hips - 40 (down .5 in)
    Neck - 14 ? Who cares, really. lol

    Seem to be flat lining for a week or two at this level, but holding is not necessarily a bad thing. I skipped two days of workout last week, but tried to keep on the straight and narrow. Had cocktails last night but a healthy appetizer. Will hit the gym again hard today and add some weights. Need to tone up the stomach area, so that will be my goal this week.
    Travel coming up, so will take workout clothes and figure out an early morning or evening workout routine each day. Wish me luck!
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Halloooo? Is anyone there? Today is the last day of our challenge is it not, where's all the chatter?

    Final Weigh in: 226.0
    Total weight loss: 7 lbs
    Total inches lost: 1.5 - not so hot?!

    How did everyone else do?

    Wishing you all the best as you continue striving to reach your goals. On to the dimaond challenge for me...
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    I was thinking the same thing - anyone else out there?
    so my husband did my measurements both times and this is what we got -

    SW 162 today - 158.5
    neck 14 13.5 (didn't think i had any to lose there)
    bust 36 1/2 37.5 (hahaha maby different bra?)
    hips 38 hips 40 ????
    waist 34 1/2
    thigh 23
    arm 11
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    So i hit a wrong button this is what meant:

    I was thinking the same thing - anyone else out there?
    so my husband did my measurements both times and this is what we got -

    SW 162 today - 158.5
    neck 14 neck 14 13.5 (didn't think i had any to lose there)
    bust 36 1/2 bust 36 1/2 37.5 (hahaha maby different bra?)
    hips 38 hips 40 ?????
    waist 34 1/2 waist 30 Yahoo! lots of crunches from my other challenge or another mistake?
    thigh 23 thigh 23
    arm 11 arm 10

    I don't think I rocked the challenge like could have, but I'm still doing it and not giving up - i made some great friends with this challenge and I hope we still keep encouraging each other! Lets see some more results!
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    that last post didn't show the spaces i put between them it was supposed to look like columns. sorry about all typos - i am one handed right now due to an injury to my left hand.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Here are my final results.

    Starting Numbers

    Weight: 259.6
    Left Arm: 20
    Right Arm: 19
    Left Thigh: 29.25
    Right Thigh: 28.75
    Chest: 53.25
    Waist: 47.25
    Hips: 56.75
    Neck: 15.25

    Ending numbers and changes

    Weight 261.3 (+1.7)
    Neck 15.0 (-.25)
    Bust 52.75 (-.50)
    Waist 45.25 (-2.0)
    Hips 56.5 (-.25)
    Arms L 20.5 (+.5)
    Arms R 19.5 (+.5)
    Thighs L 30.5 (+1.25)
    Thighs R 29.75 (+1.0)

    Here are my thoughts on the challenge.
    I loved the friendships I made and met some wonderfully supportive people that I would love to follow and keep in touch with. I learned a lot from the articles, and I liked that I tried new things that I would not have done before, such as eating veggies, strength training, and interval training.
    As far as the actually purpose of the challenge, I did not meet my goals. I gained weight instead of losing, and I managed to change my inches around to different places on my body. I learned that my time spent responding to a challenge was time that I could have spent working out more, or on other things. Maybe the time is not right for me to go hard and heavy at it. I am not giving up, but I need to find something (a balance and moderation) that meets my needs, ability, and time frames.

    Stepbystep: you did great 7 pounds in 8 weeks is a healthy weight of loss.

    McHeather: COngrats on the inches lost! That's fantastic!

    Best of luck to the rest of you! Hope to see your future successes on the wall!