Moms over 40.....



  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Great topic!

    Thanks!!! Glad you're here! :flowerforyou:
  • Lyndom
    Lyndom Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 40 with a girl 6 & a boy 2. I've only joined recently but I'm finding the food tracker really helpful and can't wait until I'm in a position to post my before & after pictures. Its a real inspiration reading all the sucess stories.
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    I am 42 with a single 2 year old. I started a couple months ago and progress is very slow for me. It is nice to see other's over 40 doing well. I spend so much of my time beating myself up about my age .It's hard when all the other mommy friends with children my daugher's age are in their 20s and early 30s. It is inspirational to see that getting healthy and looking good is definitely still doable.
  • PuzzleGirl65
    PuzzleGirl65 Posts: 81 Member
    I"m 46 and my kids are 10 and 12. I just started on MFP six weeks ago and have lost 15 pounds. I feel better than I've felt in my whole life, which I think is pretty amazing considering I'm still way overweight!! But I'll take it! I don't know what happened for me. One day it was like a switch got flipped and I was just *doing* this thing. My goal right now is to lose 50 pounds and I have a feeling when I get there, I'll want to lose another 15 or so. When I get to my 50-pound goal though, we're going to have family pictures taken. That's the reward I've chosen and I'm super excited about it.

    I've really appreciated reading everybody's comments on this thread! :smile:
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    41 year old mom of 10 year old twins here. I have been using MFP since Feb 28th and to date I have lost 34lbs. My goal is another 16-21lbs. Since starting this lifestyle transformation, I feel stronger and more healthy both emotionally and physically then I have in my entire adult life.

    You can do this!!! Good luck!

    Sending you a friend request now.

  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm 39 (does that count?) I've never been overweight. I gained 30 pounds during pregnancy and it came off right away without me ever dieting. Initially, I came here to lose 6 pounds or so because I had knee surgery (meniscus torn) and wanted less weight on my joints, but the doc told me to stop it now, 2 pounds shy of my goal which is fine, too. Now, I use MFP to track protein, iron and sodium and ED recovery, and I'm addicted to MFP now instead of food, hehe.
  • Sherrylynn69
    Sherrylynn69 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, I'm 42 here. I have two children a boy 23 & a girl 20, and 1 grandaughter..This is the first time
    I really have tried hard to lose the weight. I have started it before only to stop after a few days, and
    I want to do this for me, now, knowone else. I want to be able to run after my grandaughter, and
    not be winded, or look like a grandma!!! lol
    I have a question for everyone, " anyone going threw pre menopause? I have been the last year
    and I hate it! I have a period for 4 weeks at a time, then nothing for two months?" It really makes
    it hard to watch, and to excerise. But, I am doing it. My daughter and I just started a gym today,
    at my work its free, so mys well use it. good luck everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    ((raises hand)) Me! I hit perimeopause last year at age 40, a year after having my daughter. I only realized it because we were trying for another baby, but my cycles were about 5 months apart. Now I get the hot flashes & night sweats, gaaack. I do manage to still have enough energy to exercise, so for that I'm thankful.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi All, I just turned 42, have 4 kids; 23, 12, 5, & 3. I started my weight loss journey in April at 152, this morning I weighed-in at 129. I only have 2 more pounds til I reach my goal weight, then I'll start lifting harder to build more muscle.
  • Hi All, I just turned 42, have 4 kids; 23, 12, 5, & 3. I started my weight loss journey in April at 152, this morning I weighed-in at 129. I only have 2 more pounds til I reach my goal weight, then I'll start lifting harder to build more muscle.

    You are so close, must be so excited
  • slimmer189
    slimmer189 Posts: 135 Member
    I am 43, soon to be 44 - I have a 7yr old - and I am a work in progress. It took me a long time to start taking time for myself. I really was all about my little one.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 567 Member
    I am 42 with a single 2 year old. I started a couple months ago and progress is very slow for me. It is nice to see other's over 40 doing well. I spend so much of my time beating myself up about my age .It's hard when all the other mommy friends with children my daugher's age are in their 20s and early 30s. It is inspirational to see that getting healthy and looking good is definitely still doable.

    I'm 41 with 2 girls... 4 yrs and 18 months.... and I get frustrated with the same thing... other mom's with kids the same age seem soooo much younger and seem to have soooo much more energy. It's nice to know I'm not alone :)

    I gained 60lbs with my first but never lost the last 15 before getting pregnant with the second. Now I'm down to pre-baby 2 weight and am DETERMINED to get to pre-baby #1 by November when my little one turns 2.

    I've taken up running even though I HATE it. It burns calories quickly :) I'm running in my 1st 5K in the morning... it's the kickoff to my training for a half-marathon in October....
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I'll be 44 in Sept and have a 3 and 8 year old! I am still on my journey to losing weight, but it does happen! I have a new outlook too!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi All, I just turned 42, have 4 kids; 23, 12, 5, & 3. I started my weight loss journey in April at 152, this morning I weighed-in at 129. I only have 2 more pounds til I reach my goal weight, then I'll start lifting harder to build more muscle.

    You are so close, must be so excited

    I am!!! But kinda freaked out also, after I reach my goal then I have to switch to a higher calorie intake since I plan to start lifting heavier, and gain lean muscle. I like the idea of gaining muscle and getting that nice toned look, but not the idea of more calories. I just can't seem to wrap my head around increasing calories to look leaner. Well we'll see!
  • mzjandiace
    mzjandiace Posts: 162
    Mom here! Almost 45 ... I've got about 4 more days of being 44! I have 6 of the best kids in the world. 25,20,17,13,10,6 and a wonderful grandson!
    I posted pics in the success section. I weight twice a week, and it took me looking at pictures for me to see the difference.
    Surround yourself with positive people, If you cheat get right back on track, remember it is not a race, please remember that you are a woman, and one day you will weigh one amount and 8hrs later a totally different number. JUST DON'T STOP or GIVE UP!
  • ab_shutterbug
    ab_shutterbug Posts: 203 Member
    Keep going! Sometimes people notice and sometimes not. It's amazing sometimes . . 3 colleagues that I work most closely with have not noticed the nearly 30 lb. loss and others - almost strangers - have noticed every inch of weight loss. Never mind! it's about you/us and how we feel and what we have accomplished. PRESS ONWARD! You can do it! I can't believe I have done what I have. I'm still so ecstatic, and thank MFP for the software to help me out.
  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 47 and have 6 year old son. I have been in great shape but after gaining over 70lbs with my son at 41 it was hard to get my body back. I am close now but need another 10-17 lbs to feel real struggle is working out. I am just real busy and when I'm not working I want to be with my son. I have some hip issues so hard to run around with him. I wNt to get to a gym but no time at this point.
    But we can do it I know we can and this sight works!
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    I was about 41 when I started on my journey..I am now 49. My oldest is 29, my middle 26 and my youngest is 17...From the age of 41 to 42, I lost 50lbs by doing WW, Curves, Tae Bo, and power walking 5-6 days a week. I kept that first 50 off since 2003. Last year July, I decided I still needed to lose a bit more and get more healthy and take even better care of myself. I had started doing Zumba Oct. 2009 but didnt' really lose too much weight..I lost a little but mostly maintained..
    Then I started a diet from a personal trainer friend of mine July 2010...from July to March, I had lost 30 more lbs...I also began teaching Zumba in November 2010 and started hitting it harder, walking more again..and doing strength training...
    About a month ago, I got into a Get Fit 2011 Challenge and when I weighed myself I had gained back 8lbs of what I'd lost because I started back on my bad eating habits...
    Well, I lost that 8lbs and am trying to lose about 7lbs more to reach my goal of 118lbs...

    It's been a struggle my whole life to keep weight off..I tend to gain it easily and hard to lose...So I have to work hard at it.

    But the day I woke up, when I was 41, was the day I actually started to lose ALL the weight I had gained because of ;pregnancies, depression and being unhappy with my life.....
  • arogers98
    arogers98 Posts: 38 Member
    45 in October. Two girls 12 and 9. Started MFP 21 weeks ago at 209lbs on a 5"2' frame. I weigh myself every Wednesday morning after going to the gym and BEFORE eating breakfast. Last weigh-in I was at 176. I work out 6 days a week and my daily caloric intake is just 1200 calories. I don't look at this as a "diet" but a lifestyle change.
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