Moms over 40.....



  • karendzar
    hi, i am 48 and my youngest is 23 and i am now seriously losing all the excess baby weight from years ago, it is coming off slowly and i still have another 64 lbs to go - i feel more determined now than i ever did when kids were little, i weigh once a week, usually on a saturday morning.
    good luck with your weight loss journey
  • Pea4jjab
    Pea4jjab Posts: 216 Member
    I'm 43 and Mommy to 9 wonderful kids (21, 20, 13, 11, 9, 7, 6, 4, and 14 3 babies in heaven). After I had my second child (first and second were only 15 months apart), I lost all my baby weight and was down to 115 (195 was my heaviest at that point that I know of). After my 3rd, I lost almost all that I had gained with that pregnancy. After that though, my babies were back to back (most were 18-20 months apart) and the weight just kept adding on. After I had Annabelle (the baby), I decided enough was enough. My husband was going to the gym and my 20 yr old son and I decided to make lifestyle changes at about the same time. I was 231 when I started doing MFP, but around 250 at my heaviest when I was pregnant with my last baby. I'm so proud of my son...he's lost over 80 lbs. since around February!!! I've lost 25.5 lbs. :) Ideally, I would like to lose at least 60 more pounds.
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Wow! There are some really inspiring stories here! I'm 44, with three kids aged 16, 15 and 9. I used to do a lot of gymnastics as a child/ teen. Never been skinny, but I was fit and muscular. I started Uni at age 18 at 136lbs, then my weight started creeping up 4lbs a year. I did my first degree in London, then went on to study Medicine in 1988- was 150lbs by then. I went on my first diet in 1989 to try and lose 10lbs, and I've been yo-yoing ever since. I was 164lbs when I got married after my finals in 1993, then put on 40lbs during my first pregnancy. I had awful post-natal depression, which I ate my way through. Lost a bit before my second pregnancy, then put 30 lbs on with that...dieted, lost a bit, gained even get the picture. 4 years ago I did a VLCD and went from 206lbs to 151lbs in 4 months, but as soon as I went back to real food rather than meal replacements and the next lot of stress cropped up, I ate my way through it and over the next 2 years gained it all back and some more. I work part-time in mental health, which can be very stressful. I finally ended up off sick last winter for 2 and a half months, and joined MFP at New Year at my heaviest ever 226.5lbs. I did really well until I went back to work in Feb, then it all started to fall apart a bit. I've pulled myself together again and I am determined not to let work get in the way of my health- mental or physical. Nothing is worth that. Anyway, I am determined to keep at it this time, however long it takes. I just want MFP to become a healthy habit to keep me accountable. I have all the theoretical knowledge...I just need to damn well put it into practice for myself!
  • kernowprincess
    kernowprincess Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Ladies, I am just starting my journey and found this topic to be most inspiring. My babies are 24, 22, 18 and 10... After my last child (C Section) I have found the weight gradually creeping up and find the belly is nearly as big as the boobs. Not a great look! Hopefully I will be able to wear more streamlined clothes in the future and stop buying baggy tops to cover the belly.
  • skschuler
    skschuler Posts: 181 Member
    I'm 40 with a 16 year old daughter. I've carried around an extra 20? 30? pounds for a while now. I started a C25K program to try to get in better shape. While listening to one of the podcasts someone mentioned MFP. I logged in and love it. I've been logging in for about 7 weeks and have lost 7lbs. I've never been so dedicated to any other program. Tracking my food has been a real eye opener but I've still managed to find a way to have my chocolate (skinny cow candy bars are awesome!) and I do eat my exercise calories. I do much better when I plan and track my food.

    I copied a bunch of inspirational posters from another thread and added them as my screen saver on my computer. Sometimes when I walk by it says "Go Work Out" or "If nothing changes, nothing changes" makes me think about what I'm doing vs. what I should or could be doing.

    I echo everyone else's sentiments - this isn't a diet, it's a life style change. I can't believe how much better I feel just by eating better, working out, and getting enough water and sleep. Some days are hard, I just couldn't pass up a Blue Moon beer last night when i was out with friends but I'll make up for it today. It isn't about restricting what I eat, it's about making the best choice in whatever situation I'm in.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Hello ladies.....just checking in. How is everyone doing? I'm feeling great. So positive about this. My NSV is that I can wear my wedding rings again, they are snug but that's ok. I am most proud of the fact that I feel in control, especially when eating. What are you most proud of??
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Not only am I wearing my wedding ring again, I was able to purchase a smaller pants size! What are your NSV's??
  • DawnyB1210
    Hi All! I'm 40 with two daughters, ages 18 and 13. I've struggled all of my life with my weight. I decided in early spring that something had to change so I began walking and making changes to my diet. I've lost about 15 lbs to date, and I seem to have hit a plateau because the only changes I've seen in the last 3 weeks are in the northerly direction :angry: I'm determined to not let that derail the train because I feel so much better and more energetic. I have noticed that the weight doesn't seem to come off as easily as it used to .. probably from years of yo yo dieting.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Dawny....make sure you eating enough calories. Shape Magazine recommends women eat between 1500 and 1800 calories a day and eat back your exercise calories, that is if you aren't already doing so! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I'm 45 my babies are 23 and 26 I have 3 grandchildren
    I started my journey in feb this year at close to 200 lbs
    i'm 5'1" I have lost 62 lbs so far and went from a size 16/18
    to a 4.
    I list everything i eat and exercise everyday, the support
    of my family and fitness pals has been priceless !
    I try and mix up my food and exercise so i don't get bored,
    badminton is a every day (weather permitting) activity
    my boys meet me at home every evening after work and we
    play for sometime 2 hrs (they really run my butt off)
    I feel better now than i have in 25 yrs wish i would have had this site
    back then :)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Way to go, BMW!!!
  • dwellsouth
    dwellsouth Posts: 158 Member
    I'm almost 46 (OMG) with 3 girls; 18, 16.5, 11. I never watched what I ate until finding MFP. When I did diet, I cut out almost all fat and that was a huge mistake. So with MFP I realized I was consuming mostly unhealthy carbs and not much else of value. I have cut back the carbs to very low levels, which takes some getting used to. I LOVE sweets so I allow myself a treat now and then, especially if I plan for it in the calories.
    I just had to rearrange my eating habits and am trying to train my girls to do the same.
    I never exercised and I go in and out with that.
    The BEST thing for me is to have a really important goal. My first goal was a big event on July 4th where I was meeting many people for the first time. I just kept imagining myself meeting them all fat or meeting them sorta fat. I managed to lose 25 pounds before the party.
    After the party I got swamped with work and kids and kind of quit doing MFP regularly but those little reminders come up on my page and my friends here sent me notes. That actually does help when you're MIA and somebody writes you. So I wasn't gone long and even logged in now and then.

    Then last week or so I worked out a new goal that means a lot to me, which is losing another 10-15 pounds before my 46th BDay when I go to a Ron White (comedian) show in New Orleans with some other ladies. It's a realistic goal tho a tough one that I can't slack on and it motivates me.

    Another thing, I am not that worried about what other people think about what I eat. I was when I started but quite frankly, unless I'm starving myself (which I'm not) then what I choose to eat is my business, as is how much water I drink. I follow MD advice of drinking water when I'm thirsty. I also disagree with having to eat certain foods every day and so if I eat a lot of protein one day and very little the what. It averages out. I might choose to eat mixed nuts for "lunch" or dinner, for instance.

    Another thing that motivates me is reading the Success Stories board. Any person on there could have quit...but didn't. It energizes me to see the weight losses from all sorts of people in all sorts of circumstances for all sorts of reasons.

    Good luck! You totally can do it! :happy:
  • jah1165
    jah1165 Posts: 87 Member
    very good topic...I am 44 and I have 8 year old twins...I had been pretty small up until I was pregnant then i had to stop working out due to the pregnancy and took that as afree for all to eat what I wanted...When I delvieverd 5 weeks early I was 190 pounds sitting on my 5 fott frame. Although I lost a lot after the babies were born and just taking care of them was excercise enough for several months, Many pounds lingered.

    I joined WW and I lost 45 pounds and I have been trying to get back on the bus to lose the last 15 pounds. I just have to stay on track with the diet and excercise and not give up.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I have just turned 41 and have two girls of 4.5 & 2.5. I have always had problems with weight and back issues due to excessive cleavage
    (I was in a uk 36FF @ 16!) My mum always had poor eating habits and I didn't really learn to do much better until I left home.
    I slowly gained weight until I reached 15.5 stone (217) and I stayed there for years and years.... After 10 years ofg trying I was able to have my first child and I gained 7lb.....yep just 7lb, by the time she was 6 months old I had lost that and a little more, breastfeeding and running around after her. Her sister decided to join us less than two years later and with her I gained 9lb.. Again that went before she was six months old. and I went back to the weight my body seemed to like 217. I might loose or gain a little but always within 2-3lb either side of it. Roll on December of last year and I jumped on the scales after christmas and I was no long 15.7 I was 16.7! (232lb)
    I was shocked, my mum had been battling cancer for the previous two years and hubby was away working on contract Mon-fri just home at the weekends, so we had been eating out a load more than we used to and it had obviously taken it's toll on my body.
    Well I decided I needed to do something - so I dragged out the Wii and started using it at least every other night. by the begining of Feb I had lost nearly 10lb. I then got my smartphone and found MFP.
    I have had so many NSV's since and a few great SV too - reaching onderland just after easter was a huge milestone for me.
    I am almost into the 180's now - but my Mum has just lost her fight with cancer so a lot of my normal routines have gone out the window. I am on holiday this week, so hoping to get some good walks in whilst we are on the coast.
    My wedding ring doesn't fit me - it is hanging on a chain round my neck - its too big! :(
    We have a family party next w/end and I am really looking forward to it - I bought a dress with a little arm twisting from a great friend and I have to say I feel quite good when I put it on, and my girls have never seen me in a proper dress only a skirt (that was ankle length)
    I even have shoes with heels! (eek - very nervous about them I have broken my ankles 3 times!!!)
    I have lost over 8 inches from my waist and hips - I am in a size 16/14 trouser & 18/20 top (the dress is an 18!)
    At christmas I was wearing size 24 trousers and needed a 26/28 in a button up shirt.
    I have completed a timed 5k - 43 mins (walking not running)

    almost half way to my first proper target and 15lb from my next mini goal.
    In October a close friend and I are doing Shine London - walking, night time half marathon in central london to raise money for cancer research.
  • slimdownfast
    slimdownfast Posts: 4 Member
    I am 41 and have two kids, ages 2.5 and almost 6 (in October). I recent miscarriage brought me here. The extra cruelty of miscarriages, as some of you may know, is that your body continues to think it's pregnant until the next cycle . . . so, it continues to hoard calories until then! I gained 5 lbs two weeks AFTER the miscarriage and lost 3 the day my cycle started!

    In any event, I'd never had a weight problem. My adult weight was 138 lbs and I'm 5' 6.5" My lowest adult weight was 127 when I worked out using primarily weights. Actually, I only did a 5 minute treadmill warm up and the same cool down. Just walking. That was my only cardio, except for salsa dancing (which I got into later). I gained 38 lbs with my daughter and something less than that with my son, but came back to 138 both times with really just breastfeeding (easiest work out you'll ever do sitting on your butt!!) I was beginning to creep up to 141 when I got pregnant again this spring. I was at my highest weight of 150 in the 2-3 weeks post miscarriage.

    So, my husband encouraged me to work out and said we'll try again for another baby. Since he was previously opposed to the proposition of a planned 3rd, I jumped at the chance to get back in the gym with his support.

    The scale wasn't budging.

    I did lose 2" off of my waist and hips, so, I knew the exercise and tracking were working, but, I wanted to see more movement on the scale!

    So, I decided to go back to what worked when I was younger. I thought it might not, thinking that my metabolism has changed since I'm over 40.

    Well, I went back to lifting heavier weights and increasing my protein intake and dropped 3 lbs the first week of doing that! I also stumbled across Lance Armstron's website and confirmed that for my bodytype, that type of exercise and eating is what works. I'll be sticking with it, too. I won't drop off all of my cardio again, but, I now know for sure that weight lifting has to be my primary focus in order to reach my goal and maintain my physique. My body simply requires more muscle mass to maintain fitness. Good thing I enjoy lifting!
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I started at 37 and it took me 3 years but I had a lot to lose. I started out small and built on my successes. I did make sure to make time for myself and to put myself first some of the time. I have 3 boys, 24, 23 and 12 and I know they are proud of me, though none of them cares for Mom getting gawked when she is out with them, lol.
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    I'm 41 with a 11 year old and a 8 year old. I took this journey originally when I was 29 to get in really good shape to have children then of course as we know pregnancy has a way of transforming our bodies and life throws you curves and you get derailed. But I decided at the end of May this year that enough was enough and I wanted to get back in shape and healthy again so I could be around for my kids and feel great doing it. I have been doing this for 3 months and with the help of MFP I have lost 20 poounds already and feel so much better physically and mentally. You will find lots of friends and information to help you on your journey. Best of luck you can do this. Feel free to add me if you need some friends. :flowerforyou:

    5' 5"
    SW - 172
    CW - 150
    GW - 130 (or 125 secretly hopeful)
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    How often do you ladies weigh in? I'm seeing a difference, my husband sees a difference and now friends are beginning to notice. I just so badly want to see that scale move down again. :blushing:

    I weight every day. Not for everyone I know but it is what I have always done.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Hello ladies....just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing??
  • danajotx
    I just turned 47, 2 in college, and just joined MFP. It has been a real opener to see what is actually going in my mouth! Love to see all this motivation from everyone.
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