SFalconStorm Member


  • I see guys on the ellipticals at my gum. I don't think about it though.
  • It could be a food allergy of some sort. Wouldn't hurt to talk to a doctor about it. It always seems to me like exercise can speed up bodily systems. Like, your blood gets to pumping and everything gets over excited...including your gut. Lol.
  • I think they're awesome for getting out there and moving. Nothing says 'I'm making a change for the better' than seeing a heavy person working out, like REALLY working out. I roller skate for exercise and I'm mixed in a class full of kids with a lot of their parents looking on. I don't really care what anyone thinks but…
  • I have heard it said that the best revenge against people like that is to succeed. She said you couldn't do it, but you ARE doing it, which makes her look ten times the fool to the people she gossiped with. You really don't have to do a thing to exact your revenge except to keep on keeping on and imagine to yourself how…
  • I am 356 pounds at the moment, down from 401. MFP allows me 2060 per day for a 2 pound per week loss. I will sometimes undercut this by 200-300 calories on net, but I often do that because I will spike over that amount once or twice a week in an effort to zig zag my calories. The reality is, it really does take more…
  • No, I can see it. You'd have to crouch down and creep around. Talk about fat burn! Lol
  • I remember when I played WoW, I used to think that if I actually did everything my character did, I would be tiny. I think the game industries need to invent a new type of MMORPG with VR where you actually have to DO everything your character does...except the dying. Lol. Unfit gamers would go the way of the dodo!
  • I can't imagine anyone being offended by you getting WLS. That would be dumb. Some may feel strongly against it due to potential complications. I've read some horror stories out there. But, if you're going into it well educated about it, confident in your need for it and ready for a change, then go for it. I personally…
  • If you are using the calorie deficit provided by the MFP site, you did not fail. You are under maintenance calories. Create an extra 30 calorie deficit tomorrow and you will be back on track. You haven't failed and telling yourself you have will only lead to more failure.
  • Okay, I have to say something on this. There is a reason that cancer is called a ‘wasting’ disease. There are many ‘wasting’ diseases out there. Generally, one of the first symptoms of these diseases is great and sudden weight loss. If people see someone losing a lot of weight and ask if they’re okay, I take that as them…
  • Roller skating! It's almost as good as running and so much fun! Dancing too! Just pop some music in and move to the beat.
  • If you're not used to vigorous exercise, it could be that you are retaining water to repair stressed muscles. Also, are you doing any resistance training? That's what really builds muscle. I'm not familiar with 30DS.
  • I'm not sure that 'nice' is really the deal breaker here. More like compatability is. A guy can be the nicest person in the world, but if he is totally into golfing, mystery novels and Vietnamese cuisine, I'd probably have a hard time dating him, much less marrying him. However, I can guarantee that there is another woman…
  • I would advise actually having your body fat percentage assessed. The weight may be perfectly appropriate for you. I mean, you always have the option to try to starve yourself down to a certain number, but that might not be healthy for you. But, then, if that's what you really want, that is your goal and I won't gainsay…
  • Being that you have lost weight, just look them in the eye and say " I HAVE lost weight. What are you trying to say?" The reality is, anyone that says something like that obviously thinks you have to suffer to be healthy and that's just sad for them.
  • I often look up links that are posted. I just don't usually comment on the big debates because by the time I get done reading , a) the topic has already been beaten to death and b) someone else has usually already said what I wanted to say anyway. That being said, I am not a statistician (sp?) and often don't have the…
  • If everything is finalized and none of your finances are tied to your ex (alimony, child support, shared debt, etc.) then I would say you should be able to claim single. What difference does it honestly make at that point? I think that check is really more applicable for people going through a divorce or that just divorced…
  • It's a lifestyle change for me. To me a diet is a temporary thing that ends at some point with the intention of going back to the same eating habits as before. Logic dictates that such a method would be doomed to failure if the ultimate goal is sustained fat loss. Also, 'diet' is a four letter word. *grin* For me,…
  • I agree, you probably need to up your calories, especially with all that exercise. You have to fuel your body. Also, you might want to try spiking your calories once a week to keep your metabolism guessing.
  • The best advice I could give is to provide him a higher calorie item at shared meals that you don't eat...like buttered bread or something like that. Larger portions for him would work as well, if he can eat them. My husband is small too and has a small stomach. He just doesn't eat that much, which is probably why he's as…
  • I'm thinking you have more muscle mass. At your size, I wouldn't go by the number on the scale. I would see about having my body fat percentage calculated and use that to determine if you even need to lose weight. You may be just fine. Every one is different and the bmi charts aren't always applicable.
  • I love skating. Did it as a kid, but hadn't for years until December. From what I understand, it burns the same calories as an equivalent amount of running. At my size, that's a LOT and low impact to boot ( providing I don't fall).
  • Honestly, a binge day may help you move the scale, as long as you don't fall off the wagon and make every day from now on a binge day. It can shake your body up and get it to spend more energy than usual again. I hit a weight loss plateau and broke it by eating an extra 1k calories a day for a week and then going back down…
  • I was/am happy, fat. Yes, I said it. Until now, I have been happy fat. Every now and then I'd think of how nice it would be to be thin, all the things I would be able to do, but then I would remember how much I love certain foods and I would be unhappy if I had to give them up. I would rather be fat and happy than thin and…
  • I use dance for a cardio workout, either the just dance games or freeform with some music. Any continuous body movement that elevates your heart rate is cardio, so your imagination is the only limit. That's the best part about dancing.
  • Eating more calories recently helped me. I had hit a plateau after a 35 pound loss and thought I might have crashed my metabolism. I have ALWAYS eaten my exercise calories back, but I was averaging 1600-1800 calories a day when my maintenance calories were a little over 3k, so not even as big of a deficit as you were…
  • I should think, if you're using broth instead of butter, you can probably just put down the calories of the item, raw. Broth is so low in calories, I would think it wouldn't add more than a couple of calories. So, if you poach a 8 oz chicken breast, just put down a 8 oz chicken breast. Now, if you're tracking sodium, you…
  • What Tracy said. If this is an occasional thing, don't worry about it. I severely spiked my calories at new years (like over double my allowance) and lost almost nine pounds in the next two weeks. It honestly shouldn't hurt you and may even help.
  • It might be best to pose that question to your doctor, although any time you're sick, I would say trying to achieve a calorie deficit could be counterproductive, but I'm not a medical professional.
  • Standard maintenance is 1500-2000 calories depending on activity level, age, height, etc. What are you trying to achieve? If you're close to your ideal weight, loss would be much slower and that would be natural and healthy...