jenfitz Member


  • I have been having trouble getting my protein in (no trouble eating fat mind you!) So I go for Oikos triple zero flavored greek yogurt. They are sweetened with stevia and have 15gr. of protein in each container! yum
  • I'd love some LCHF friends! I am back to MFP and trying this. So far so good- I'm down about 4lbs since last Monday. I have a question about calories- how much do you suggest I set mine for? Here's my stats: SW: 213 CW: 208.6 5'5" 45 years old I already reset my macros but trying to do this within 1200 cals is super…
  • I'm with you- for me it is day by day... We can do it!
  • New Here! Just started ( for the millionth time in my life) Monday July 11. SW: 213 CW: 208.6 GW:145
  • I've been using the Whole foods unsweetened Almond milk but one of my trainers told me about the thickener issue- she recommended Flax milk. Anyone tried it? I might do so on my next trip to the store.... I'll let you know how it tastes!
    in Almond Milk Comment by jenfitz May 2013
  • Crossfit Crossfit Crossfit!!! SO hard and yet so good! Google it to find a box (gym) near you and ask if you can check it out for a session or two!
  • Cut yourself a break! It sounds like you're going through something stressful and I'm sorry for that... You're back and doing what you know is good for you. Yay you! Revel in your positive choices and don't get caught feeling guilty when and if you falter. Think long-haul. In the scheme of your life two weeks is nothing!…
    in Confession Comment by jenfitz May 2013
  • I use a low profile shoe... not sure if I could do the finger toes (or barefoot) I'd be too afraid of dropping something heavy on my foot!! I hear they're awesome though...
  • Lara bars fo' sho'!!!!! ALSO- I just found pure unrefined coconut oil in a spray can ( I know, not enviro friendly) for cooking this stuff is awesome! I just made paleo baked chicken wings the other night and this stuff sprayed liberally on the pans helped them lift off! Find at Whole Foods near the oils!
  • Absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations!
  • Feel free to add me! I am paleo (with a bit of hard cheese sprinkled on top:) I am a Crossfit newbie and loving it- though today I hurt! I've been paleo going on 3 months (though in the beginning I was probably more primal) and doing olympic lifting through Crossfit for 3 weeks... See ya around the posts!
  • I think everyone has to come by this on their own time and in their own way. Lead by example for awhile. Don't shove it down his throat but maybe suggest he reads a book or two.... Dunno- my paleo hubby did this for me. I'm finally on board but I would have resisted completely had he not let me find it myself.
  • SO funny! Thanks for posting.
  • I think its hardest in the beginning when we don't have a lot of results yet to show for eating this way (although 50lbs down is pretty freakin awesome!-yay you!). I get a lot of simpering side looks (especially from my step mother who is so fat-o-phobic she would rather eat "lite" mayonnaise with corn syrup than eat a…
  • Rockstar for sure! I'm on my third month of paleo- thinking it would be a good time to get tests done for comparison after a year.... Thanks for posting!
  • I just started and I'm still alive! I have about 60 lbs to loose and have been pretty inactive for the last few years. I found a Crossfit gym (box) that has a mandatory on-ramp period - just me and a coach for 6 sessions in which I am learning correct form and technique and getting used to crossfit work-outs. The first one…
  • I quit my job a few years ago to pursue my hobbie as a career- I'm a ceramic artists. I feel very lucky that I get to zen out on my wheel almost every day and then play in the mud! I am also a new cross fit recruit and LOVING it! here's my website if anyone wants to see my art: Be kind!
  • Days 1-3 are the hardest- but then it gets better- I promise! Here's what I would do to prepare for my first week if I had it to do all over again: -Tell the people who will be near you what's going on, that you may be cranky:), and that you need their support (without questioning the diet, your intentions, etc) -Shop!…
  • I log. I can overeat for the heck of it and I log to keep myself in check. I also often use the recipe application of MFP to re-enter paleo recipes so that I have a good idea of nutrition and macros. I still have a lot of weight to loose and even though paleo is working for me, I feel like I need to watch what's going on.
  • ^This! Fat is your friend! It satisfies and helps at those awful -gotta have it- moments. Try some fresh ground almond butter or coconut butter (makes great smoothies!) and if all else fails, have one or two squares of dark chocolate. Good luck!
    in Help... Comment by jenfitz April 2013
  • Check out this website to determine your TDEE... it should help you determine how many calories you need to eat to loose weight based on your burn rate per week. as for WHAT to eat, you can look around these posts regarding macros and adjust yours to suit. I have found that…
  • I found some yummy chicken sausages at whole foods that cook in the microwave in 1 minute- here's my recipe: wrap in paper towel and stuff in face as you push children out the door to school!
  • here's a yummy smoothie idea- not nearly enough protein but good for fat loading: 1 cup almond milk 1 banana 2 heaping TBLSPs coconut butter (Marantha makes a good one) ice Blend and enjoy! I can only do this sometimes b/c I'm trying to cut down on carbs and the banana has loads- but it may be a good option for you to get…
  • Bulletproof coffee!!!! I thought it sounded gross (it's basically coffee blended with unsalted butter and coconut oil) but thought I'd give it a try.....WOW! I'm hooked! Not only is it the most frothy, satisfying cup of coffee I've ever had, but it keeps me full and energized until lunch. I make mine as follows: 16 oz.…
  • Hi All: Thanks for the great posts. First to answer some questions: 1. workouts: I have joined a cross fit gym but am waiting for my on-ramp to begin (hopefully they can fit me in next week!) For now my exercise comes from wiling, moving large boxes of clay around my studio and isometric resistance to 10-12 lbs of clay…
  • nut butter recipe please!
  • Hi guys- thanks for the ideas.... yes, I've done my TDEE and its actually higher than what I have my daily calories set for. I've been trolling the internet this morning and am thinking of trying the following: 1) cutting out dairy completely for at least a week and see what happens. I got this from Robb Wolf's blog and…