suecq09 Member


  • Maybe he should swap one of the sandwiches for something more filling. Other options would be veggies sticks (i prepack carrots, celery and snap peas), nuts (higher in calories, but very filling), sugar free jello, fruit. I can't stress enough getting the fruits and veggies into his diet. I find the sandwich in my lunch,…
  • I love to make chicken with mushrooms and white wine.
  • I have tracked calories on my heart rate monitro and the gym equipment. I have noticed that for the treadmills, its pretty close. Where I see a huge difference is on the stationary bikes. They will say I'm burning maybe half the calories I am per my heart rate monitor. If you are using a treadmill that has a heart rate…
  • How much sodium is in your diet? If you are really drinking a ton of water and having a lot of sodium, it could be water weight gain. If you are working out alot - you could be gaining muscle, which we all knows, weighs more than fat. If that is the case, you'll eventually start losing again. Are you taking in enough…
  • To be safe - I usually count it all.
  • If I find something similar here, I try to opt for the higher calories listed. That way - I'm fairly sure that I'm not understimating what I eat. Its hard when you are suddenly at a restaurant you didn't plan on or eat at someone else's house. You don't control anything then, except portion size.
  • Its terrible, but I've gotten to the point that before I'll go out to lunch or dinner, I'm examining the online menus for nutiritional info. Its important to know what you are getting yourself into. A fruit drink/smoothie tends to be high in calories, unless you make it at home. Typically, the smoothies you get a…
  • I'm in - it will help with my challenge at work and my personal challenge of 500 miles by 9-1.
  • I found that my heart rate monitor and the machine are very close together. The calories on MFP are high for some things and low for others. I tend to adjust my minutes to match what my heart rate monitor tells me I burned. I don't trust the calories on MFP - so I tend NOT to eat back my exercise calories to account for…
  • Its ok to have an afternoon snack - in fact...I try to make sure I do have a snack mid afternoon. Its important to keep me going. If you know your triggers to eat, avoid them. Plan things. Portion your snacks and make sure you aren't tempted to go back for me. I had the same problem at work just snacking all day. I found…
  • If its a part of your daily life - I wouldn't count it. Its part of your lifestyle - so you need to burn above and beyond that to count it. For example, I have a friend who leads a sedentary life as well, but she walks her dog twice a day. She doesn't count that - because its part of her daily routine.
  • A few suggestions for you: 1. Buy a steamer - you'll be amazed how well it works. You can do rice or veggies. Makes cleanup easy and gives you healthy food. 2. Buy some leftover containers. Its really hard to cook for one - I know. I do it all the time. I make for say 4 servings. That way I can put some in containers and…
  • Thank you so much for sharing! So inspirational to see someone doing it the hard way - and having success in a big way!
  • If you like seafood - go that direction. FISH is a great alternative. Its healthy and can be prepared tons of ways. I enjoy making things with shrimp as well. I make a shrimp pasta, grilled or baked fish at least once a week. You can also do shrimp fajitas. If you like turkey - try doing turkey tacos or use turkey breasts…
  • I've done it both ways - made extra stuff for dinner and just packed a lunch while making my plate and bought frozen meals. I've found that for frozen meals, I'm better off getting the regular banquet meals. Fairly filling - and WAY LESS CARBS than the healthy options. I'm a diabetic - and carb count is as important to me…
  • Its normal to flucuate some - staring at the scale everyday is the WORST thing you can do. Your body weight will change based on how much water you may be retaining, what time of the month it is, etc. Your best bet is to pick a day - and weigh in on that day /time consistently. For example - if you wake up, go to the…
  • Hi Ceci - You can do it! I myself am a diabetic who has significant weight to lose. Keep up the good work - its tough to stay motivated to log everything - but let me tell you it works. I struggled all winter to keep everything logged and exercise - and it shows - I put on 5 lbs from my low point last fall. Keep at it - it…
  • today i put on a pair of paints i bought probably 2 years ago. i removed the tags today - because i can finally fit into them!!!
  • You've found a great place to do this journey. MFP is an extremely supportive community.
  • Don't beat yourself up! Workout a bit extra today to kill the calories. Everyone has mis-steps on this journey. Don't beat yourself up about it. Accept it, make up the difference today - and move on. If you keep beating yourself up about it, that's the path to permanent derailment. Think positive, work through the tough…
  • Find good healthy snacks, and make sure that you have them preportioned and on hand. I keep nuts, cheese and fruit available. Build snacks into your daily meal plan - and this should curb that craving at home. Its about breaking a long standing habit. I had the same problem, but I keep a pack of gum on my person to assist…
    in Snacking Comment by suecq09 January 2011
  • I was diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic about 2 years ago. My first grocery trip took 3 hours. I was reading labels constantly. One tip - don't get Fat Free anything! Choose the reduced fat option. It'll give you the best mix over all. When you remove fat, you still need flavor - so most companies add sugar. You get a better…
  • Amazing isn't it? I have struggled with weight most of my life. My sisters did not - but since having kids, both have put on weight. They see me doing this - and they are both now inspired to start making better choices. One joined this site and the YMCA. The other - just started asking questions - but its an important…
  • I love this show - and dvr it almost religiously. This year - I'm taking a new step though - instead of watching it on the couch - I'm living it! I challenge you to take the time watching the show and exercise. Walk in place in your living room, walk back and forth - put a piece of exercise equipment near the tv. We are on…
  • Try soups as well. You can find some great lower sodium light soups out there. You can also make your own. Then you have the ability to have something other than carbs or salad. I have flat out wraps have very little net carbs per serving. I have been enjoying them this week. I have used turkey or steak and lots of veggies.
  • I'm right there with you! Unfortunately - I have been sick for about a week - and this weekend was the worst. I need to attempt to figure out what the chili I made woudl be logged and figure out maybe where I'm at. I am thinking I might take a walk today.....attempt some exercise. I cleaned house all day yesterday - which…
  • the little ones are peter pan squash. i've never prepared them. for summer squash - my favorite way to eat them is to slice them up into fairly thin circles - lightly sautee with very little olive oil and some seasonings. i use mainly, garlic, pepper and either oregano or parsley.
  • I tend to agree with these folks. If you are eating fruit - don't worry about it too much. Just avoid fruit juice - you want the fiber to offset the sugar. Speaking as a diabetic - its something I look at a bit more than most would ever need to. Keep choosing healthy foods and stay within calories - you are doing a great…
    in Sugar Comment by suecq09 September 2010
  • Yes - generally - the more weight you lose, the less calories you will burn on an everyday living basis, less to consume to live.
  • oven "fry" chicken. its great - there are a ton of recipes out there. if you are an adventurous type - just grab a cookbook from another cuisine and learn some new ways to treat old ingredients. i love food network - and have picked up a ton of tips there for making healthy options and not getting bored.