

  • For myself, if I have a headache, it's that I didn't drink enough water. Start the day off with drinking a bottle water as you are putting on your make up. This has helped me and then I drink my coffee with breakfast.
  • Not sure what type of health insurance you have but if you are having problems with your back, some insurance companies will do breast reduction free. I do know that when I exercise, the tatas are the first place that see the result but some people said there are exercises you can do for firming. Just buying a good bra…
  • Just remember, Rome was not built in a day. It didn't take you a day to gain ALL your weight. Slow and steady that is how I look at weight loss. I LOVE this site. You plug in the food you eat and sometimes I think I want something but when I plug it in and look at the calories or carbs, I think twice before sticking it in…
  • BEEN there done that this week. Just wake up and say "Tomorrow is a new day and A FRESH start"!!!!! Don't beat yourself up. We have ALL been there.
  • I use a cup also.
  • I always try and drink 8 glasses.
  • YOu can get it an GNC or some grocery stores have it. I buy a box called Hodgson Mill golden certified organic milled flaz seed. You can put it in food or on top of something you make. I did hear on the Today show it is better served on cold food like juices, yogurt, cereal, muffin topping, cookles and smoothies.
  • I use chocolate shakeology and mis it with 1 cup fat free milk and 1 cup frozen strawberries. I mix it in the blender. Yes, it is rich and thick like a super chocolate shake but I only use it every other day. It's great when I have a really busy day and can't spend the time to cook something. I HATE it with water!!!!!
  • Walmart has Danskin maybe they have your size. You only other option is to order from the internet. Good luck finding something,
  • Good for you!!!!!!!1
  • Welcome. You can add me as a friend if you want. Good luck in your weight loss!
    in Hello Comment by txtree50 September 2010
  • Great job in knowing that this is the place for you! Much success in loosing your weight.
  • Saw a program on the today show that detox isnt good for the body and you loose weight fast that turns into fat after you come off the detox. I would check with my doctor if it were me.
  • How long have you been on this site? I started about 5 weeks ago and work out 3 times a week and notice that my muffin top isn't as bad as it use to be. I have started shakeology (2 weeks ago) but also really watch what I eat. I m only drinking diet soda once a week (down from 2 a day). Just keep working and that muffin…
  • Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I on the other hand will limit myself to 1 a week.
  • Good for you! What a suprise and I bet you burned a LOT of calories!
  • Good for you!!!!!!
  • Welcome and good luck!
    in Hi! Comment by txtree50 September 2010
  • If I think I will be going somewhere and out for a long time, I will plug in some items I "THINK" will be good to eat or drink then ....................................WOW!!!!!!! see how many calories it has and just try and keep my purse filled with bottle water and 1 or 2 healthy snacks! Treat yourself every once in a…
  • welcome. The GREAT thing about this site is you can eat what you want and you just learn to choose healthy options. When you see how much fat or calories something has, it may make you think twice about eating what is NOT good for you. Just keep plugging away and we are all in the same boat just helping each other.
  • I have not tried it but it sounds yummy!!!!!
  • 17 kelloggs crackers with 1oz cheese 1 craham cracker broken in half with 1 T peanut butter 1 bag 100 calorie snacks 1 cup fresh blueberries 1/3 cup craisins fiber one bar These are just a list of snacks that I eat on the run.
  • 3 bucks for water, ours is $5.00. Eat before you go and don't worry about a snack. YOU CAN DO this without eating!!!!!
  • AMEN!!!!!! I am glad I am not the only person that does this! Thanks
    in tip Comment by txtree50 August 2010
  • I LOVE the chocolate shakeology!!!!! DO NOT mix it with water!!!!!!!! It's gross!!!!!! I use soy or fat free milk with mine. It's really good and if you add ice cubes first, and blend about 1 minute, you get a delicious thick malted shake!!!!!! YUMMY
  • Welcome and just take it one day at a time. You will LOVE that you can eat what you want and just plug everything in . Some days you see what you are eating and make little changes that will make a big difference one day at a time. It didn't take 1 day to gain all your weight so just take it one step at a time. There are…
  • I LOVE hummus and crackers!!!!!
  • You will LOVE this program. You can add me as a friend.
    in HEYYY Comment by txtree50 August 2010
  • So sorry to hear this. You don't give additional information about you wife (is she happy with her weight? Does she exercise?). Just know that if you plug in the information and take it one day at a time and she sees that you really are serious about loosing weight this time, she may come around. Just know that there are…