

  • I need a funny guy and a guy who is tall. i'm 5'9" and i want to be able to wear heels and still not feel like i'm daing someone my height. and nothing is sexier than a well dressed man. i melt for a metrosexual....i have dated red heads, brunettes and blondes, so hair color doesn't matter but i'm a sucker for a nice pair…
  • Walking stairs is good too.....and if you google desk exercises i'm sure you'll find a whole bunch of little things to do.
  • good on you for knowing what you need (a site to help you) and finding it. you may get some non-posted jelousy from some members who are struggling but it's not your fault or theirs...this is a frustrating process no matter what you are trying to do and being a vegetarian must really complicate things, good luck and I know…
  • It's easier in the begining, don't be discouraged half way through if you are hitting a plateau, it's so normal!!!! I am a little stuck myself right now. a year sounds reasonable, it's hard work but totally reasonable. if you did nothing (ie had no life/friends/family/job) and lived in the gym and ate perfectly it's…
  • Spot reducing is not possible., can't tell your body where to lose weight. But cardio is the main thing that will help you lose inches, and strength training helps you build muscle in that area. Just keep running/jogging/stepping/ellipticaling/aerobicing and you will see changes
  • have you tried yoga? They are a little more liberal with dress code and you don't need a membership if you find a great studio. Hot yoga specifically
  • My vote is also for a tank top. Even in my all female gym i never see it and if I did see it I don't know how I would feel about it. When you do the gym tour look around at what everyone is wearing, if it's common then you'll fit right in. I am a sweaty mess at the gym and I think you will find loads of products on the…
  • one whole egg and two egg whites and any combo of veg that you like. I usually do an omlette or a scramble. it's a great amount of protein first thing in the morning and really helps when you are spending time in the gym.
  • People do this? MFP already calculates your basal metabolic rate which is the amount of calories your body burns resting (or doing nothing), it's based on age, weight, sex, and height. The daily allotted calories MFP gives you is already below your BMR. You can check your BMR on the tools tab of MFP. Good luck with your…
  • I have been there. for a while I was ravenous, couldn't stop eating. I was working out 4-5 times per week and it seemed like when I wasn't working out I was eating. It seemed like my body had kicked into another gear and needed more fuel. it has subsided and it took a couple of weeks. in that time I ate 95% of my exercise…
  • just made some sweet potato yummy and filling...and it was only sweet potatoes, olive oil, salt, pepper and chili powder
  • garlic, lemon juice and salt and pepper for me. love my green beans with an obscene amount of garlic
  • I agree...I found a website for you to check out... i am by no means a fashionista but I am now dressing a body that is dramatically different than the one i had a few months ago. It is so exciting!!! I just had to go and buy some new work clothes and was…
  • skinny cow has some great products for your ice cream craving. I have tried the sundaes and the ice cream bars and both are delicious. I find for me that i can't self portion sweets or treats so anything prepackaged works for me. Thinsations chocolate covered pretzels in the 100 cal packs work amazingly well. or a smoothie…
  • I am right there with you. I am in my last 10 pounds and struggling so hard. Always starving and not losing! What I am trying to do now is switch up my routine drastically to see if that shakes me out of this but it is still a slow hard process. Hang in there, you've come too far to give up!!
  • Ya, no spot reducing!! Cardio, cardio and more cardio. BUT...if you are looking for a great way to tone the muscle that is there I love this exercise (eventhough it's kind of hard to explain) here goes... get a resistance band and grab the two ends in your hands place your feet (in runners) on top of the band on the ground…
  • do you struggle to stay under that on an average day? I probably would
  • Let me preface this by saying that I am not calling anyone a liar (maybe not a good start lol but bear with me) I don't know how you can have a cheat day and stay under your calorie goal, which for women can be as low as 1200 calories? It has been months since I logged my meals (I became obsessive and I figured I needed to…
  • Garlic Fries is Seattle!!! my mouth is watering just thinking about them!
  • This is one of teh things I don't like about the website, this IS guess work. everybody metabolizes differently and we are taking a face value the info on a package and for the exercise that we are doing. This is not an exact science, it is a tool to help us stay on track. it gives us a ballpark number to work with. Wow,…
  • I am not even remotely affected by this...and here's why; you can search online and find 100 sites that agree with this idea and 100 that don't. I don't think any of us here are going for 0% or perfection and I see this as a more hardcore version of eating I know my body and I know what works, this won't. I love fruit and…
  • FUN!! 1. Masuman curry (and cocunut rice) 2. Eggs 3. Fuji Apples 4. Ice Cream Sandwiches 5. Vietnamese Vermicelli Bowl with lemongrass Pork 6. cucumbers 7. Goat Cheese Beverages 1. Red Wine 2. Green Tea with Jasmine 3. Lemonade 4. Something I call a juice, lime juice and sprite refreshing Wow…
  • yes but slowly, listen to your body, you shouldn't be killing yourself. I'm the same with running right now. All I do is try to go 1 minute longer or 1 diffulty level harder than i did last time. Try that and you will be up to 15 or 20 minutes before you know it.
  • Ok, it's super cheesy but could be super fun(depending on your family and friends' sense of humour). Many people won't know you are asking for money before they get there unless you tell them, and that is a little tacky 'hey, come to my BBQ and bring some 20's'....I don't think so. But...what if you set up a game of some…
  • As a former Coke employee (the distributor of Fuze) I need to weigh in here(don't mind the terrible pun)... Yes, they are low in calories and are delicious but as said earlier the artificial sweeteners are arguably not good for you. Here is something to think about....all fruit juices (and fruit for that matter) has…
  • Take the ferry up to Victoria, BC (that's in canada). If you are looking to splurge stay at the Laurel Point Inn (make sure it's the new section). plenty to see on the island and it's beautiful!
  • Super baggy pants make you look super baggy!! Clothes that actually fit make you look better....and you will feel better too. Also, when you wear your "big" clothes you don't notice the gains so it is easy to slip. You do what you have to for your family! Remember, the best gift you can give your children is a happy,…
  • Great job! but you need to burn those pants in the after pictures...they are not doing your new figure any favors!! Go splurge on a new outfit!
  • I have gone to the gym as many as 6 days per week and while it helped with the weight loss I find I have more balance at 3-4 days per week. You need to leave time to be social with your family and friends, to let your body regenerate and to pamper yourself and enjoy life. On my days off from the gym I will still take my…
  • I've used Bio Oil and thought it was great, made a signifigant differece in less than 2 months.
    in Scars? Comment by nroesler June 2010