k_pattie Member


  • Last year I started making this rice pilaf like thing. It sounds like a lot of work but it's not - someone earlier posted about adding additional water to the rice and adding the frozen veggies to the same pan - wish I thought of that! 1 serving rice cooked with chicken bouillon 1 cup frozen veggies (I like broccoli &…
  • There's also yogurt fluff and pumpkin fluff. Yogurt fluff: 3/4 c boiling water 1 package sugar free jello any fruit flavor 1/2 c cold water, place in 1 c measuring device and add ice cubes until the measuring device is full 1 c plain fat free yogurt 1/2 tsp vanilla Mix the boiling water into the jello powder, stir until…
    in Fluff Comment by k_pattie February 2013
  • I like using quinoa pasta or spaghetti squash when I want a pasta fix!
  • Do you know what your resting heartrate is? I have a really fast heartrate and am between 150-185 when working out depending on what I am doing. Initially I thought this was worrisome so I went to a dr and they ran the usual tests and everything is fine! Some people just have really fast heartrates, others really slow,…
  • I weigh myself once a week - tuesday mornings at the gym because I don't own a scale. I become to obsessed with the numbers as well - may be encouraging for some people (and I can understand why after reading through the thread!) but I'm one of the ones who works best with a weekly weigh-in. Sometimes I look at it as a…
  • I had the animas pump about 6 years ago when I was 16 and a junior in high school. I used it for about 6 months before becoming so frustrated with it and switched back to injections. I recently decided to try the Omnipod (it's currently sitting on my couch) and am just waiting to schedule an appt with a pump trainer to get…
  • I've been diabetic for 19 years now and post-exercise lows have always been an issue for me. I played field hockey and ran track in high school, and 8 hours after practice my blood sugar would plummet. Now, however, it is a bit more erratic. I ran a half-marathon last spring and found it really challenging to manage my…
  • I really enjoy my polar ft4. I think the price is comparable to the product but if you're looking to buy one cheap, would recommend checking out amazon or ebay! I love my HRM!
  • I've been eating Fage for years. I eat Fage 0% with a little bit of honey and granola for breakfast AND I LOVE IT. so delicious! I'll eat Chobani when I'm out since more coffee shops/cafeterias etc carry chobani instead of fage. Also, Oikos makes a greek yogurt with caramel on the bottom - it is AMAZING however I eat that…
  • I can! I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago with celiac disease, it wasn't surprising since I am also a type 1 diabetic and I was able to figure out what was going on quickly. I've been told that I have pre-celiac disease which I think is just a fancy way of saying I haven't had it long enough to do any long term…
  • Hi! I had the same issue with water - didn't really like the taste and was a diet coke addict. I was able to kick my soda habit by switching to caffeinated tea in the mornings and drinking seltzer water. However, watch with seltzer water. Plain seltzers and naturally flavored ones are great, others are flavored with…
  • Congratulations! You look wonderful!
  • I used Map My Run when I was training for a half marathon last spring and I still use it when I go on runs now - though am getting back into training for a half so I'll be using it more! I really love it. I like that it tracks all of my routes and my average times, it helped me out a lot when trying to figure out where I…
  • I had an animas pump about 6 years ago and had allergic reactions to the adhesive on the insertion site. I'm getting the omnipod soon and was worried this would be an issue again (though I have the dexcom and that adhesive hasn't bothered me). What skin barrier do you use and where did you find it? I would love to get some!
  • I ran my first 1/2 marathon this past April and followed Hal Higdon's beginner training plan - I really loved it! I'm planning on running another in April '13 and will start heavily training in January - would love to buddy up! Good luck :)
  • wow! you look amazing! I am the same height so I find this very inspiring!
  • I will eat frozen grapes or 1/2 cup greek yogurt with flax seeds and/or granola. I also really love banana "sushi" - spread a thin layer of honey and pb on a tortilla and wrap around a banana. cut the tortilla wrap into individual pieces and then you have sushi! the sushi is a bit more caloric perhaps for what you are…
  • so inspiring!! congratulations - your hard work has definitely paid off :)
  • Probably reiterating what everyone has already said... From personal experience I would recommend supplemental strength training. In january I went from lightly running 3x a week to training for a half-marathon. At first I ignored the strength training recommendations and then started when I wasn't getting as noticeable…
  • I've found that I just have to make everything myself - a lot of gf mixes even ask for multiple tbsp of canola oil or butter which shoots the fat content way up. I just started googling gluten-free blogs and started buying flours in bulk (almond, oat, coconut, teff, brown rice, sorghum etc). I make nearly everything on my…
  • I did WW for about six months and lost, at the most, 14 lbs before I decided to stop going to WW meetings and paying for the services. My weight fluctuated between the four month period that it took for me to find MFP and I've been much more successful with MFP in the past couple weeks than I ever was with WW. Initially I…
  • great job!! congratulations on getting over the plateau as well!
  • Thank you both - those were some great ideas. I like the Juicy Juice idea a lot and will start implementing that this week. Keith, you're totally right about the keeping to 15grams issue - I have been trying to "train" myself to eat just X amount and wait for my blood sugar to rise, instead of eating everything in sight. I…
  • I'm a college student - gained about 40 pounds during the first couple years.. am a senior now and have lost 10lbs already, while trying to get fit and shed about 20-25 more! I'll add you - I love meeting people on MFP :)
  • I was having the same problem and bought a pair of Nike shorts - they are called the double up training short. it is the nike mesh short with the nike pro combat compression short built in. the inseam is 4.5 inches and the compression short does not creep up at ALL which is awesome in comparison to some other…
  • We have the exact same stats! I've been running a lot and doing JIllian Micheals 30 DS, as well completely changing the way I eat. I'm hoping to get down to 125-130 by june or early july!
  • I love true religions for my hour glass self and joes jeans in the honey fit! cant wait to lose this weight so I can go jean shopping lol
  • ha! this post made me laugh I was having relatively the same problems earlier this year so I decided to cut back as well - haven't had anything to drink for about a month or so either and I feel a lot better... granted next time I drink I'll probably be a lush but hey it's cost efficient so I can't really complain
  • Hello! I've recently started thinking about becoming vegetarian -- I generally eat meat-free so I wouldn't be missing much but I have recently begun eating clean on top of no gluten or dairy so I don't want to do too much at once! I would definitely be down for Meatless Mondays though as for aerobic exercises - have you…
  • peanut butter! I've started buying all natural [where the only ingredient listed is peanuts] to help combat the additional sugar and oils, and I only eat a moderate amount per day. Apples and crunchy peanut butter -- my favorite snack