

  • Starvation mode is a true thing. It seems counterintuitive that you have to eat to lose weight. Restricting calories reduces your metabolism and eats your muscle. I want to keep muscle and keep my metabolism high. The only way to do that is keep your calories in line with toal energy expenditure. Myfitnesspal is a great…
  • Insanity is HARD as HELL! I like weights and cardio so I do P90X Gives me a better balanced physique
    in Insanity. Comment by Doctorcb June 2010
  • You ladies should check out "Shakeology" from Beachbody. I do this daily as a meal replacement. It has every nutrient you can imagine and it does curb your appetite. Look at my site You will not regret trying it. It also has money back guarantee Look at my food logs and see that I use it nearly daily.…
    in Slim Fast Comment by Doctorcb June 2010
  • DIet pills are a joke. They work to suppress your appetite but then you gain the weight back. Create a regimen for yourself that will allow you to create a slow calorie deficit.
  • Look at home based programs such P90X or Insanity. They work!!!
  • That is why weight sometimes doesn't matter and body fat percentage is way more important. The BMI scale is a "crock" Even though I weigh more, my body fat% is about 13-14% right now. Trying to cut below 10%
  • Ya, it can be monotonous but it is by far the best workout DVD ever made! I'm on my 4th round. If you have Attention Deficit Disorder you may not like as it can be predictable. I need a regimen. Who cannot do 50-60 minutes per day? If you don't know how to lift weights or design your own complete fitness program, P90X is…
    in P90X Comment by Doctorcb May 2010
  • Use shakeology by Beachbody. Much better! Check out at
  • Start soon. You won't regret it!
  • On 5th week of my 4th round
  • See your doctor. This is not the forum to speculate about something that could be serious.
  • I do P90X. Takes the guess work out of it!
  • I'm on my 4th round of 90 days. I do other Beachbody programs too I love what they have to offer. I am a coach with them.
  • Reduce your carbohydrates. Watch your saturated fats. Sometimes family history makes this terrible. Make sure your test was also fasting. You should recheck in 6 months. If still no improvement, you may need to consider medications. I have patients who are marathon runners on cholesterol, medications because of poor family…
  • Studies have shown doing small amount of protein and carbs before workout is beneficial. I use a prewoekout supplement like Jack 3D to help with lifting. I do P90X recovery drink with a scoop of whey protein after all my weight workouts. It is awesome. Shakeology I use for breakfast with a scoop of whey protein.
  • Sounds good to me
  • Protein is good! Carbs in excess very bad!
  • This site is fabulous. Especially with iphone app
  • Use a Bodybugg when you workout for an activity
  • I am sure that's true
  • This site is unbelievable
  • 1-2x per week People fluctuate much with water retention. Women tend to more. Don't get stuck on the number, but body fat reduction is the key. Weight and body fat are not synonymous
  • Weight training an interval cardio. Keep your diet clean without soda or processed foods. Eat much protein and reduce carbs to 30-40% of your diet.
  • Hi, You and your boyfriend should check out my Beachbody site I am on my 4th round of the X!
  • Hey everyone. I am on round 4 of P90X. It is unbelievable! I'm using it to try to cut my bodyfat below 10%. I am also trying to eat clean. I would love to motivate you all as the product works!
  • I would do P90X before you do any cardio. P90X is awesome. I have done almost 4 rounds of it. I am trying to get more cut and drop my body fat under 10%. I am actually a Beachbody coach and help people with fitness using Beachbody products like P90X. Check out my site and I can help you out. I lost 122…
    in p90x??? Comment by Doctorcb May 2010