laura11248 Member


  • I have to say, I would not do either. I started my journey over two years ago and today stepped on the scale and found "wonder land" ...199! I have lost 91 pounds total. I have used MFP but when I became frustrated I did seek assistance from a local weight loss clinic that my insurance covered! I love my Doctor. He has…
  • I too was confused when I first began. I met with a nutritionist and a weight lose doc who basically said...if you are working out like crazy 6 days a should take in some extra calories...but if you are just working out 3-4 days a week...try not to consume them! It has worked for me so far!
    in confused? Comment by laura11248 May 2011
  • Love this post! 1. I bought a HRM and good pair of sneakers to get an intensive aerobic workout 4x's a week... strength train 3x's a week. 2. Eat lots of goal 100-120 grams a day! 3. Keep my food diary!
  • Just wanted to chime in...I did have the BMR test at a weight loss clinic (it was covered by my insurance) and it gave me the same amount of calories as MFP did!
  • In the past I too have bought candy I do not care for...nerds...laffy taffy...etc. I was thinking this year I would have cold bottles of water. The trick-or-treaters get very thirsty after trick or treating and munching down some of their candy. Funny as I was typing this, my 8 year old said..."What...water...I don't think…
  • I am so sorry that you are going through this. I had mine removed back in 1993. I remember the pain vividly. I also remember that I had trigger foods. I think everyones pain depends on how bad it is. When they finally got mine out...I had no stones but rather gravel. I remember the recovery was mild...I was out of work for…
  • I can totally see it! Keep up the great work! People around me...who I see daily really did not notice my weight loss until recently...once I hit the 40lb mark. I think it is because I see them daily. But I have to is the best feeling when you see the scale go down and find your neck bones! Congrats! On your…
  • I use Precision engeneered protein powder...I get it from Puritan Pride a vitamin wholesale co online. They have specials like buy 1 get 2 free from time to time! I like it because it is mild...not artificially sweet. I go to a weight loss clinic and my DR has me on 110 grams of protein and 1400 calories. They did a BMR…
  • I have to say, I began walking my neighborhood...then moved onto Leslie Sansone's Walking off the I am doing elliptical and the walking dvd's. The dvd's really get your cardio going by involving arms...kicks...back kicks...side steps...etc. She changes it up often so you don't get bored just marching in place!
  • protein bars...protein water (flavoring you put in by Special K).
  • Check out the New Balance website too.
  • Check out the New Balance website too.
  • I hit a plateau over the summer and began seeing a weight loss dr. They have a BMR test that you can is where you breath into a machine for 10 minutes to find out exactly how many calories your body burns over the course of a day. There are I could not consume caffeine for 24 hours prior or…
  • FYI...I began working with a weight and wellness clinic and met with an fitness specialist who said...unless I am working out 6 days a week... for an hour each time...I do not need to eat my fitness calories! I was totally frustrated that my weight was not dropping.
  • I just read an article in Womens Health about how running barefoot has many benefits. Such as landing on the ball of your foot rather than your heel...etc. I think if it works for you go for it. However...speaking for someone who has an ankle injury...I would never work out without good sneakers. I can not even walk…
  • Be careful with your calories...not sure you should eat less but maybe change up what you are eatting too. Maybe take in more protein. In order for you to speed up your metabolism you need more muscle...protein is the building blocks of muscle. I totally agree with changing up the fitness. Your body becomes very efficient…
  • I just had a boat load of lab work done as I have begun to see a weigh loss doc. I now take...1000 mg of b-12, 2000 mg of vitamin d, and 2 fish oil capsules. So much fun!
  • Congrats!:smile:
  • Hey There... I notice that you are including your fitness calories. I know that this is a controversial issue on I certainly struggled with! I had a BIG eye opener this week. I have started working with a weight and wellness dr. After my weightloss stalled for 3 months...I was really frustrated. He said that…
  • I have begun to go to a weightloss and wellness dr. He has more than doubled my protein from what MFP has. MFP says to eat 50 grams...He has me taking in 115-125 grams. When you think about is like the atkins diet...but I still get to have carbs...the good kind! He also has increased my excersize to 1 hour per day.…
  • Wow,...did everybody give you some really good food ideas. Please allow me to add just one point as a plea from a Kindergarten teacher. Whatever you pack, make sure your child can open it by themselves. Those gogurts and fruit cups can be a challenge to a kindergarten friend...have them practice before hand. It will make…
  • What happened on the Today Show?:smile:
  • I remember when I was on weight could "Bank" calories if you wanted something special on a special day that week. It was a small you could splurge on something. One big thing to consider is how many calories you take in for the day. When you do your settings on MFP you get to choose your…
  • I know I have a problem when preparing food for my girls. Dinner they pretty much eat what I do but lunch is a different story. It totally doesn't matter what it is...I still feel obligated to taste. The gum idea works for me but now I just discovered I have TMJ and cannot chew gum. I just bought mints...we shall see!
  • I have to say...going out to dinner in NY was easy. By law they are required to put calories on the menu. I wish it were like that here in NC. I was shocked by some items that I thought were healthy and turned out not to be. I am facing a tough week ahead...we are going to Disney and they do not post calories anywhere. I…
  • Sugar free jello with fresh fruit always works for me!
  • I like to toss them onto some lettuce with grilled chicken and a smidge of cheddar cheese. I also like chick peas in salad as mentioned earlier.
  • I think that is why I am so nervous for them. Unfortunately food has become an issue already and not by my doing! My oldest daughter and some friends were having cupcake wars. She was supposed to be the judge. She came to me in private and asked if someone else could be the judge because she did not want to eat all those…
  • Wow! Thanks so much for all of your insight. It seems like education is the common thread through the post. I am really walking away feeling much better about decisions I have recently made and have some new ideas to further my families journey to a more healthful lifestyle! Thanks!
  • So my first weekend back on MFP went great. I was able to swim both days and eat right. I am truly super excited! I began this journey last summer and worked hard until the holidays so now I am back. I love the fact that I am off from work for the summer and can carve out one hour a day for me! Yah! Thanks ladies for your…