Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Congratulations everyone for working so hard. You all are very motivational. Monday is my weigh in day and am keeping my fingers crossed. Have a wonderful weekend
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • chalayne
    chalayne Posts: 16
    Hi all,

    5/16/10- Starting - highest adult weight - Found MFP!!
    5/22/10- 4.1lbs
    5/30/10- 0.4 lbs lost (out of town & didn't track :frown:)
    6/5/10- 3 lbs lost
    6/11/10- 2.1 lbs lost

    My challenge is staying on track. The last few times I tried to lose weight on my own and only been able to stick with it a couple of weeks so I'm two weeks beyond that and still motivated.

    Very excited that I made my first mini-goal this morning! (10.1 lbs) I appreciate all your encouraging stories it really helps on the days that I want to forget it all!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Hi everyone! I am back from vacation, and it definitely relaxed me. I had a great time! I now have family in town and am easing up on the diet while they are here. I will be really busy with them and not able to post much but I wanted to check in on everyone. Keep up the hard work!
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    Just weighed in for my 2nd week and I'm down 2lbs (for a total of 3 in two weeks!) I've got it set to only lose 1lb/week so that was a nice bonus. I hope to be down another 5lbs by the time my boyfriend comes to visit in 2 weeks! We'll see!

    Great job to everyone this week! Some great progress here! :)

    Oh, and a side note to the person who walked home, but didn't have a HRM to know her cals burned, a handy rule of thumb is 100 cals/mile walked or run. This figure is for a 150lb person, so obviously if you weigh more or less than that you would burn more or fewer calories respectively. I generally just try to count on 100 cals/mile so I don't overestimate what I've "gained" back for food calories. HTH

    Enjoy the last bit of the weekend! :)

  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    today i will be starting my regular walking routine...meaning i haven't been on my regular walking route for quite awhile...PLUS it's a cheat day for me...so the weekends are cheat days...my walking routine is so close to starbucks and i haven't had starbucks since they had that special going on for the week or weekend of half price frapps...i sorta kinda wish there were coupons or a punch card for those...lol...buy so many and get one free after the punch card is filled...lol...i'll be smart and still check out the calorie intake of course by going online and see if they have a nutrition value and mark that down...even though its the weekend i'm still measuring my food and checking out the calorie intake
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Tomorrow is my weigh in & I'm not looking forward to it. I did absolutely nothing but sleep today! I was so exhausted from my day yesterday I guess I really needed to catch up! My neice & I were going to do the Race for the Cure 5K but it was raining & lightening so it was cancelled. After they cancelled, the rain stopped & so did the lightening, so we took an extra long route back to the car so we got a good mile walk in. Then it was food prep for my brother's surprise 40th bday party, I had all the fruit & veggies to wash & cut for the relish/fruit trays. That took me about 3 hours total! It was a hectic day, but we pulled it off & my brother was completely surprised! There were over 100 people there & the food was amazing. I however was very good, passed up the cake, cupcakes, cookies, cheesecake, and not a drop of alcohol crossed my lips! Only H2O for me, but I did have one chocolate covered cake ball. The rest was nothing but fruit, veggies, & a bbq pulled pork sandwich & one taco. Kept under my calories for the day!

    The reason I'm not looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow is because Aunt Flo is here & I haven't done anything at all today! Who takes a 5 1/2 hour nap? Geez I'm lazy! I still can't get motivated to do anything, so I've just been veggin here on the couch all night, drinking my h2o & trying to eat a bit. Basically nothing but cereal for me today! LOL I don't even wanna cook or heat up any leftovers!

    Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day, even with Aunt Flo here.

  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    Kelly, I'm with you on the Aunt Flo. I haven't changed out of my pj's nor left the house all day today! I was scared to weigh in today, but I had a 2lb loss! Great job on staying within your calories yesterday. I think the key is moderation and you certainly proved that. :smile:

    Good luck with the weigh in tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Aw, Kelly...if it makes you feel less lazy....I had my TOM last month from-get this- May 9th through May 27th!!!!! Holy Crap!! I was very lazy, I was going out of town each weekend (each ride for one day was a minimum of 3 1/2 hrs, just one way) to do nothing but sit around and we had fast food each trip. Plus bbq's on a couple of trips, a good but bad time at the same time.. The most exercise I got during those weekends was fishing which I personally don't think burned nearly as much as it said it did... during those weeks though, I made sure to get in my Couch to 5k as I was told if I complete it by the weekend of my birthday (bday is 8/4) that I will get a special prize from my hubbys grandparents and my mom and dad said they may have something for me as well. So I have a side reason each time I consider not doing it for a week or so, I remember that besides a healthier me reason, I may have a secret prize of some sorts..It helps! Cause this week is week3, 90sec of jog/walk then 3min jog/walk X2, longer jogging this week, so I'm gonna try and get out there in the next 15min befroe it gets too hot and I put it off til tomorrow, etc, etc. I'm sure your weigh in will be fine, and remember, any loss is still al loss!! If you happen to gain (like I did the weekend before last) just walk an extra 20min each day or so and make it fun. I made sure to get in 10miles last week instead of 5 (and I even went over 10!!) so I could then eat some ice cream (one cup, prepackaged, mint chocolate chip YUM). I've been working on some rewards to push myself more and get out of my normal activities. Like the 100mile challenge, I knew I was getting too comfy only walking a mile a day, so I had to amp it up! And why not, I got to get some of you to join with!! Ok, I've rambled long enough, I need to get my tush outside before it really heats up...80degress at 8:05am...ugh, gonna be a long day! <3 ya Kely!! Have a great day and healthy week to all!! XoxoxoX Bru
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning everyone! It's Monday morning weigh in day for me. I'm pretty happy with the results but still just feel SO fat. I know I'm getting smaller, the scales tell me so. But I just can't get this stomach smaller. I've been doing crunches and leg lifts every day. I've been checking with the measuring tape but it just seems to stay the same. :grumble: I'm going to ask my doctor if my ab muscles could have a physical problem or injury or something. I'm sure it's just the amount of fat on my stomach but I'm feeling like it's hopeless. I can just see me at 125 and looking pregnant! ( I have had 3 kids but the last one was born in 87!)
    Ok, well...pity party over.
    The good news is....

    June 1 wt 214.5
    June 7 wt 213.0

    June 14 wt 210.5 !!!

    June 30 goal wt 209.5 (One lb away!)

    I am 1/3 of the way toward my goal today! I've figured out that I should reach my final goal by Aug of 2011 at this rate. I think it's a safe healthy goal. Albeit a long one. But at 5 lbs a month I think I can do it.
    Thanks to all my MFP pals!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Thanks for the pep talks, Maccabeth & Bru! Another reason I SO love this website! I love my MFP Pals! :heart:

    This morning I still didn't want to get out of bed to do my belly dancing, so I snoozed.....

    However I did take my morning walk here at work & my mind is back to where I need to be. I'll be stepping it up once I get off work today! Even though Aunt Flo is here, I must say the scale liked me this morning! :bigsmile:

    6-01-10 240.0
    6-07-10 237.0
    6-14-10 233.6

    6.4 pounds down already this month! Yay for me! :bigsmile:
    I really can't believe it! Apparently taking ONE day off completely didn't kill me! :laugh:

  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    I can see you all are doing great and thanks for your motivation. You guys are my inspirations. I weigh in today at 231

    6-01-10 236.0

    6-07-10 233.0

    6-14-10 231.0

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good job guys!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Happy Monday! My weekend wasn't great. Too much food at baby showers and a graduation party. I did get exercise in each day and I can feel it. AF is 6 days late but i don't think I'm preggo. Been PMS'ing for a week, tho. :devil: Wish she would get here, already! Today, I am on track and had a great workout this morning! :bigsmile:

    Some of you girls are doing awesome this month! I see that a few have already lost 5 lbs or more this month.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Great job!
  • jbryant1026
    I'm new and I would to join although June is half over :)
    SW: 152
    CW: 149
    GW: 135, maybe 130

    I'm also doing to the Couch to 5K with DH, we're on week 3 after having a setback due to the stomach bug. I hope to do my first 5K the first Sat in Aug.

    Good Luck
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Ladies, you are all doing AWESOME! I made it through the weekend without gaining, I actually lost .2!! First time in a long time~
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    hi every1! i'd like 2 join in on the challenge if i may? altho i've already lost 5 this month i'll start new. it's the 2nd 5lb loss that scares me :cry:

    the name is sian (said like sean) :smile:
  • laura11248
    laura11248 Posts: 49 Member
    So my first weekend back on MFP went great. I was able to swim both days and eat right. I am truly super excited! I began this journey last summer and worked hard until the holidays so now I am back. I love the fact that I am off from work for the summer and can carve out one hour a day for me! Yah!

    Thanks ladies for your inspiration...

  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Terri - hope you enjoyed your wine and soak!!
    Robin - you go - get those 140s!
    Kelly - sorry your run got cancelled - good for you for getting in some foot time anyway!
    Bru - awesome ! You are so positive!!! Pretty soon ALL the cars will be stopping to look!!
    Shawnae-sorry to hear about your bullet :( Hang in there!
    Onmyweigh - KUDOS! doing great!
    Tralalara - I'm a serial weigher too - keep up the good work!
    Shelli - almost to your 5 already!

    I finished my 10k in a respectable 63:10 - I was hoping under 60 minutes but it was not to be this year! I did walk three or four times for about a minute - still - I felt pretty good when I was done.

    Today is HCG day2 - loading day. Official starting weight 6/13 of 184.8. We'll see what happens!

  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow Traci! That's a great time! Be proud that you finished it so close to your goal! That's a great accomplishment! :drinker:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Wow Traci!!! 63min is still GREAT!! And thanks by the way, although, I think those guys may have been just being smart a$$es, but I took it postive and it keeps me motivating for sure to make a few more heads turn next time around :)

    Keep up the great work everyone! Like I had posted in another topic, how cool would it be for some of us to meet up in real for a lunch date and maybe a C25k session to help mitivate each other and maybe even have a girly day :) I think, in time, it could be possible. If anyone would want to, maybe we could message each other to see if there's a certain date or goal to do that by to keep each other even more motivated. Anyway, hubby is headed out of town tomorrow for a few days and I may get to finally go through his clothes and get rid of things he doesn't wear anymore. I am doing week 3 day 2 tomorrow of C25k...*raises a glass of water* here's to a great day!! Ok, well, I'm headed out for the night, have a wonderful evening and a healthy week all... :)
    XoxoxoX Bru