morawjo Member


  • No need to be sorry Suzanne. Clearly we aren't all as perfect as Dskwon. ;-)
  • OMG...Dskwon...are you for real? Seriously...the grammar police need to chill out.
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words!! :)
  • I'm going to try and do this...this is my first time attempting this. I had never run prior in my LIFE. I just couldn't do it. I am doing the 30 Day Shred and other Jillian Michaels DVD's and on February 13 2011, I started the Couch25K. I absolutely love running now (and want to do it everyday), and here are my progress…
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words. This has been such an amazing experience and I'm incredibly happy with what I have accomplished thanks to MFP (and sweaty hard and everyone's support. Keep up the great work everyone!
    in NSV!! Comment by morawjo May 2011
  • Any HRM made by Polar.
    in HRM Comment by morawjo May 2011
  • Try the Couch25K program. It really helped me and prior to it, I'd never run a day in my life...and was always the fat kid in gym that couldn't do anything. I can now run 30 minutes straight. It is a 9 week program that gradually teaches you to run. Give that a shot...and leave your Dad at home. You can do this!
  • I also have asthma and began the C25K program a couple of months ago. I didn't think I'd be able to do it because of my asthma...but...surprisingly...I can now run for 30 minutes straight...and my lungs and asthma have improved dramatically. I rarely take my puffer anymore. It has been great. I definitely suggest you start…
  • Just keep at it. You'll be able to do it. I'd never run a day in my life prior to the C25K. I hated running. People would suggest it to me as a form of exercise and I always told them that I couldn't run. When I started my weight loss journey with MFP...I finally decided to give the C25K a shot because I knew I had a…
  • After finishing the 30 Day Shred, I started doing the Couch25K, as well as Jillian's other videos, such as Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism, No More Trouble Zones, Yoga Meltdown, I started going to the gym occasionally...and I will often do the 30 Day Shred video, only I will do 2 levels instead of just one. I keep challenging…
  • There is a little flap on the front of the Wii that you can open and there is a red button in there that I believe is the reset button. Perhaps try that?
  • It isn't available to people outside of the US :-( Bummer!!
  • I'm on week is really great. I have to run 20 minutes straight at some point this week and I'm a little stressed about that...but I'm doing it on the treadmill so I might just slow down my speed...but I've really improved my is amazing. I never thought I would be running for a minute straight...let…
    in C25K Comment by morawjo March 2011
  • I bought the Polar F4 Black Amber and love it! Just go with one that is won't be disappointed. @David081: If I bring my Polar F4 watch close to my chest strap while I'm working out, it will display the time temporarily. Yours doesn't do the same?
  • I just finished it. You just need 2 weights to do the program...they recommend either a 3lb weight or a 5lb weight. Most people recommend on here to log it as Circuit Training for 20-25 minutes...I've been logging it as aerobics, general...the time works out to the same calories burned. I want to get an HRM so I know…
  • I use the low calorie Miracle tastes great and there are hardly any calories in it. Makes an awesome tuna sandwich!!
  • I do the Shred and I love it...I also have Yoga Meltdown...I expected it to be an easy yoga workout with lots of stretching and downward dog and other moves like that...boy was I wrong...she makes this workout hard. It was no cakewalk! I've only done it once so far (because I've been doing the Shred daily) but I want to…
  • Yesterday completed Day 24-Level 3...almost done! Then I think I'm going to start it over again...or alternate Levels 1, 2 and 3 each day just to keep it interesting. What is everyone else planning on doing when they finish?
  • My Mom asked my sister this one which my sister replied "gain all the weight back and start over again?"'m in the middle of doing the Shred right now. I'm thinking once the 30 Days are up, I'm going to start over...but instead of doing Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days etc etc etc...I'm just going…
  • Completed an extra day of Level 2 yesterday just because I find Level 2 extremely hard and thought I could use an extra day on it. I just did my first go on Level was surprisingly not as hard as Level 2 I found. I've been sticking with Anita for most of the moves...but I think when I do Level 3 again tomorrow...I'm…
  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...this one was my favourite: "You roll your eyes when you see a "should I eat my exercise calories" post appear in recent activity (which is to say, several times a day)" true...the neverending debate that is on MFP over and over and over
  • I feel the same way...I live in a busy area...and I didn't want people gawking at the fatty huffing and puffing around the I have a treadmill in my I've been starting to put it to good use and no longer using it as a clothes hanger/dust collector. I've downloaded the Couch25K on my phone and am…
  • Great work!!! I hit my 25 pounds lost today too!!! Woot!!!
  • I just started Week 1 this week...I've never been a runner I'm looking forward to this challenge. The first session I did went really well surprisingly...but I've also been doing the 30 Day Shred for the last couple of weeks and I think that has seriously helped my stamina. I'm going to do Day 2 today of Week…
  • Wow...what a difference!!!! You look fantastic!!!!
  • Day 18 of Level 2 completed yesterday. I'm getting semi better at Level 2 I think...still have a lot of trouble with all of the plank poses...but I'm working at it. I think I'll be ready to move on to Level 3 in a couple more days. I've been told Level 2 is harder than Level 3...but we shall see...great job everyone!
  • I have bad asthma and used to take my asthma pump several times a day...since starting to exercise on a daily basis...I have maybe taken my asthma pump twice in a couple of feels amazing! When I went to refill my medication...I didn't need to refill my asthma pump prescription because my previous one I'd bought…
  • I took a break yesterday for today will be Level 2 Day 18...looking forward to it and hope that I do better than previous days...I find Level 2 so difficult because there is so much upper body strength that is required in this level and I just don't have that. But I'm going to keep working at day at a…
  • I'm at Day 17/Level 2...I may have to stay on Level 2 for a few extra days cause I'm still finding it difficult to get through the entire level without taking a break. The arms are killer!! Who knows...maybe in another 3 days I'll be ready to move up...we shall see!!