sunleigh Member


  • i went to a running store, found out what kind of foot position i have and bought a pair of shoes i hate b/.c i could not really try them out. I would go and get fitted trying on some shoes to see what kind of shoe you like, i am a minimalist and was given a shoe with way too much support and it is awkward to run in them.…
  • the doc was great and very informative. i have to agree how are you starving yourself if you are getting the proper amount of calories? I have considered a juice diet but found smoothies work better for me...yes i know i am not getting as many fruits and veggies as i could with juicing, but i figured it was a good way to…
  • so far i am loving apples strawberries and bananas, all dipped in lemon juice first. my neighbor said to try a sliced strawberry and put a banana slice on top of it and dry it that way..need to try some kiwi next, great snacks!!
  • Cowgirlslikeu I will probably be in Philly also. My friend did it last year and loved the course. I am about an hour from the city and I agree it is gorgeous there along the river. Can not wait for it!
  • I have the amphipod full tilt air-stretch I can not carry anything in my hand also I got this because I was using a spi belt and figured the stretch band would be comfy Like the belt. It is I really do not even feel it I am a water junkie when running though I need to…
  • i would choose pizza or chick fil a over mcdonalds any day of the week...i did in the past love mcdonalds, but my lifestyle change has since changed my mind...i try to keep my meat eating at home so i know what it is i am eating
  • yes i mix my protein shake in water daily and use a small amount of water like 4 ounces, quick and easy to get down and tastes good. i use the eas whey chocolate shake. sometimes i will add a couple ice cubes or frozen berries and it is really tasty also!
  • i drink eas whey low carb formula, i get a 5 pound bag at sams club and i like it for a quick protein boost. i mix it with water in the magic bullet and it is easy to drink, it is better with milk, but usually do not want the added calories. also if you can not find one you like with green tea, you could always take a…
  • i look at it not as a diet, but a life change...i love pizza and i would not give it up now or is about planning accordingly. I do not understand why people cut things like "normal food" out of their diet while dieting...if you are going to go back to eating them after dieting you are just going to gain weight…
  • I made my own gel for my 7 mile run on Sunday. Chia seeds, agave, lemon and lime juices and water. Put it in s 3 ounce squirt bottle and it got me through my entire run brilliantly. Just picked up some brown rice syrup today to us instead of the agave for a better form of sugar.
  • finished it and loved it, everything taught in the book and the stories told were amazing! I am going to try on some vibrams this weekend to see what I think. I trained myself from the beginning to forward/mid strike. I always wore minimalist shoes, right now I have green silence, but think i want to take the next step. I…
  • first 1/2 at the RnR in DC in March and then plan to do a second one, have not decide Philly(I am about 1 hour outside the city) or VA Beach yet. Very excited!!! Best St Patty's Day ever!
  • i watch the tv and listen to music but sometimes that is not enough there are always a lot of runners or speed walkers on the treadmills, i will pick a person and have the goal of outlasting them, when they get off i will pick someone else until my mileage is complete. this little mid game keeps me on when i so want to get…
  • i am using hal also, i have my first 1/2 in march. i kinda skipped ahead to week 5 since i already have been running 5 miles regularly and i am altering it slightly to fit my needs but following 6 days a week and 1 rest day( not all running) and increasing mileage, i did my 6 this past weekend and i have a 5k on sunday so…
  • just started reading this earlier tonight and then saw this post. i got it from the library on my kindle and it goes back soon so i guess i better get reading seeing how great everyone says it is!!!
  • my friend says they give her stomach issues, like have to run for a bathroom right now kind of issues. i never used them b/c she said that, that is the last thing i need;)
  • i too do my long run either saturday or sunday depending on my hubby's work schedule or what is going on. i plan for saturday since my hubby has been oh so nicely scheduled for work on christmas day :(
  • i eat them back if my calorie intake for the day gets really low, it should never drop they say below 1200. i also set mfp at 1450 for the day 1200 was not working for me and it is very rare that i eat all the calories back into my day, i take back in maybe a 100-300, so usually half of them.
  • love this bra, I have 2 and they are all i use now. worth the money, the straps are adjustable with velcro. i know a couple others that love this bra too. I ordered it 1 cup size smaller then i normally wear for good compression
  • training...need to start increasing my mileage...kinda stuck at 5-6 miles, have the 1/2 coming in march. i got my garmin this week, i was having issues with the satellites being pickup on my long run sunday, so only ended up and 4.5 miles and really frustrated that i could not get it to work properly. need to get it…
  • I am so excited to do my first half marathon in DC around all the monuments on St Patty's Day...can you ask for more!! In training now, I started running this past May and feel I will be ready enough...i hope:) I plan on running a second rock n roll in september in Philly along with a handful of 5ks, 10ks and maybe a…
  • YAY, so glad i saw this, i ordered a 305 today after a lot of review reading and now i know i made the best choice!! i need it for my 1/2 training and i find my phone to be a huge pain. i am always losing signal or stopping it by accident, i just want to put on my watch and go!
  • did 4.5 miles today, really need to start getting in longer runs, i should of headed out this morning, but life got in the way:) I personally do not mind the treadmill. i like to watch my morning talk shows that i do not ever get to watch usually and I like having fun with my pace, it has helped make me a little faster, i…
  • i actually like the gels, i just started using them while training, i did use one for a shorter race to see if it helped me push through, it was my first race longer then 5k. It did help i finished with tons of energy and felt great after wards. I do not think they are horrible, they have a consistency of honey
  • December 11th Shiver by the River #1 5k December 17th Celtic Solstice 5 miles January 8 Shiver by the River 5K #2 February 12 Shiver by the River 10K #3 March 11 Shiver by the River 10K #4 March17th Rock n Roll 1/2 DC There will be other local 5k's and 10k's through out the spring and friend and I are hoping to…
  • Hello All!! Very excited to have found this board, lots of great info to be found. My name is Leigh, I am from PA, and have been running since this past May. I ran my first 5k on Sept. 11TH my second race was a 5miler in October and my third was a 5k in the beginning of Novemeber. I am currently training for my first half…
  • yup again Circuit training for 20 mins. i use a HRM and it is pretty close
  • keep going, do not get discouraged, some people lose weight easier and differently. you are not doing anything wrong!! the first time i did it i lost 10 lbs. but i had to really watch what i ate and also did some other JM videos. keep up the hard work!
  • if i could be up at 6am i would be running then. still dreading going out tonight, it is supposed to cool down as the week goes on. I know I can run 5 minutes but i still can not imagine running 30 minutes...I am very excited to see if i can though:)