k2d4p Member


  • You are a beautiful person! Great job!
  • Thank you! and content is the perfect word. I am happy and content.
  • my husband was 19 when we got married. We are still going strong many years and 2 kids into it. I know the young age isn't ideal, but every once in a while it does work.
  • For me, I would. THere is no telling what would happen in the future, but I like to think my husband and I would be together forever. We are best friends.
  • I haven't read the other comments. My opinion is that it is based on your fitness level. If you are in relatively good shape and like intense workouts, do not get the Wii Fit. I got it because sooooo many people recommended it. I was very disappointed because the workouts are very easy and do not raise my heart rate hardly…
  • I haven't read any replies, the title of this just really urked me. Giving myself a break? From what? life? That is why diets fail. There is some kind of mental block where people can't except that until we take the power away from food, food will always win.
  • Now I will have nightmares again from this dang movie. Thanks.:angry:
  • I truly hate the word "cheat". People "cheat" on tests. I do not "cheat" when I eat more than I should. I am an adult and if I eat something it is because I chose to and I hold myself accountable. "cheating" implies you are doing something wrong. And if you apply "cheat" to food, you enforce the idea that food is the enemy…
  • I may be an oddball here, but my stomach is really flat. I had 2 full term pregnancies and 2 c-sections. I have been very lucky to have my skin shrink right along with the rest of my body. I really don't have any loose skin at all. I will say that I have a little lip of skin right above my c-section scar, but even in a…
  • I think Tommy Lee Jones is a beautiful older man and he was hot when he was younger too!
  • If you would like to read my opinion. I write about a paragraph on my "fat clothes" in my story in my signature. I am pretty passionate about this topic, so I won't get into it here. :drinker:
    in Clothes Comment by k2d4p November 2011
  • I have a 4 yr old and a 17 month old and a full time job. To say the least, I am very busy. You can exercise. Saying you can't is just wrong. Put you baby in a stroller and walk. Or carry your baby and walk (talk about an arm workout). Do sit-ups. Do Push-ups. Walk/run in place. Buy a jump rope. Do leg lifts. Get arm/ankle…
  • Thank you very much for the info!
  • My mom and I were in a movie theatre all by ourselves for a movie. (It was a dollar movie and we thought it was funny that we had the whole theater to ourselves.) About 10 minutes into the movie a man came in and with 99% of the theatre empty he sat in the same row as us with only 1 seat seperating him from me. Looking…
  • My husband has told me about the feelings he had when he proposed to me. Different way than you described but the same idea. Cool memory!
  • First I want to say that I am very sorry for your situation. I can't imagine how I would feel or how I would get myself through something like that. Having said that, I see no reason for you to take this girl's light hearted rant and throw it in her face like that. I see it as quite uncalled for. She herself said it was…
  • 1. Wedding Day 2. Having both kids 3. Walking off the carrier and seeing my husband waiting for me on the pier after being deployed for months.
  • This seems like a hateful topic to me. I can almost understand the posts about annoying phrases people use or even unflattering clothes, but you are talking about people. Celebrities, yes, but people. Kind of like spreading a little hate. Sorry, but I am not a fan.
  • I will say that if there is any negative to losing weight, this is it. Certainly no where near negative enough not to lose the weight, but still minorly negative. I am an extremely frugal person and I lost a lot too. I HATED buying clothes as I was losing, but short of walking around naked or in clothes 15 sizes too big I…
  • If you run alot, like I do, music always get boring and repetive. (even if you have 100s of songs). I learned many many months ago that audio books are the way to go. It is so easy to get caught up in a good story while I am running. I read a ton anyway and now I listen a lot as well. I very rarely listen to music while I…
  • That seems a little creepy to me.
  • I think I will read or maybe go walking. Thanks guys. :)
  • Military siq (sick in quarters) I can get in trouble if I go out. I am supposed to keep my heartrate down.
  • Please don't suggest I am making excuses or I am lazy. I am dr instructed not to work out. I am just bored. I don't think I would have lost over 100 pounds and maintained for months if I made excuses.
  • I posted almost this exact thing a while back. I now have the answer. 1. Order what you want (whatever you want.) 2. ask for a to go box with your food 3. put half to 2/3 of the meal in the to go box. 4. enjoy and you don't have to deprive yourself of anything AND you have for for the next day.
  • I lost over 100lbs and my breasts are miniscule compared to what they were after I had my kids. I went from a DD to a B. I personally like it.
  • Not just weight loss, but everything. I think I will look better if I lost 20 more pounds, and in turn feel better about myself. I was happy when I crossed the 100lb mark. I actually cried. But, I am still not satisfied. I don't really know what that would take or if it is even possible.
  • I am 145. I started at 251 and I am hoping to get between 125 - 135.
  • My story is in my signature. Pictures included.