Will you be giving yourself a break over Xmas?



  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    oh yeah! "cheat days" on thanksgiving, x-mas eve/day, then new years eve/day! i'm SO excited LOL :bigsmile:
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    No, this lifestyle isn't something I put on hold over the holidays. I will exercise pretty much at the same level, and eat right, but I will eat some holiday foods, but I still plan to loose weight during this next month of holidays, which is technically only 2 days, 3 if you count New Years. So, why do we put on weight for 3 days ? ? ? or put our health on hold? ? ? things we should ask ourselves. . .
  • Cathleenr
    i can celebrate any occasion without gorging myself, so that's what i'll be doing.
    what i do eat will fit into my maintenance plan.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I may increase from 1200 calories to 1500 calories to add a cookie or two and may add a cheat day or 2 on Christmas day or a Christmas party but then add more exercise to accommodate. I won't even worry about my husband's Christmas party and chalk that night and the next morning up to a party but I may see if the hotel it's in has a work out room so that I can help with a little of the destruction (it's out of town and always a gorge fest) but then I'll be harder on track for the next week!!!

    I want to maintain my weight loss or lose a few extra because I've put too much work into this to add more.
  • lynnetteebert
    I plan on sticking with my food plan---after all----it is a lifetime change. I'm not about to screw things up now after I'm on a roll!!
    It's mind over matter!! I don't feel as well when I go back to those "toxic" foods.
  • curlyclo
    curlyclo Posts: 243 Member
    I plan to keep logging and stay on track except for Thanksgiving, whichever night we eat latkes for Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year's Eve, when I won't log. But will still try to exercise on those days.
  • MrsCurtisinTX
    MrsCurtisinTX Posts: 88 Member
    It's going to be business as usual for me :)
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I will still workout throughout and on the holidays. If I want cake or pie I'll eat it. Just not a whole pie like I've done in the past.
  • SunshineAndLove
    SunshineAndLove Posts: 194 Member
    I feel guilty now but I am on holiday at my in laws for the whole week. I will have the dogs with me though so maybe I should just take them for long walks every day!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    on thankgsgiving day and christmas day i may allow myself a slice of pie. other than that its business as usual. ive been cheating for the last 10 years.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    one diet break day next tuesday when go xmas shopping as I very rarely get chance to eat out and shopping centre only has stuff like fish and chips/ mcdonalds/KFC anyway. .. back to diet till xmas day.. xmas day off... not missing my turkey and brandy trifle for anything.. lol!.... then back to diet & exercise again boxing day.. with my new games (Wii) and new routines for my workouts! :happy:
  • cuddlyrunner
    cuddlyrunner Posts: 116 Member
    I plan on having a Slimming World Xmas as much as possible, I break up from my job at school on the 16th until the 5th January so I plan on hitting the gym for extra time when it is open, don't know yet when it will be closed.I weigh on a Wednesday evening so that will be the 21st, if I could weigh the same on the 28th I would be really happy
  • acfkaren
    acfkaren Posts: 60 Member
    That is a really good question. I used to stack up on chocolate, savoury snacks, eat far too much, drink far too much and then resent how puffed out and bloated I felt. This year I WILL treat myself to my favourite chocolate and some twiglets, enjoy my Christmas dinner......................and tackle a few mountains in between!

    If I remember rightly I wanted healthy eating after all that junk last year.

    So all in all, treat myself, enjoy it, and then crack on!
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I want to come home from Christmas vacation having lost weight!!! I'll be at my parents but since they have heart problems, they basically eat the way I do, whole grains, low fat, low calorie items. I know they will want the traditional Christmas dinner, and I will partake but I will remember to portion out and log my meal!!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I'm currently a maintainer. I will not be logging from the 17th-25th because we're going on a cruise for Thanksgiving. I will be eating whatever I like (including dessert) and probably having a few drinks as well. But I will also be running a total of 18 miles, lifting 4 times, hiking and snorkeling, and taking the stairs everywhere. If I need a few days below maintenance to 'undo' anything when I get back, that's perfectly fine.

    I will be logging all through December. I'll might be over one day a week, but other than that it should be business as usual.
  • Prettyinpaisley
    Prettyinpaisley Posts: 40 Member
    I plan to make some of my own food dishes to share with my family (at least there will be some healthy options available for me, and I won't have to question every ingredient in everything). Thanksgiving is usually rough for anyway, as I'm the only one in my family who doesn't eat meat.

    I plan on loading up on clean foods (lots of fresh veggies) and exercising a LOT the day before - in case I do end up overindulging.

    I like the idea of estimating calories the day before. It makes sense to be aware.

    Also, Christmas will be the first time some of my family sees me since I've lost weight. I don't like the idea of them watching me stuff my face all night.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I plan to eat healthy the rest of my life. The calendar holidays have nothing to do with my eating habits.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    As Christmas is like any other day for me (and I'm quite possibly working on it), I plan to keep doing what I've been doing. I do celebrate the solstice, so I'll probably have a special meal on that day, but I'll still track and try not to overdo it. Same for Thanksgiving, though I'll probably give myself some wiggle room on that day, as I'll be with my family and therefore drinking.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    Well, Thanksgiving has long been over in Canada (October 10th ;)), so I don't have to worry about that. For Christmas, I don't plan to log on the actual day or probably eve, simply because it's complicated.. unless we just stay home, then I'll be making the food myself and it'll be easier to log. I'm definitely going to indulge and I'm ok with that. I'll go to the gym an extra hour, no biggie.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I haven't read any replies, the title of this just really urked me. Giving myself a break? From what? life? That is why diets fail. There is some kind of mental block where people can't except that until we take the power away from food, food will always win.