Will you be giving yourself a break over Xmas?



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The holidays are going to be really good for me. I love to cook, so I'm making dinner for 14 at my house, which involves a solid 3 days of cooking. I'm going to do the turkey and such, but working on compiling some new leaner recipes that still taste great.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    the only break I will be doing during the holidays is breaking a sweat, alot. food wise I just do what I did last year, eat what I want, in moderation. I lost 12 lbs.
  • SunshineAndLove
    SunshineAndLove Posts: 194 Member
    Interesting points of view, I know that even if I have a week off I can get straight back on it and get myself back to where I was within a couple of weeks, so I will enjoy all my treats, including chocolate and alcohol but for the first time EVER I think I might go to the gym in between Christmas and New Year, at least that will get rid of the feelings of guilt! I might also switch to maintenance for the week.

    You're right, there isn't any point in undoing all my hard work so maybe my mind set has changed and I'll just naturally be more careful.

    I guess we'll see come 24th December!
  • mcninja77
    mcninja77 Posts: 7 Member
    Nope not taking a break over Christmas.
    Still going to be working out and watching calories.
    I don't want to go backwards. =]

    Agree 1000%

    Im taking this route for sure .. I've noticed I enjoy eating healthier and I feel better after I eat. Indulging makes me feel like crap. I may have a peice of pecan pie but portion control is where its at and I will not go over my daily calories :)
  • Sandy2658
    Sandy2658 Posts: 20 Member
    I won't be taking a break over Thanksgiving or Christmas or New Year's. It's about planning ahead and eating sensibly. Will I have a taste of the cookie batter before it goes into the oven? Probably, but a taste...not the whole bowl. I have also started running again to still help me lose over the holidays. As of today I've lost 60 pounds...those are gone...I don't want to have to take them off again.
    The holidays are about being with the people you love...it isn't all about the food.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    Yes and no. Over Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am going to eat what I want. The only thing is, I am going to do so in moderation. The good thing is, I probably can't even eat close to what I was able to last year. I am having thanksgiving with a couple that is very very obese, so I probably won't go crazy because it scares me to imagine how the food is going to be prepared. I don't plan on losing any weight, hopefully just maintain if anything. Once the holidays are over, I will just keep doing what I'm doing. I am not planning on attempting to log everything those days, I think I might just throw in some quick calories or something.
  • rachelw16
    I'm Canadian, so Thanksgiving is done, however I have two Christmas celebrations (one with my mom and her side of the family and one with my dad and his side of the family...divorced parents). Christmas is my most favourite day of the year and I'll be damned if I worry about calories on that day. I'm expecting a gain of a few pounds, but really? I have 363 other days to worry about that.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I plan on logging in. If I see the numbers climb too much, I'm less likely to overindulge. I will be eating anything that I like though but will control how much.
  • chumeniuk
    chumeniuk Posts: 10 Member
    I took a break over my birthday weekend when family came in to town. Nothing bad happened and I found that even if I want to pig out, my stomach has shrunk to a point were I can't. I will enjoy both holidays, eat a nice meal for each and have dessert or cookies.
  • SecretlyBatwoman
    SecretlyBatwoman Posts: 79 Member
    Absolutely. I'd rather be 2 lbs heavier and 12 flavours of cookie happier.
  • Manysongs
    I may indulge here and there but I intend to stick with it. Exercise and logging in my food daily is key for me. I'm at my midway point and it would be too hard to just give in and have to restart.

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  • jammyone
    Me and my mum have signed up for a half-marathon which is that start of march. We've both said we'll skip the junk over Christmas and train to get the best times.

    However... we've promised ourselves that we're going to stuff our faces with chocolate eggs over Christmas!
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    No break.

    If this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE to improve my overallwell-being, then I do not need a break from becoming the best "me".

    I can enjoy my favourite foods of the season in moderation without overdoing it and sticking to my calorie plan. In truth, I have always felt crappy the day after I let myself down, so why go through that? To me, if I had decided to stop smoking as a healthy lifestyle choice, I would not take a "break" and smoke again over Christmas!

    If this was a DIET, then I can understand the break. Diets require breaks....lifestyle changes require dedication.

    I'd be sick the entire time, anyway. I actually tend to lose weight over the holidays, because I'm happy and surrounded with people I enjoy. (And...because I am typically cleaning up after said people).
  • darclewis
    I'm not giving myself a break. I have way too much to lose. Plus, we don't get a Christmas break at work so this is even more motivation to keep working on my goal
  • dia705
    dia705 Posts: 43
    Moderation is my goal. I will treat myself to some things i really enjoy on the holidays but only a piece or a small portion not like before my healthy lifestyle. I work so hard for those pounds to come off and know full well I could pack on 10 or 15 pounds EASILY from Christmas to New Years day. No thanks!
  • christi3296
    I'm with you. I plan to enjoy myself but I am still going to log and try to follow my plan. I don't want to start my new year feeling guilty. It's just not worth it to me. I will exercise more if need be.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I hadn't really thought about it. Wow, I like how almost everyone already has their holiday plan! LOL,

    My first goal is to get to 130 pounds by 2012. That means I have to lose 7 pounds. That's all I plan to do during these next weeks ;)
  • Jewcybabe
    Jewcybabe Posts: 241 Member
    I plan to log in/exercise only on the days that end in "y".......lol!~
  • SeattleLove
    I'm from Germany, therefore I don't have to worry about Thanksgiving, but there still are Christmas and New Year's. For those, I will definitely NOT take a break. Sure, I will allow myself a yummy Christmas dinner but my family coosk really healthy, so we won't have anythign that would mess up my routine. I will still work out over the break, especially to "deserve" the alcohol on New Year's.
    But no, I won't allow myself to eat like I did during my "fat days". this is my new lifestyle and why should I give it up?
    But I won't log on Christmas and new Year's, mainly because I don't want to spend on the computer ;)
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I don't like Christmas food very much, so I will do my best to stay on track despite the good intentions of my friends and family. That is, as much exercise as I can fit in, and filling the plate up with salad and veges as much as I can (and avoiding desserts).

    New Year's shouldn't be a problem - I don't drink and will be sharing the night in Melbourne with my partner, so that's all the celebration I need.