jolene_ca Member


  • I am 5'7" and fluctuating between 126-128 right now. I would ideally like to be 120-123. No huge rush though. I net about 1800 cals/day.
  • I wear size 26 jeans and my favorite undies are VS Pink's 5 for $26. I'm a Small in them.
  • I'm a stay at home mom of 5. I'm set at lightly active.
  • It has been incredibly easy for me in all honesty. I just never learned the proper way to eat before now. I changed my eating habits. I never feel deprived. I'm also a type A personality and succeed at things when I make the decision to pursue them.
  • I started at 199. (likely more...I avoided the scale). I'm 25yo, 5'7" and I have 5 children (6 pregnancies, I lost a child) before kids I maintained at 144, but then had many back to back pregnancies and it slowly crept up. After our 5th was born (6th pregnancy) I had postpartum depression and was still dealing with losing…
  • I am 5'7" 137lbs. I lose while netting 1400-1500 a day. :)
  • I'm West of the fire, in the valley. I got some really good photos of the smoke plume a few days ago when there wasn't much wind. I'm from a firefighting family too, so I imagine it's only a matter of time before a family member gets put on a strike team. Stay safe!
  • I make sure I leave room for something sweet in my calories every day.
  • I'm on week 3 day 2. I LOVE IT. I'm down 2-3lbs. (I was maintaining in a 1lb range at a BMI of 22 when I started) and I've lost inches. it goes by super quick and even though it's intense at times by the time you realize how hard you're working it's almost over. And when I'm done I feel like I've gotten a great workout. I…
  • I'm starting week 3 of T25 tomorrow :) Saving up for the stuff I need to get going with Body Beast I'm going to do it! ETA: I was trying to quote and it didn't work. :(
  • I'm doing T25 right now but I'm wantind to try Body Beast mext I think. I'm gaining tons of definition on T25 makes me want more, and I'm thinking BB is going to be the way to go.
  • Love it. I'm on week 2 day 7. I forgot to take my measurements when I started but did a couple days into the second week. my measurements are smaller today and it obviously hasn't been that long. As far as weight loss goes, I'm down a pound, but I'm finishing up TOM and I eat a very modest deficit as I am at a healthy…
  • Set your myfitnesspal loss to 1lb a week. Get in exercise when you can. If you stick to your calories, the weight will come off. I had 6 back to back pregnancies since 2005, I'm 2lbs below my pre kids weight. I didn't lose an ounce between pregnancies and then gained 15lbs AFTER my last child. I got pregnant with my 1st at…
  • I'm 5'7". 142lbs and measurements are 34-29-36. I was shooting for 135 but now I'm thinking maybe 125. I'm losing very slowly now, I upped my calories and I've increased exercise so hoping I can make a dent in my waist and thighs.
  • I'm a SAHM to 5 kids (7, 6, 4, 3, and 21 months) I was doing 90 minutes of cardio at the gym 5x a week. I burned out on that fast because I had to go while my husband was home as adding daycare to my gym membership would bump it from $30 to $120 a month. I started T25 last week and LOVE it. I feel like I'm getting a really…
  • I sent a request to join. I did day 5 today. Love it so far. I have 5 kids and they're all on summer vacay my exercise had fallen to the wayside. This I can get done quickly before they wake up, I'm done for the day, and still feel like I got a good workout in.
  • I log theme/water parks the same as the above poster mentioned. I log walking at a leisurely pace for 1/2 the time spent in the park. I do Disney every other month and it's the best I can figure out without wearing a HRM all day.
  • I started it yesterday. Did day 2 today and I'm really enjoying it so far. I have to use the modifier more than I would like to, but I've been off my workout game for a few months.
  • My first 30lbs I lost at 1200 cals. Then I bumped it up to 1500 and the weight loss actually picked up a bit. I'm f/25/5'7". I've been losing steadily at 1500 and I'm inching towards goal so I'm trying to up them to the 1650 range now.
  • I set my own. I eat MORE than MFP's suggestion for 1lb a week. I am losing 1.5-2lbs a week most weeks.
  • Going from being able to eat whatever I want and stay healthy, to 6 pregnancies in 6 years and a metabolism that couldn't keep up with my over consumption anymore. Didn't attempt to lose weight in the short time between pregnancies. Now my youngest is 20 months and I've lost every ounce I gained throughout all of my…
  • Awesome work! I'm totally jealous of your stomach skin. Doesn't look the smallest bit stretched out. You look amazing. I'm a mom to 5 too. (7, 6, 4, 3 and 20 months) I gained 15lbs AFTER having my 5th and that was the last straw. I'm down to 142 from 199. Shooting for 135. Maybe less. (I'm 5'7)
  • 1. Finally believing I CAN lose the baby weight. (I did! every ounce of it is gone!) 2. I'm a type A personality, so daily logging really suits me. 3. I eat whatever I want as long as it fits my macros I never feel deprived. I log ahead of time, and then will make any necessary tweaks throughout the day. But by logging…
  • I had my oldest 7.5 years ago and I just hit my prepregnancy weight this week. I had 5 kids (6 pregnancies) in 5 years after my 1st.
  • I'm 5'7" 144lbs measurements 34-30-36
  • I have about 12lbs to go and it is coming off slower. Although a month and a half ago I stalled (1200 cals) so I upped my cals to 1500 and started losing again.
  • 8 piercings (3 in my ears and I retired my tongue piercing) A half sleeve (tiki and hawaiin flowers with gears with symbolic trinkets in them on my inner bicep) Going to make if a full sleeve I think. Large Celtic Mother's Knot on my upper middle back. Flanked by 3 stars on each side for all of my babies. And I have a…
  • 5'7" goal weight is 135. 12.8 lbs to go!
  • Never posted a photo on this site so hopefully it works