

  • Scientific studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are lower in weight (and body fat) than those who skip breakfast. You should try to eat some protein/carb/fat mix to keep you full longer, but if you don't like breakfast eating a small snack of any thing is better than nothing. My weekday breakfast is usually…
  • I hate pics of myself, when I look in the mirror I think I look ok, good even. However every picture I seem to have a double chin, a big belly and am slightly bucked teeth. I think it's the way I stand or some thing, I don't know. But concentrate that people always look better (and thinner) in person and let the nasty pics…
  • I use Boditronics, I think there Banana flavor is great. I try to have my shakes with a little added fibre, like husks, in it to help fill me up a little more. Your best bet is just to try a few flavors, often sore will have sample sachets to buy. So you can try them out without going to the expensive of buying a big tub.
  • I had yogurt and berries for breakfast and my sugar was over! I try to limit the amount of added sugar in things and ignore the natural sugars in fruit and veg, that way I tend to stay in the green :) How to beat sugar cravings, well the longer I go with out the less the plague me but some times I will go with sweet fruit…
    in Sugar Comment by rvkirk March 2010
  • I do plan my meals for the day and calculate the calories before hand some times to ensure what I have planned will be ok. I make sure I eat low calorie proteins and veggies that will keep me full and not hungry. The less hungry you feel the easier it is. Recognising what meals keep you full and what don't really helps.…
  • Well done :happy: Yesterday I had to eat at a company provided lunch, as was at a conference, not a lot of healthy things there. I did however manage to avoid the morning pastries, the afternoon donuts and at the lunch didn't have the chocolate fudge cake and opted for the fruit salad. Before MFP I would of had all three,…
  • In the freezer section I see a lot of steam in the bag micro wave veggies, these would be great to eat and cook without having to go into the kitchen. Also if you could get a george forman type thing to cook meat/chicken/etc on in your apartment? You can cook loads of stuff on that. Or just ignore the mother and nudge her…
  • What about leek and potato? Use a small amount of butter/oil to fry onions (1 big one), garlic (2 cloves) and leeks in, I like to add lots of leek as low calorie and yummy. Don't brown them but sweat them. Then add the potato's (500g), I would chop these up into chunks about 2cm. Place these in and then add stock (enough…
  • Love them as a healthy sweet treat, but try to eat them when you have the calories to spare. Though if you just have to have some thing sweet it's better than some refined pure sugar treat :) I love them for breakfast with yogurt.
  • The more weight I have lost the lesscellulite I have, I also notice my stretch marks more though. From what I understand cellulite is fat poking through the muscle tissue. Losing fat means less to show and exercise tones up the muscle so makes it harder for the fat to poke through. Some people are more prone to it than…
  • Try buying frozen veg, brocolli, cabbage etc as this has no salt but in a pan of water is ready in5 mins. Then have some protein with it that cooks quickly, like grilled chicken, grilled fish etc and you have a healthy meal inminutes. Also you could make batches of your favorite foods, then freeze them in separate portions…
  • bump to read replies later I would suggest low fat cheese dips with veggies, slices of lean meats ( cold meat buffet style thing) and for chips use a peeler to make thin slices of veggies, use parsnips, beetroot, sweet potato etc. Then spray a little fry lite type substance, or even spray a little oil on them, put them in…
  • Food bills are going up, we spend now about £100 a week on food where we use to spend about £60 just over a year ago!! I think the cheap junk food doesn't help with healthy diets. I could of brought 20 packs of crips (chips for Americans reading) for £1 at the supermarket the other day on special offer. 6 apples costs £1,…
  • Wow the shape of your face has really changed, you look great and so happy:) Well done.
  • We call it Shrove Tuesday in the UK, or pancake day:) I didn't have any yesterday but British style pancakes, not the fluffy americaknsort or the thin Crepe sort, with lemon and sugar are to die for. My mum used to spend hours making us all pancakes when we were kids. The sugar was just to high though, maybe I'll make some…
  • In 15 mins you can burn quite a few calories, these add up and over a couple of weeks can mean an extra pound coming off. Also a short burst of activity can also raise your metabolic rate for a good coupke of hours (meaning more calorie loss) and exercise has been shown to reduce appetitte. You should fit in exercise when…
    in Time!! Comment by rvkirk February 2010
  • I ran a 5 k in sept but hurt my knee and haven't really run since. Down loaded the couch to 10k app yesterday and going to try that out, hopefully my knee will be ok. My husband us a personnel trainers and has offered to teach me to run properly! Now 100 push ups sounds hard, can do about 10 very girly ones. Will try…
  • My fav is quorn, you get lots for your calories, brocolli with low fat Philly on top. Yummy. Also omlette with 1 whole egg and then add egg whites, as they are low cal with lots if veggies.
  • All sorts of things can change your cycle, even just being around other women as cycles tend to sync up when women spend time together. If your worried see a doc though to be sure. I feel your frustration though, came off pill in oct and have been all over the place. It can take up to 12 months for your body to readjust,…
  • I've done the classes you mean, they are very popular in gyms here. They all can give you a good work out, body combat uses lots of kicking and punching moves and can really work up a sweat. I do body attack and body pump once a week, body pump is great for toning. Generally the classes have several levels that you can…
  • Hello and welcome, love your profile picture by the way. :flowerforyou:
  • gotta love the daily commute. Southwest trains are a nightmare recently. Do you gym in central London? If so which one? Loving the sunshine today, seems like the first time I've seen it in ages
  • Hey, I live in Guildford :)
  • I am in your area, work in London and live just south east of the captial. I know a few others are this this area as well from what they have said on their posts.:flowerforyou:
  • For breakfast generally have yogurt and fruit. For lunch I have home made soup with tofu in it, try to avoid the bread but might have a roll. Dinner is varied, but lots of quorn, broccolli and green beans. Generally have a protein shake a day and my treats are 100 cal portions of chocolate every so often.
  • I've been veggie all my life and have been trying to eat fish and meat my whole life but just can't stand it. Recently was in turkey and managed to eat if not like the fresh grilled fish they served. It didn't taste as fishy but even prepared the same way at home can't eat it. Maybe it's just in my mind. I can eat tofu and…
  • Hey Jo, I'm also in London and 27 :) Can't believe it's been snowing here again! Well done for your weight loss so far, good luck with the rest of the journey. Looking forward to hearing your updates :flowerforyou:
    in Hi :) Comment by rvkirk February 2010
  • I did that yesterday, getting into my uk size 8 trousers last worn in 2007 and threw away loads of clothes that were very very big. Well done, you must be proud. All you need to do now is get some new clothes:)
  • I too love the motavational tool of this is how much you could way in 5 weeks. Makes me want to hit my target the next day. Also if I eat some thing unhealthy and add it makes me realise how I was eating before was a lot more calorific than I thought. Now feel that lots of food, eg 800 calorie slice of cake really isn't…
  • I think subbing is the way to go try frozen yogurt, frozen grapes (they taste really nice) or even making your own ice-cream where you can remove some of the sugar and calories etc. The other option is know your going to eat it and plan for it, eat less cals during the day, run a bit extra at the gym and eat it feeling you…