rea1980 Member


  • I would always count them, like you said theyare intake. But take them with some lower calorie options like unsweetened almond milk, less than half the calories of skim milk. I would avoid juices in the middle of the night, you don't want to spike your insulin at that time.
  • I went to running store when I decided to start running and they fit me and recommended the Asics Gel Landreth 6. The 7's are out now and since I started wearing these shoes, no more shin splints, they breath really nicely, very comfortable and they have a heel clutching system which has made it so I don't have any…
  • Both of those are very sugar heavy drinks, but an alternative that some magarita fans have liked that is lower calories, tequila, with club soda and squeze some lime juice into it. This will not be nearly as sweet as a margarita, but a good substitute.
  • So nice to see more people from eastern Iowa. Welcome to MFP.
  • Proper form and good shoes will make a huge difference in how your legs and joints will feel. I would suggest going to an actual running store for the shoes, that way they will check your pronation and fit you. Makes a huge difference. When I first tried running I just went and bought a randon pair of running shoes at a…
  • N.O. supplementing can cause increased aggression in some people.
  • HEre is a sight you can build your subway sandwich in and see its nutrional values.
  • I used Hal Hidgon's traing schedule. I started with his 5k and then did his 10K one. Each is 8 weeks long. Seeing as how you have plenty of time until your race, I would maybe consider using C25K program first to get your body used to running.
  • A good gym to me is one that you feel comfortable in, staff is friendly, and staff will help you out if there is a piece of equipment that you don't know how to use. Some people really like taking classes, so if that is important to you than ask them for a class schedule and if the classes are included in the membership.…
  • There is nothing wrong with having a little indulgence everynow and then, but even if you are under your calories "junk" food can still cause you to gain weight. This happens because of simple sugars. When they enter your body it causes and insulin spike. Insulin plays an extremely large role in storing fat. Whenever…
  • I did ok this weekend, made it to the gym everyday. Didn't eat much bad stuff, just a couple of brownies. Ended up golfing yesterday and we walked the course so I got a nice unexpected extra workout there.
  • QC here - Although I am on the Iowa side
  • I've always wondered what life at sea would be like. Where do I sign up for this job?
  • I love good beers, my favorites tend to be IPA's. My favorite of all time is Lenny's RIPA, made by He'brew(Schmaltz Brewing Company) I haven't been able to find it around here for a while, which is disappointing. Another favorite of mine is the Unearthly Imperial IPA from Southern…
    in Beer geeks? Comment by rea1980 July 2011
  • Drink tons of water and eat back your exercise calories, if you set up MFP correctly with your weight and your goal each week it will build the deficit in for you. If you are not consuming enough calories your body will be in starvation mode. When you eat make sure every calorie counts. Don't eat those 100 calorie snacks,…
  • My boss' say I am an estimator, I say I do contractor sales, however what I really seem to do all the time is pointless paperwork for my sales. Looking at going back to school, so I can get a job that I enjoy a lot more.
  • Post work out shake lately has been: Chocolate protein shake mix Vanilla Almond Milk 1 banana.
  • Best Shake weight video I have seen. It is meant to be funny, enjoy.
  • Every Morning I take: Fish Oil Alpha Lipoic Acid Super B-Complex L-Glutamine After workout I have a protein shake Some nights I take more L-Glutamine(Depending on how hard my workout was)
    in Supplements Comment by rea1980 June 2011
  • Now my only question is, when are you ladies available to go shopping with me?
  • You could take both. I take fish oil and a super B complex vitamin. I would recommend some sort of complex B vitamin, because the even though the B vitamons are all different some of them have to have each other to do anything. Also all B vitamins are water soluable, so after your body decides how much it needs the rest…
  • This is exactly why I like MFP because you get to learn all the aspects of nutrion and you can better understand what you are actually eating without trying to convert stuff to that point scale of WW. Also this is free and there is great support on here. I use the mobile app all the time, and go online a couple times a…
  • I would look at the rest of your diet. Are you spreading out your calories throughout your day or are you eating most of them at one time? How is the sodium content of the food you are eating? If you are eating a lot of food from work, how is it prepared or how are you preparing your food, because the preperation of…
  • First you need to find your BMR(Base Metabolic Rate) that is how many colories you would burn if you did nothing for an entire day, and I mean literally nothing. For example mine is 1,941. But under normal daily activity I figure I am going to burn an extra 500 calories, which is on the lower side because I work at a desk…
    in Need Help! Comment by rea1980 June 2011
  • There is no food or drink that can just increase your metabolism. There are certain foods that can help raise temporarily like green tea or spicy foods, but the increased metabolism isn't significant and doesn't last long. Stimulants are only temporary and do not last. You need to train your body to raise its own…
  • On average the weight of meats will reduce 20-30% from cooking, however leaner meats like fish might only reduce 15% while other meats that aren't that lean might reduce more than 30%. The cooking method can cause variations in how much reduction there is as well. Because there is so much variation in the cooked weight of…
  • I love tuna melts with miricle whip. I just might have to make that for dinner tonight.
  • It is the oxidation that turns it brown. So you need to remove air from them. If I don't use the whole avacado, I usually make guacamole or something similiar with it, but when i wrap it with plastic I put the plastic directly on the avacado instead of around the top of the container. This will stop it from turning brown.
  • This website has tons of different restaurants nutrional facts there is a couple of chinese places on there too. I use it a lot to figure out what I am going to have ahead of time if I am going out.
  • I had my usual exciting bowl of fiber one with skim milk.