Dry till February! Great goal, sometimes I forget how the beer cals add up quick, good luck!
Love my morning jo, have cut out adding any sugar, a bit of almond milk or creamer tho!
My daughter is 3/30
Have been building back into work-outs! This injury has forced me to use different machines that I never usually use. The stairmaster, bike and swimming. A little un sure when to re introduce high impact classes I normally take.
I have been sticking with the bike, but I am going to try the rowing machine tom. Hopefully the elipticsl next week, thanks for the idea.
Great ideas!
I plan avoiding alcohol & desserts!
For sure cycling! Outside mostly, love to get the fresh air! I like to run short distances as well but the pounding on my knees is tough. Maybe try mixing it up.
Yes! I love to cook! If I plan ahead I can have wonderful meals! If not of course and or on super busy days we are getting take out. Yuck! I now prefer my own cooking hands down! Shopping ahead and planning a menu are key for me, some people like to have things like chicken breasts hard boiled eggs etc. for a quick meal,…
Wine spritzer, half wine half sparkling water. Ok sometimes I put more wine less water!
Hey, I here ya! Sticking with it is half the battle, add me if you like.
I have recently started doing P 90X, I use it on the days I don't have time for the gym. I really like the Plyo! What do you think so far. I want to try insanity next!
I love hummus it is tasty and filling, but I have to watch what I eat it with veggies a good option, crackers not so much!
Congrats on your weight loss! I too had loose skin after having kids, since, I have done a lot of strength training, and a lot of core work, with planks and push ups. It still is not perfect but my arms have shape, where they used to hang and my tummy is tighter. Good luck! I recently sent you a friend request.
Yikes! I think it's worth it though!
Wow Scotland! Great to hear your putting yourself first. Add me!
Hi, welcome and good luck to you! Add me if you like, wow your picture reminds me of Adelle!
I try to mix it up with kickboxing boot camp and different light weights, ideally four days, for my schedule allows.The eliptical when I am not free at a class time. Good luck with that last eight!!
Thanks guys!!
Great to have goals!!
I started the 30 day shred about two and half years ago now, it really helped jump start my love of working out! Thanks Jillian Michaels. It was really hard at first but after doing it for the thirty days then off and on when I worked out at home, I got excited knowing I could finish it without struggling so much. Best of…
Yes for sure!
One positive, its easier to work out with less!
Almost everyone I know including my self has either read or knows somebody that has!
Amazing attitude! Keep up the good work!
hummus and rice crackers or raw vegg
Welcome aboard!
I feel like life is short so if I take a day off usually a Sat or Sun, I will get back on track the next day.
Like your photo, you could just give that 5 o"clock shadow glare....