I have no friends either (on here that is((I hope))). Got some work to do and just filling in calories is not enough please add me
Hello, I'm 41 this month and 16.10 stone. Keep using this site for diet recording but always get lazy at weekends and afternoons. Especially when we eat complicated meals.(unfortunately my wife's beautiful cooking doesn't come with a bar code)
I have done exactly the same, once I was happy with my weight I basically got bored of adding food every day and thought I had a good idea how much I was eating without it. Well jump forward two years and I am exactly the same weight as when I started. So now I have a lot of work to do as I am getting married in Dec. this…
In Britain you would be lucky to get bonked ;-)
I LOVE CHOCOLATE MILK !!!!!!!! just not too much;-)
High Five !
i drink them after a workout because the protein gets straight to my muscles fast and repairs them, when you are training you are making tiny tears in your muscle fibre(fiber for those across the Atlantic) that the protein will help fill in, the sooner after a workout the better, hence using a shake and not waiting to go…
I love the idea of writing down your good days to refer to on the bad, i think this could really work!!
here here!!
Suicidal Tendencies!!! love this post by the way, new music helps me work out no-end!!
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ This Music choice ROCKS !!! this is definitely the best music to work out to!!!
respect to the above , i thought we were all trying to help each other here! i eat half mine back if i have done a huge burn but only if i'm hungry i never force myself!
above gets xtra for cute dog!! 8/10
This is huge site now and a percentage are likely to be rude just as in life , just don't forget about the thousands more nice people on here who are all striving for the same goal just like myself!
Here here, one of my mfp pals posted a great motivational blog yesterday and all she got back was attitude!!! i love using this site and have great mfp friends though!
Drink!!! always enjoy a drink on a friday after work, especially when the sun is shining but i always have too many , wake up hungry and craving rubish food . I am not going to stop going out and being sociable so i am going to limit myself to every other week and see how it goes!!
strength and resistance training. not just abs but full core workout. You won't look like mrs/mr T but you will shift those xtra pounds!!
good look, but do remember it is a vacation you do have to let your hair down a little just get straight back on it when you return. Happy Hols
I mostly like films but on tv i think the Americans do great shows especially on hbo, like Sopranos, true blood ,6 feet under and really can't wait for Game of Thrones to come out on blu ray because the books are brill. I also like friends and big bang theory, I love Attenborough docs , i find soaps boring though!
i have been filling this in a few weeks now and found it really helpful. I have joined gym since xmas and wondered why i wasn't shifting any fat !! but when looking at my results on here even when i thought i was being healthy i was being no where near!! It's really starting to work and i feel great . Also there's some…
Yes thank you!! i have had this prob ever since i started running , i always take loo role out with me just in case there is not a pub nearby i can just pop in. luckily where i live is quite rural! i have noticed though that these last few weeks i have watched my diet more closely and the prob is getting better , i have…
This is a great place to start , it really helps to keep an eye on what you eating. I have consumed loads in the past even though i thought i was being healthy!! And also have a read through some of the weight loss stories on here they are really inspiring . Good luck!!
Wow thanks to this thread i have found loads of really cool fitness stuff on i tunes podcasts for free!!
thank you all poached eggs and wholemeal toast wins!!
Totally agree with this and the others. Fun with family and friends is far more important than scales , I just find its hard to decipher when the fun stops and the over indulgence takes over. But you just have to brush it off the next morning and get back to it. The odd night is ok as long as you get back to it , have fun!
I have never seen any large marathon runners! If you increase your cardio then increase your calories too , good calories will trigger your metabolism not harm it , as long as your not over eating your weight will drop and you will stay healthy . It may take longer but hey this is a marathon not a sprint(excuse the pun) .…
ok what bready tipe products are not full of starch ?
i probably should of made myself something more substantial than peanut butter on toast , but when i came back from my run i just wanted something quick. I Thank you for all your advice i will not push myself to eat something i don't want but maybe get up a bit earlier tomorrow and boil some eggs .
I treated myself to a pair of adidas adistar ride 3 . They have more cushioning on the heel than the front of the foot so i feel support when i land but don't lose power when i push off. I think all running styles are helped by different types of trainers and at our gym they run a test on you to see which is best (then…