Jaccilatt5 Member


  • Im in!! I need to lose a 13 lb turkey...do those even exist? Who cares!! Gobble Gobble!!
  • I love Kashi!! If you have a Marcs near you check it out there its around $2.25 a box there
  • Well at my thinnest adult weight I was 128(5 years ago)...WWAAAYYY to thin...at my heaviest I was 196(6 months ago)....So I went through pics of me at different stages of weight gain and Ive decided on somewhere between 145and 150. Currently I am 166 and am finally getting to a point where I am liking things about my body…
  • Today!!! I hit -31lbs this morning. I started the second week of january so like just over 3 months. Im so super pumped!!!
  • Im buying a tiffanys necklace once I reach my goal weight. Ive always wanted something from tiffanys so I figured this is the perfect reason to splurge!!
  • Voted!! I hope she wins!!
  • I absolutely loved the 30 day shred! I was getting great results too.....but I decided to give it up when I talked to an Ortho Dr at the hospital where I work and she said that my sore knees were from some of the exercises in the video I told her about. Such as level 1 warm up~knee circles and Level 2 ~static lunge.....I…
  • I cant wait till I can post new pics of me being 30 lbs down!!! thanks everyone!!
  • thanks everyone I wish the pics would have turned out better cause I am really happy about how much my stomach has gone down....Again thanks everyone sooooo much for all of the encouragement so far
  • ok sorry for the huge pics...i dont know how to fix it : ( I even lower cased the img. well Im gonna put them in under my pics on my profile if you wanna check them out there
  • I got through to level 2 and my knee pain got worse...I tried to tough it out but I ended up quiting around day 17. This is the first exercise that made my knee hurt like this so I figured something must have been wrong. so I took 2 days off after I quit and now Im back to kick boxing, zumba, running and anything else I…
  • Im in the same boat....me and my husband just found out that we OWE the IRS $8100!! We were barely above water as it was and now this...im just trying to not let this completely screw my diet. : ( If you find a way to stay positive and not let it get you down please let me know!
  • So my goals for the month went something like this...do the 30 day shred, eat less processed foods, try 2 new work outs and be down 4 lbs.... Well today is the 15th (half way there) and heres where Im at....Im on day 15 of the shred and man is level 2 kicking my butt! I could still cut out some more processed foods but I…
  • I weigh in after breakfast, working out, shower and with my clothes on...I figure it doesnt really matter if I weighless naked at 7 am...no one sees me like, my 11am fully dressed and ready to go is how I go out into the world so thats what I go by. Its works for me. Plus this way when I go to the Dr Im not surprised when…
  • I totally know how you feel...sometimes its 6-7 days between me "going". If increased my water (over a gallon a day) and Im taking fiber supplements and Im working out everyday.....nothing seems to be working. I thinking Im going to try Miralax or Go Lightly. That way its not some long drawn out thing....8 or so hours of…
  • Ok so I am sooooo close to my first mini goal of losing 15lbs! I am 1 lb away and it just doesnt seem to want to happen! So Im thinking about trying a spinning class. This way Ill get another step close to my goals and Ill fullfill one of my goals for this challenge - trying a new work out......but Im scared! What if I…
  • I do Zumba and its an intense class...I log it as aerobics, which level depends on how much I worked it in the class...I hope this helps
  • I have a job where I get to work with amazing people....maintain a 3.9 GPA.....Have a wonderful, hott, supportive husband....oh yea and I love my Butt!!!! Thats a new one for me but I have to admit its getting pretty good!!
  • I use the shakes for breakfast in the morning....but only because I am lactose intollerant and even though it does have milk in it for some reason it doesnt bother me..It helps me get my calcium and works as a good and wuick breakfast...Idk if the 321 diet is a good way to go or not but if youre giong to do it buy your…
  • Manchester here! Ive been an Akronite my whole life!
  • Hell Yea!! I feel the same way...I for the most part eat well and work out every day. So if I decide to indulge....Im allowed! I say so! "No one can make you feel inferior without your concent " Eleanor Roosevelt
  • JacciLatt5- Ive never done this before but here it goes. I want to do the 30 Shred Dvd this month; eat less processed foods; try atleast 2 new workouts; be down @least 4 lbs..well there it is :) good luck everyone!
  • Anyone on here ever been to Swensons??? Id have two Galley boys and not think twice about it...ohhh and I LOVED cheap bowling alley style nachos with all that fake horrible (yet yummy) cheese....yuck!
  • A zumba instructor told me to just go by...if you feel like you could definately kick it up a notch and be ok its general....if you find it tough to talk while your doing it then its moderate...if you feel like you have sweated your body weight and you feel like you wanna die then its high impact... Lets just say that her…
  • Thanks. Im gonna hit the grocery store tomorrow and try to stick to the produce department more. Thanks for the honesty.
  • I have founf my self on the verge of tears over tv commercials!!! That is sooooooo not like me!! I thought it was just me so Im glad you posted this. Im not an emotional eater, in fact Im the opposite. If Im upset I cant force myself to eat. So it must be the release of all the crap that is built up in my system.
  • How exciting! Congrats on the 20lbs!
  • I hate the 5 foods you should never eat one!!! Since when are bananas bad? They are GREAT for pre or post workout snacks! Hello.....anyone remember potassium>??? p.s. I love the sonoma diet one....drink wine and lose weight? where can I sign up? lol
  • Check ou the bottom of your scale...how many weight sensors does it have? Most home scales have only one, which means that it will vary depending on how you distribute your weight when your standing. One time I stood on mine and almost cried cause I had gained 3 lbs! So I got on again and stood up straight while looking…
  • I cant say that this has ever happend to me, but if it did I would work out alot more! lol